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Yeontoo Moderator (9/12/00 3:55:24 am) ![]() |
Observation Tower (Watchers
Only) Week 1
Chatteau Outpost "...up here is the Observation Tower. Magnificent optical telescopes, audio dish receivers, and a bevy of video cameras, allow us to enjoy both the group dynamics and the island elimination games." "This bank of screens?" "The video feed from the island" "When are the applicants scheduled to arrive?" "Tommorrow, a few hours before sunset." "Is everything ready?" "It is." ====================================================================== Since I'm gonna take off the other thread... The Observation Tower is your threads. They'll be numbered Week 1 and so on, following the game #'s. The new week will start after the vote on Tuesdays. Some weeks, the challenges will be in a closed forum for that team only during the challenge. This is so they won't accidentally get the answer from the wrong thread... but I'll post the actual challenge where you can see it. You just cant answer them. ~Y Posted for.... JessieMallory Question asked from a watcher Will there be a separate thread started for those of us watching what transpires to make our comments and observations or what other thoughts we may have during this survivor game? Jess jessiemallory@yahoo.com Silly Sillerson Yes.... I highly agree!! I think we should be able to shove our opinions in the limelight as this true battle for survival takes place. You may not care what we have to say, but as God is my witness, you'll listen whether you like it or not! By the way, an addendum: Might we assume there will be nudity in this game, as was so prominently displayed on the CBS version by Richard Hatch? Perhaps some females this time? Or rabbits even? Let me know..... Silly Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/12/00 7:31:47 pm |
Sillerson Junior Slider Posts: 24 (9/12/00 7:57:41 pm) |
Observation Tower (Watchers Only) Week 1
Oookay!!! I'm gonna sit down in the super-duper watcher tower with my popcorn and Josta, and wait for the carnage to begin! Go team Alpha!! Hey Yeontoo, do we have any fried rat or tapioca to eat as well??? Richard Hatch is a big fat gay man!!! Spread the word, tell your friends!! Silly |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator (9/12/00 8:26:57 pm) ![]() |
Re: Observation Tower
(Watchers Only) Week 1
Silly I told all my friends, mainly Kbosch and my pinky and no one cares! What should I do? ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator (9/12/00 8:51:27 pm) ![]() |
"Scheduled Time Of Arrival ...now." . . . The bus exits the vortex, and comes to a full stop. Miz Yeontoo is the first off, waiting by the door as each passenger disembarked. She handed them each a 16oz bottle of water from the cooler by the bus door, taking one for herself. Pavel closes the door, and drives off into a waiting vortex. "Where is the chatteau?" "This is not high-tech world." "It's beautiful here!" "Where is that bus going?!" "What's going on?" "Man, it's hot!" "Where are we?" "How long are we here?" "Why are we here?" "Where is the hotel? "Catch that bus!" "What's going on?" Everyone was talking. After waiting a very short time, Yeontoo clears her throat and raises her hand. "There has been a slight change in plans. We are on Earth 9662 instead of 6296. This world supports human life, but it is devoid of it. You are being tested on your survival skills in the best way possible." "What?!" A chorus of voices rose. "Please! Since Sliding puts you in unforseeable circumstances that you will be expected to excel in, we chose to test you. You are, of course, welcomed to back out." Yeontoo waited. As the group quiets back down, Yeontoo continues. "The only life on this planet is a small outpost on that island there." Yeontoo points to a dot in the horizon. "It is a quite a luxurious and exclusive chateau that caters to the very rich. They have agreed, at quite a cost, to host our auditions. Every Wednesday morning, someone from yonder island will arrive by boat to pick up either the one of you that was voted off the night before or anyone who wishes to quit their audition. Once there, you will be treated as royalty for the remainder of our time here, and that is where you will await transportation