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Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 446 (12/5/00 2:00:24 am) Reply ![]() |
Epilogue Eleven: Sabre
The two weary auditioners raced to the poster to read the final tally. Yeontoo could hear the jingling of coins in their packs and smiled. Both scanned the poster then went over to the fire to warm themselves. *Dude, almost everyone voted for DMD. Man, I thought it would have been closer then that. I guess a couple of the Omegas voted for him too. Hmm... I wonder if MSR voted. She's the one that probably voted against me. Not the person I want to meet again though I think she deserves some of the treasure. I'll ask him about it." "Congrats, man. Good show," said DMD as he took off his pack and laid it on the ground next to him. "This was down to the wire, though I would ask Y if she recounted the votes. I'm glad it's over," SE replied warming his hands. "Me too. I might just do that. I wonder who voted against me. Hmmm... wonder if they would change their mind if I give them a little bribe," joked DMD blowing on his hands. "Hehe. When you see them, tell them of our little treasure finding adventure." "That I will. Remember to write so I can partake of your sliding adventures too," added DMD. "You think we should share some of this treasure with MSR. It was her map that led us to it," suggested SE. DMD rolled his eyes. "Dude, you're crazy. She's the last person I want to see. She's probably angry that we voted her off and that the treasure isn't hers. That's the reason she didn't tell us about the last trap. If we both weren't on our toes, we'd be dead now." SE thought about it. *He's right and MSR probably thought that she would also be along on the expedition. Hmm... witholding information sure seems to be what she's about so that she wouldn't get voted off, but that didn't help her in the end. I had a weird feeling about her from the get go. Just something wasn't right. Good thing that I thought about the spears. Might have made her have second thoughts but then again it was about the money with her.* He looked at his pack of gold coins and came to a sudden realization. *Crap, she could have killed us all in our sleep since she was out of control especially after that storygame challenge. Whatever the Omegas did to stop her, I'm glad that they did it. No wonder Tex warned us to be careful going after her before she left. Now everything make sense.* SE felt a chill go down his back. "You're probably right. If she was with us when we found the treasure I doubt we'd be here talking about it. Probably make up a believable tale about our demise. I can't believe that they didn't check into her background. Well, she's gone now and I hope I don't meet her again in the future." "Gentlemen, Vig and Pavel will be here soon. Vig is going to take DMD to the Château and Pavel will take SE to your new destination to learn about being the 5th Slider," said Y as she looked up from her clipboard. "Congratulations to you both for a job well done. Both of you showed that you were the best of the best and I would have been hard pressed to decide between the both of you. DMD, you'll enjoy a week's stay there and you can talk to the others. Don't worry about MSR, we tightened security here and have been watching her. She's no threat now. SE, congratulations and have fun sliding." Y left the two and ventured out into the sunlight to wait for Pavel and Vig. SE nodded. *I can't wait to count my money. Ahh... this was worth it. The spiders, the monkeys, the bear, the traps and the treasure on top of being the new 5th Slider. I hope I get to talk to the others before I starting my new job.* He went back warming his hands over the fire. ======= September 14, 2000 SE handed in his hiking quiz to Y and walked over near the entrance. He leaned his back against the wall and rested, arms folded, waiting for the others to finish. He nodded to each of his teammates has they walked past him on their way out. He also stuck his tongue out at the Omega team one by one as they finished and walked out. He was about to walk out when he saw something strange. MSR was picking up flat rocks and collecting them in a makeshift pouch! SE ran out of the council structure toward his team as they walked back to camp. "Guys! Guys! GUYS!" Looking at Klly. "...and girl." He spoke rapidly to them, waving his hands around. "MSR is collecting small flat rocks!" DMD answered quickly, "So? Maybe she likes to collect them?" SE turned to DMD, "Nonono! Do you know what you use flat rocks for?" S8 spoke up, "Yeah... maybe she wanted to use them for cooking or something..." "COOKING?! NO man! She is going to come to our camp and sling us with them!" Morpheus cocks his head to SE, "Sling us? Man, only one day on the island and you are acting crazy." SE sprints off down the beach to camp, pulling out his knife. "I have to make spears! We need to defend ourselves! You can thank me later!" The other four just watch him and shake their heads. ======= October 11, 2000 The ruins were situated on a flat mesa. A canopy of trees circled the edges of the ruined civilization. In the middle was a flat plaza with statues and more likely, idols, dotting the stone surface. Stone buildings were erected on an upper dais that surrounded the plaza. The stream that ran through the middle of the plaza poured into expertly shaped circular stone receivers that were staggered appearing to hold around 4 gallons each. The stream poured into the first, overflowed into the second, and so on till the runoff of the fourth continued the stream on its course. SE left the main building DMD and S8 were in and dropped his stuff on the stone floor outside. SE ran over to the entrance of a small building. He carefully swept back the long ivy that hung like curtains. Waving them over he called, "Come over here! We have ready made shelter!" The other two exited the bigger building, left their equipment in the middle of the stone plaza and hopped up the three steps that led to the house. They stuck their heads inside, looking around. Light