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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 766 (11/3/00 8:49:17 pm) ![]() |
Elite Week 8
Getting down to the nitty gritty. Who will be next? |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 353 (11/4/00 12:03:40 am) ![]() |
to the totem pole.....
Not that this matters, but I did notice the lack of posting over the last week. ![]() ![]() ![]() ================== MSR dried herself off then put on her dirty clothes before heading out to see results. Upon reading her name as the one voted off, she shouted, "Whoo Hooo! I'm off this rock, baby! See ya! Just in time for 'The X-Files' S8 premiere!" ![]() From inside the stone chamber, SE remarked "She's either gone out of her mind or she really wants off." ![]() "Out of her mind," commented an irritated DMD, who discovered that he couldn't have a hot shower. MSR had tightened the cutoff valve for the hot water when she was in the bathroom. She knew that this would be her last chance to make everyone's life a living hell for voting her off. She opened up her pocketknife and pulled out the wrench. She tightened that valve until the threads were stripped. There was no way that anyone was going to get a decent hot shower after her. She laughed as her plans fell into place. Finally, the time was right. $14,000 would go a long way. ![]() "She's taking this rather well," Y remarked as she went back over her notes on her clipboard. MSR bounded down the stairs like a small playful child, giggling all the way down. She hadn't been this happy in months. "Hey, Y, I don't need the boat. Where I'm going, I won't need one," she said to Y. There was a large smile on her face. ![]() This caught all of them by surprise. "Okay, I'll tell them to stay put." ![]() S8 whispered to SE, "She's gone crazy." Tex added, "Well it's the three of you that did it to her." ![]() "Hey, it wasn't me," SE blurted out. "What do you mean?" asked a perplexed S8. "Don't look at me," DMD added. "Whatever. I'll go see if I can calm down the poor girl." Tex walked off to the corner of the chamber, laughing. MSR took out her pocketknife and whipped off her jacket that she was wearing. Using the large blade, she began to cut into the edge of the collar. "Um... MSR are you okay?" asked a concerned SE as he walked over to her. "What makes you think that I'm not?" she replied with a manic smile on her face. SE backed up slightly when she ripped something out of the collar. SE couldn't really see what it was in the poorly lit chamber. It looked metallic to him. "Y, did you make that check out as per my request?" asked MSR as she ripped off a shiny metal button from two of her shirt pockets. "What exactly are you doing?" asked SE as he made sure that his knife was still on his belt. "Going home. What's it look like?" MSR flipped out another gadget from her glow in the dark pocketknife. "I'll be right back." She took off up the stairs. "Um... I wouldn't stay too close to her. She isn't what she appears to be," Tex warned. DMD and SE gave each other a silent agreement to go after her. They went after her before any explanation was given. "Why is that?" asked S8 who stayed behind. Tex continued. "Let's just say that she's dangerous in her own way." He saw Y nodding in agreement. Above ground... MSR looked around for an open space, away from the ever-present coconut and fruit trees. The sun was high in the sky without a cloud to cover it. Taking out one of the flat rocks that she kept with her most of the time, she placed one of the buttons on it. SE and DMD scanned the area until they saw her about a hundred yards away, kneeling over something. They couldn't figure out what she was doing and decided to approach her with caution. All of them had noticed that she was preoccupied with the cave that served as their campsite. She would venture there for several hours at a time. A couple of times, DMD had caught her talking loudly to herself. She said that she was just thinking out loud. Tex had seen her writing on the cave walls as well as deciphering the maps that filled certain walls of the cave. Tex had returned the next day to find that certain sections that she had written were now erased, but he could piece it together what was left. "I think she's totally lost it," DMD said as they slowly walked in her direction. SE thought over the last few days. "I tend to agree, that D&D game we played was unlike anything I have every played. She must have gone crazy thinking of all those boobytraps and situations. That map went all over the place. Half of the time I thought she was taking being dungeon master way too seriously. You should have seen the evil smiles she gave me when I got out of some hairy situations." He felt a chill run down his back as he remembered the time when she started screaming like a banshee when his knight had been caught in a dead end after running away from a fight that he couldn't win. ![]() DMD smiled. "You're both obsessed with that game. I can't believe you just gave up when you got to be dungeon master. She scare you that much?" SE stopped dead in his tracks. "Not scared. I couldn't make it challenging for her. I needed the dungeon master book of monsters to make it worth her while. So I quit while I was ahead." DMD turned to his left and saw that SE wasn't there. He walked back to him. "No, you didn't