home. Anytime you want to quit, you are considered the one voted off for that week. You can't swim out there and visit, shower, shave, eat a hot meal, then expect to come back. Once you leave the island, your name is crossed off my list." Yeontoo consulted her clipboard, and took a drink of her water. "The last one of you, the survivor, will be picked up from this spot by Pavel and taken on to Earth 6296 to start their new job." Yeontoo bites her lip, "Something I'm missing…. Oh! The new Slider salary is $200,000 a year, instead of $125,000 since you will have better proven your capabilities. If you don't leave until you're voted off, you will receive a compensation check for your time here of $2,000 per week. If you leave of your own free will before you are voted off, you will still enjoy the royalty treatment at the Chateau Outpost, but you'll receive no other compensation." "Questions?" "Where will you be?" Vortex62 asked. "I'll be here, observing. This is still an audition, tho, different from what you expected. I can interact with all of you, but I won't tell where the water is, or the food, or give advice, unless it's to everyone at one time." "Any gear or equipment?" "Yes. See those?" Y points to 2 large green containers. Each team takes one. In it, you'll find…" Yeontoo pulls out a list, then rattles it off. "One Flashlight 1 box of 12 fishhooks 2 wooden matches in a little waterproof container 5 spoons 1 -12 inch skillet 1 - 5 quart stew pot 1 metal spatula 10 silver foil blankets" Britslider groaned, looking very unconvinced. MissingSliderRyan nudged him, asking "What?" "They are suppose to keep you warm… but… " Sabre-Edge sighed, "it's better than nothing I suppose." Miz Yeontoo smirked, but tried to hide it, continuing… "1/2 ounce of salt ˝ oz pepper and 5 green windbreakers, each with your name and team name on them." "Where do we start?" WldKlly asked. "Oh!" Yeontoo smiled, "Glad you asked. Alpha team will set up that way" Y points to the left. "Omega team will set up that way," Y points to the right. "You have about a day to settle in before we start." Yeontoo watched as the teams separated, introduced themselves to each other as they wrestled the green container off to camp. |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator Posts: 447 (9/13/00 6:27:54 am) ![]() |
Re: Observing...
Don't they get plasti-wrap? ![]() |
Head Complainer Posts: 337 (9/13/00 3:13:24 pm) |
Re: Observing...
YEAH! This rocks! Watching them suffer! Carnage rules! Right now I'm thinking Omega has the advantage. But ya never know... Kbosch |
Sillerson Beginner Slider Posts: 1 (9/13/00 6:59:57 pm) |
Alpha will win!! Alpha
will win!!!
Silly gets hot, and grabs a nice cold "Survivor sundae." Mmm, mmmm, good! As he watches the Alpha team set up on the ground, he laughs to himself, looking over at the plush king--size he has set up in the corner of the deck....much to Kbosch's dismay. (Kbosch tried to move in a cot, but I beat him to it.) Hmph. Those poor souls out there, on the ground, utterly uncomfortable. I pity them. No...wait, I laugh at them. Haha! I hope you enjoy your stay, you goons! I'm gonna go get a massage from the resident observation deck massuese. Her name is Candy.....Silly quivers. Schmucks. enjoy your rat... Bigg-Silly Pimperson |
Head Complainer Posts: 339 (9/13/00 9:32:37 pm) |
Re: Hey Y
A question... I can make a guess to what is going on in the challenge forums, but I wanna see! Can we get a peek or will we get to see in the near future? I hope we don't have to wait until it ends! Kbosch |
Sillerson Beginner Slider Posts: 2 (9/13/00 9:48:51 pm) |
Re: Hey Y
I heartily agree. We must be able to see. Not CBS, I know, but it darn well COULD be. With a little peeky that is. Bigg-Silly Pimperson |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 537 (9/14/00 4:04:35 am) ![]() |
in the tower