poured in through the cut out windows in the walls. The one-room stone house was relatively small, roughly 20 feet by 20 feet. They slowly crept inside... the place was empty except for a warped table and a stone floor. "We can set this place up as the sleeping quarters for now," DMD decided. S8 called out from the back of the shelter. "Check this out, more markings." SE and DMD made their way over to S8. "What do you make of it?" asked S8. "Well... the little circles with lines shooting out from them could be suns... or gold." "Gold?!" DMD spoke excitedly. "Let's go look for it!" S8 hopped around energetically. "Wait... this other marking..." SE pointed to one just below the 'gold' one. "What is it?" S8 asked, squinting down at it. DMD crouched down to get a better look. "It looks like a stick figure with different size lines coming out of him. A gold man? ...statue?" SE shook his head. "Lines going in him... booby traps..." "Ooooohhhhhh" ======= October 27, 2000 "That should do it," SE said as he tested the barricade that the 5 made to keep the bear out of the cave. It was fashioned with sharp sticks pointing outward to deter any investigation from curious beasts. The inner side of the barricade was layered with broad flat leaves to keep the cold out. The barricade could be moved to allow passage into and out of the cave. "I guess we need to find more food. Tex and MSR can point out to us where they got the clams and fruit before. DMD, can you get a fire started with your Zippo while we are out?" DMD nodded and left to gather wood. The other four slipped out of the cave and made sure to secure the spear barrier. They all carried make shift slings created from their windbreakers just like MSR showed them how to make. "Ok, which way to go, guys?" MSR took the lead and they headed off toward the old ruins. After 15 minutes of walking the group came into the ruins clearing. S8 pointed out a fruit bush... thankfully not pink. They busied themselves filling the slings with fruit. SE made his way over to the water bowls and knelt down. He removed his sling and cupped handfuls of water to drink. As he reached down for his third scoop something shining caught his eye. He bent over the edge and looked into the aqueduct that carried the water from beneath the ruins. "Wow!" He reached in and pulled out a gold coin. "Guys! Look what I found! There as got to be ton more of this around here." SE got up and motioned for the others to follow him to the entrance of the large ruined building. He looked in, "S8, go back and get DMD. We are going to need torches to explore in there." S8 and DMD arrived a little less than half an hour later. They hurried when S8 told DMD news of SE's discovery of a gold coin. Upon their arrival, SE, Tex and MSR were finishing up eating some of the fruit they had found and had already had five torches ready. "Hey, look what I found," said SE with a wink in his eye as he showed the coin to DMD. DMD took the coin and examined it. On one side there was a stick figure of a man and other side of the coin was a picture of a bird. "What do you think this means?" asked a curious DMD as he passed the coin to S8. "There's treasure in there," exclaimed S8 as he looked at the coin. The sunlight reflected off it to give a shiny glow. "Could be, but I urge caution. There's things here we don't know or understand," warned MSR as she looked at a rock that she had most of the time. ======= November 7, 2000 SE ran hunched over with his hand clamped to his mouth. He ran to the side of the stone dais where they were lunching. With much sound and fury, he let go and heaved out Clam Surprise over the edge! "Oh... man...." SE wiped off the remains with his sleeve. Tex walked up chuckling as SE lay on his back, a little green in color. "Um... I forgot to tell you. One of the special ingredients was Pepto Fruit skin. I was hoping that wasn't the part to make you sick from before... guess I was wrong." SE gave him a sidewards, knowing glance. "I'll be ok, gimme a minute..." SE slowly climbed to sit, leaning on a rock. Tex returned to the others who were hungrily devouring the food. SE tilted his head back and casually looked back to the ruins entrance way. He cleared his vision, then stared again upside down. His mouth dropped open in surprise! He rolled to a kneeling position and called to the others. "Guys! Look!" he pointed. The others came over, DMD wiping Clam Surprise from his chin. "See that? See?!" The others looked to where he was pointing. S8 turned his head to where he was pointing. Up on the very top of the building was a carving above one of the doorways. "It looks like a tornado, 'cept made of a bunch of little circles." "Not a tornado," SE corrected, "But an upside down pile of gold!" DMD, thought out loud, "But why upside down...unless... It's all underground in the ruins!" "Yeah! So lets make our stay here worth it!" SE scrambled to his feet. He started to run for the entranceway, staggered, shook his head, smiled sheepishly, then took off again to find the treasure. "So what are we waiting for?" the Elites asked looking at each other. They hurried off to catch up with SE. ======= When Vig and Pavel arrived, SE and DMD gave each other a manly hug before going their separate ways. "Good luck to the both of you," said Y before going back to her apartment to finish up with her files and to get ready for the next set of auditioners. She didn't like goodbyes. "Bye Y," replied SE and DMD. "Till we see each other again," said DMD said as plopped himself on the comfy seat and opened up an ice cold bottle of water. "Yeah. Later dude and remember we're filthy rich now." A wide grin was on SE's face. "Hehe yeah." DMD chuckled as the boat sped away. Pavel turned to SE. "Time to go." He opened a red vortex and jumped in. Taking in the surroundings one more time he asked himself, "Well, SE, you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" He smiled. "Oh yeah." He fastened his pack tightly and ran into the whirlpool to his next big adventure. MSR |
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