want her to laugh at you when she easily demolished your monsters and racked up the experience points." "Well, that too," smirked SE. "If she gets out of hand..." "You're going to Rock bottom her right?" It was DMD's time to smirk this time. SE grinned. "I was thinking Stone Cold's stunner." "Like I said. You and her are obsessed." DMD walked toward MSR before he could hear SE's rebuttal. "Hey, that's not true," SE said as he caught up with him. DMD put his hand up to stop SE from continuing with his thoughts and motioned toward MSR. MSR had thrown something and went back to doing what ever she was doing previously. The still couldn't make out what she was doing. "Uh... don't provoke her. Tex said not to stay close to her. That's a strange thing to say." DMD wondered what he had meant. "We'll have to talk to him privately later on. What is she doing?" SE was at a lost of what had happened to her. MSR got up after throwing something else. She ran toward SE and DMD then slowed to a walk about twenty feet from them. "Hey, I'm about ready to leave. I have to tell you two something," she said as she stood in front of them. She turned to SE first, "Do you remember where all the bobbytraps were when we were playing the game?" "Yeah, I wrote it on the map. I still have it in the cave," SE replied not knowing where this was going. "Good. That's the map to the abandoned ruins and that's the place where the treasure is. Choose wisely white knight and you will be rewarded." ![]() SE's face lit up like he was back playing GI Joe in his backyard. ![]() "That's for me to know and you to find out," she replied with a smile. ![]() She turned to DMD next and pulled something out of her pockets. "Three rocks!" he exclaimed. "Please, you're not giving them to me." MSR opened his hands and placed them in his hands and closed his hands over them. "Take them. They are needed when you go to the ruins. The maps said that you need these. It took me forever to find the ones with the correct dimensions." "Your pet rocks that you always lose," DMD said wryly. "Kay, Drew and Ann." ![]() "Say their names fast and you'll hear something else," she replied with a chuckle. She saw Y, S8 and Tex making their way to them. Y had the envelope with her check and handed it too her. "Thanks Y. I had a lot of fun. Let's do it again some day." ![]() MSR took out her pocketknife once again and walked to a smiling Tex. She pulled out the magnifying glass she had used earlier and handed it to him. "And you too can be a firestarter like me." They both chuckled. ![]() "Wait a sec. You had a magnifying glass all this time and you let me use the lighter," commented DMD. MSR and Tex smiled. "How else could she light wet kindling? Ha ha." ![]() "Yeah and now we we're out of lighter fluid. Thanks a lot MSR," DMD spat out. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "No one asked so why give up information that's not asked," she replied with a giant grin. ![]() "S8, I bestow on you my cooking duties. Have fun. Well you all have fun and I'll vote for someone later." She pointed her pocketknife in front of her and opened a vortex which shocked all of them. "What the..." they exclaimed. She put a tiny comm unit around her ear. "A vortex. Duh. Bye." She ran toward the shimmering red whirlpool and disappeared. When the vortex closed, Tex remarked, "She's off to finish her plans for parallel world domination. That's what was in the cave." Y said, "You remember on the application where I asked about next of kin. She's the reason for it. If she accidently or purposely knocked you off, your relatives would get 10 million for restitution. She's the leader of Group X, that terrorist organization. She was hiding and keeping low from the assassination attempts. Well, I hope she doesn't cause too much damage." The others were left with their mouths hanging as Y walked away. ![]() Missing a few neurons Ryan |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 96 (11/4/00 12:32:48 pm) ![]() |
Re: Wandering to the
totem pole.....
"Don't you think we should have known about that before we came to the island?" Slider8 asked Yeontoo. The four remaining from the Elite Team walked back down to camp. "While, that was interesting." DMD said. "A modern day Logan St. Clare..." replied Tex. "Yeah, let's just hope she doesn't come back for anything." SE stated. So, the group began another weekend, although they really hadn't been keeping track of the days. SE and S8 tried to relax as Tex and DMD went off to explore some more. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o)) -Slider8 |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator Posts: 581 (11/4/00 7:12:33 pm) ![]() |
Re: Wandering to the
totem pole.....
Vigeant boated his merry way over. "What? MSR isn't here? Nuts. Well, can I still do my little thingie?" Slider8 walked over "Well, sure, here's a little dummy you can pretend is MSR." "Righto!" *Vig's Takes Out Page* "*ahem* Alas poor MSR you left too soon..." "Can you get to the point?" "Sure. *Ahem* And as she went off into the sunset she never went off from our memories. The End." "Are you done yet?" "Yes." Vig boated off humming the Gillgan's Island Theme. P.S Multiversal Dominiation is my job MSR! BWAHAHAHAHA! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 100 (11/6/00 6:51:35 pm) ![]() |
Re: Wandering to the
totem pole.....