They watched the teams gather in the semi-sunken Stone Age tribal council meeting place. They watched the by-play between applicants. They watched one of them be a gentleman to one of the ladies. The questions and the prize was prominately displayed. *Thick-padded Quilt *Zippo (new flint, full) *Machete "I'd take the Machette!" " The Zippo would be more useful." "I'd take the Quilt for a sleeping bag." "You are getting soft." "I will bet that dark-headed male will win this." (pointing to screen) "You're on, the light-headed one will!" "I believe the one with the funny accent will win." "They ALL have funny accents!" "What are the answers." "I will get them." ====================== The challenge forums will be unlocked after the challenges, and you can see everything. ~Y "I'll have to go get the tape measure..." Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/14/00 4:44:58 am |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator Posts: 453 (9/14/00 6:34:10 am) ![]() |
Re: in the tower
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ![]() |
Head Complainer Posts: 342 (9/14/00 7:00:59 am) |
Re: in the tower
When is after the challenges? Kbosch |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 538 (9/14/00 4:57:54 pm) ![]() |
Vig and KB
Challenges will go out on Friday morning, and it'll be Monday afternoon when I'll close it. You can view then. I'm not trying to make it hard for you to watch... honestly. This is the best I could do for the game tho. Thank you for the suggestion! Blessings, ~Y |
Head Complainer Posts: 345 (9/14/00 8:23:51 pm) |
Re: Okay
Monday isn't that far down the road. Kbosch |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 542 (9/15/00 1:36:53 am) ![]() |
Observation Tower 1.4
"DMD won? With a 6?!" "The others had even fewer survival skills." "What were the questions?" ============================================ HIKING SURVIVAL QUIZ True/False 1. Food is the most important item to pack. FALSE Water should be the first thing you pack. Dehydration can lead to hypothermia, heat illness, altitude sickness, and fatigue. Only 1% of hikers carry enough: one pint to one quart per hour of exercise. 2. The first signs of heat stress are excessive sweating and burning skin. FALSE Lightheadedness, fatigue, or change in mental function will be your first indications because your brain cells are extremely sensitive to fluctuations in body temperature, Dr. Gramling says. Get out of the heat, rest, and drink some water. If symptoms become more severe (inability to move, nausea, disorientation), send someone for help. 3. You can't get hypothermia (low body temperature) in the summer. FALSE Even in warmer weather, hypothermia can occur. If you get wet (a rain shower or a stumble in a stream is all it takes) and it's windy, you're at risk. Being wet pulls heat from your body, and wind increases the loss of body heat. Early symptoms of hypothermia are loss of muscle coordination and unclear thinking. To prevent hypothermia, get out of the elements and into dry clothes fast. 4. If you'll be hiking in high altitudes, you should spend a night at the higher elevation before you start out. TRUE f you normally live at lower elevations, you could be up to 60% more likely to develop altitude sickness (headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing) if you ascend rapidly to elevations above 6,750 feet. Waiting a few days at a higher altitude will allow your blood and lungs time to begin adjusting to the lower oxygen levels. 5. If you get caught in a lightning storm, you should take shelter under trees. TRUE As long as it's a blanket of woods and not a sparse grove, you're better off waiting it out there than staying in the open, especially if you're on top of a rocky summit. (Rock conducts electricity quite well-and so will you!) Put down any metal objects such as poles. 6. If you'll be hiking in remote areas, the best preventive measure is to carry a cell phone. FALSE Carrying a phone may make you less cautious and more likely to take risks, thinking you can just call to be rescued. Instead, respect park guidelines by sticking to well-maintained trails, and use common sense. Registering at the base or alerting a ranger (and someone at home) to where you'll be going and when to expect you back is the best move. 7. It will take about 4 hours to hike a moderately hilly 8-mile route. FALSE Most hikers underestimate how long a hike will take. Wilderness experts recommend allowing 1 mile per hour on moderately hilly terrain. 8. If you sprain an ankle, you should try walking down the mountain. TRUE If you can bear weight on it, walk down yourself. If not, send someone for help. Once down, ice the ankle and get it checked by a doctor. ===================================================== "No perfect scores?!" "No sir." "Did Y follow her instructions?" "She did." "Excellent." "Enter these results into the database." ============================ MissingSliderRyan ..........4 DieselMickeyDolenz ........6 Vortex62 .....................3 Sabre-Edge .................5 Slider8 ........................4 WldKlly .......................4 Morpheus ....................2 TimeFluxEMC2 ..........n/a BritSlider ................ n/a VortexMaster ...........n/a ============================ |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 547 (9/15/00 5:46:32 am) ![]() |
PLEASE Challenge 1
"Easy? How easy?" A data bank is brought up. =============================================== How Many Words Can You Find in: T R A N S D I M E N S I O N A L R E L O C A T I O N D E V I C E CHECK spelling and terminology Rules: 1. This is a closed forum, don't worry about the other side seeing your answers. 2. You have til 2pm 9-18-2000. 3. 100 points total, most points win. 4. No slang, foreign words, or made-up words. If I'm in doubt, I throw it out. 5. Try to keep your work separated enough that I can tell what it is. Find: Worth 1 point each. A. 10 - 5 letter words B. 10 - 6 letter words C. 10 - 7 letter words D. 10 - 8 letter words E. 7 - 9 letter words F. 5 - 10 letter words G. 3 - 11 letter words H. 2 - 12 letter words I. 1 - 13 letter words Worth 2 points each J. Name the 1 Slider Character (first and last name) that can be found K. Name the 3 Slider Episode Writers (full name) that can be found L. Name the 6 Slider Episodes that can be found. M. Name the 11 guest stars (Full name) on Slider Episodes that can be found. =========================================== <whispered across the room> "$20 and 4 on Omega." "Yes." "$30 and 6 on Alpha." "Covered." |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator Posts: 458 (9/15/00 5:07:32 pm) ![]() |
Hey Y...
Will the Boot-ee get to say final words like in the show? ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 550 (9/15/00 7:29:01 pm) ![]() |
Yes, not only that, the auditioner gets to ride the boat to the luxury chatteau, and can still post here... AND they get to decide whether or not to leave their luxury item behind. ~Y |
![]() Humble and Modest Moderator Posts: 460 (9/15/00 8:12:41 pm) ![]() |
Re: Yes
Didja read my e-mail Y? ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 581 (9/17/00 4:33:31 pm) ![]() |
Observation Tower
"They finished Quickly." "Yes, we anticipated a much longer challenge. This is a surprising, but pleasing turn of events." "When will Mz Yeontoo announce the winners?" "Earlier than scheduled, but the votes won't be accepted earlier than 11:59pm tommorrow night." "They're waking up, press record!" ========= "I don't like rats." "What happens if the woman stays lost?" "It will be much harder to survive without their supplies, both camps need to work together to create a solution." "She would have to be retrieved, which would look bad on her teammates." "I hate rats." "Good protein." Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/17/00 3:47:27 pm |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 587 (9/18/00 3:36:19 am) ![]() |
<whispers in the back corner> "I won, pay me $20 and 5" "5? thought it was 2." "nope 5" <outloud, front of the room, by the veiw screens> "Omega's vote one off?" "Yes, and as of now, they have a teammate unable to vote" "That person has until 11:59 tonight to fix that." |
Sillerson Beginner Slider Posts: 6 (9/18/00 4:00:05 pm) |
Wild monkeys ravaging the camp!! Suddenly, Silly realizes what has happened!! You guys slid onto the "Jumanji" world!!! Your only hope is to find Robin Williams to lead you out!! Good luck, my island-stranded friends!!! Bigg-Silly Pimperson |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 593 (9/20/00 7:41:04 am) ![]() |
TF arrives
The debunked auditioner for the 5th slider spot dropped his jaws at the sight of the chatteau. He was then shown to his room. Pavel took the packet of papers to the Tower. "This audition process is going much better than planned." "Thank you sir. Who was actually voted off? "TimeFluxEMC2 was. Not all the Omega's voted either." "When is the next challenge?" "Soon." |
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