Slider8 sat back against a rock, gazing out into the ocean. "Hey S8." DMD said as he walked over to him. "What's up?" Slider8 stood up and looked around the island landscape. "Oh nothing, just relaxing for once." Suddenly, Tex and SE came bounding out of the woods. They looked completely freaked. "RUN!" Tex yelled. "What's the matter!" DMD shouted at him as they blew by. But, he got his answer as an arrow almost cut him in the leg. An entire pack of monkeys, wearing hunting masks, came trampling out of the woods. "RUN LIKE HELL!" S8 yelled as the two raced after their companions, being chased by hunting monkey men. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o)) -Slider8 |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 769 (11/6/00 9:08:47 pm) ![]() |
Challenge 8
Yeontoo quietly passes out the new challenge on small sheets of paper. (check your emails guys for the right format).(Oh, and please, a storyline post too) The papers read: Be the first to tell Y the hidden phrase/words, and win the necklace. Sliders Hidden Message y r s e n m e s m b i t e t d a s c t g r u a n w t p k t t d h t t b a d s r u h n o d c a i i i r o o w n a h o c h h s p t j r a i u i e r c d u i t t l s h a o s t y e s a e e y c e l e a e t j d a d r i s l l a t e u e h h o d t b f l l a i h a k n a p t a r e y n i s t w c n e h e u y t s i a o i g s u e v g c y e r m r a o r n s o r e l t t i r i r s d g p w y a w h e n g e a n m a v o o e r e g h w n a g e t e l d s j h a e t r h e o p e o s e t g c l e d e g u n w o y u o i c s p a h t s f n r f h s u r t a o d l s f m i i f n b v r l h f d o t t a e a t o r t r i t r s i t i a k t e a e s i o f i t e h d h n a e n e i f h t r d h h e t e h d i t d e a f n t e i w n e d o k c d e o o a e c e l i h i e d e h i o i s s z r l d a f c t i r i v u w s d c d c t n n r r r e m g p d e l d p m d w o s l i l e l t n h s s w s s a i o d b i e h o n i a p i a l m v e a s h i a a e l o l n u k y a r r t m a g g v s a i b r r k d e s l r s d i r i o g e x i d o e s i g w t e d u u e e a s i z i e m i d l d i e h t k r s u e i t e e e y s u r h e d n l y h s l e d e t h s q b y o t e d r s o n e j s u e t l e b s t t s s k b a t v h k h c b a a e f a l u e s r s e d q s i o o o y i y l p o p t m e s c k d r o b x c l o v e g o d s m k n n l w e i l a e c t i w a e s d n u o r g n o m m o c m e i d l i v l d r k a d l r o w n i a g a d n a e m i t g q r d r e r e o l e t t l k g s s e d i l s f o e c n i r p e h t o r e r t t e e y n e p s e a s o n s g r e e d i n g s h d m n e s t o s r e p e e k s r e h t o r b y m r h t r o w t e n s p f t b s r o r r o h e l l i v e t a n r e t l a e h t o a e n a s r e t s a m m a e r d e h t n o i s s e b o s l r m p w j f l l c a l i f o r n i a r e i c h l k j r u d a a r v g n i d i l s n a m d a e d b a b a m i w l d m n d g i g i l u c k o f t h e d r a w p e k z u d w a z m a i e n r r r t h e y o u n g a n d t h e r e l e n t l e s s h c t e e t t h e u n s t u c k m a n d g y c v e n r t e t e r h d a u p l e a s e p r e s s o n e s a t m o o e l f o d e e i t a k r o w t a e r g e h t h a g s y i f h o o f d i v e l f l d n i m e h t f o p a m x e u v s l p s s w e j s e x s e s d o u b l e c r o s s u s d a a o o t e a o x d l f o y l l e y e o f t h e s t o r m e v v r s l i r m d c e v d s l i m r o t s t r e s e d o h n e p j u l r e h t i l s u a a d s e y y a s t s u j m e i u q e r s y a d t s a l d s e s e Word List: acurrentaffair appliedphysics astimegoesby asylum athousanddeaths californiareich commonground dataworld deadmansliding desertstorm dinoslide doublecross dragonslide dust easyslider eggheads electrictwisteracidtest elsid eyeofthestorm fever genesis gillianofthespirits greatfellas heavymetal indinoveritas intothemystic invasion justsayyes lastdays lipschitzlive lovegods luckofthedraw mapofthemind motherandchild murdermostfoul mybrotherskeeper networth newgodsforold obession ohbrotherwhereartthou paradiselost pilot pleasepressone posttraumaticslidesyndrome princeofwails prophetsandloss requiem revelations roadstaken rulesofthegame seasonsgreedings slidebywire slidecage slidelikeanegyptian slither solesurvivors stateof stoker strangersandcomrades summeroflove thealternatevillehorror theart thebreeder thechasm thedreammasters thedyingfields theexodus thefirewithin thegoodthebadandthewealthy thegreatwork theguardian thejavajive thekingisback thelastofeden theotherslideofdarkness theprinceofslides thereturnofmaggiebeckett theseer theunstuckman theweakersex theyoungandtherelentless thisslideofparadise timeandagainworld tocatchaslider virtualslide wayoutwest worldkiller |
![]() Administrator Posts: 566 (11/7/00 1:02:18 am) ![]() |
Re: Challenge 8
As Tex sat down breathing hard from the encounter of with the hunting monkey men he started on the challenge. "Ugh, I hate these word finds" he said to himself. Tex looked over a saw DMD, SE and S8 enter. "Hey Tex" said S8 i see you made it from the monkey men. "Yeah I just threw them a bunch of bananas and they ran off with it" said Tex while looking at his watch. "Hey Tex, you never did tell us what the watch does" said SE "In due time" said Tex as he started on the challenge. Eusti set down and started on the challenge. "So what we eating today??" asked DMD "Well I got some Clam Surprise cooking at the moment" said Tex "Clam Surprise?" questioned SE "Yeah it basically water, clam meat and some local island seasoning" said Tex "So what's the Surprise" said S8 "Oh the surprise??" said Tex.."well um it's a surprise ![]()
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 262 (11/7/00 3:51:20 am) ![]() |
Re: Challenge 8
SE ran hunched over with his hand clamped to his mouth. He ran to the side of the stone dias where they were lunching. With much sound and fury, he let go and heaved out Clam Surprise over the edge! "oh... man...." Tex walked up chuckling as SE lay on his back, a little green in color. "Um... I forgot to tell you. One of the special ingredients was Pepto Fruit skin. I was hoping that wasn't the part to make you sick from before... guess I was wrong." SE gave him a sidewards, knowing glance. "I'll be ok, gimme a minute..." SE slowly climbed to sit, leaning on a rock. Tex returned to the others who were hungrily devouring the food. SE tilted his head back and casually looked back to the ruins entrance way. He cleared his vision, then stared again upside down. His mouth dropped open in surprise! He rolled to a kneeling position and called to the others. "Guys! Look!", he pointed. The others came over, DMD wiping Clam Surprise from his chin. "See that? See?!" The others looked to where he was pointing. S8 turned his head to where he was pointing. Up on the very top of the building was a carving above one of the doorways. "It looks like a tornado, 'cept made of a bunch of little circles." "Not a tornado," SE corrected, "but an upside down pile of gold!" DMD, thought outloud, "but why upside down...unless... It's all underground in the ruins!" "Yeah! So lets make our stay here worth it!" SE scrambled to his feet. He started to run for the entranceway, staggered, shook his head, smiled sheepishly, then took off again to find the treasure. Edited by: Sabre Edge at: 11/7/00 3:14:01 am |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 124 (11/8/00 1:32:21 am) ![]() |
Challenge 8
DMD watched as SE and Tex searched feverishly for the entrance. He had completed the most recent challenge correctly, but not quickly enough. "Guys, have fun. Y sent me a message that the plumbing is fixed. I'm off for a hot shower and some fresh clothes." SE: "Suit yourself, man. I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm rich! I'm independently wealth! I'm comfortably well-off! I'm rich!" DMD: "I wonder who will be the next to go?" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 770 (11/9/00 4:38:30 am) ![]() |
the Vote
Yeontoo put the Immunity medallion around SE's neck. She waited patiently for the Elites to vote, which they seemed to do slowly. Yeontoo hung the tally on the totem, and knew Vig was on his way in the boat. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & Slider 8 Vote Count 1 & & Vortex62 Vote Count 3 & & Thank you for auditioning for the 5th Slider & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |
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