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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 637 (9/27/00 7:29:37 pm) ![]() |
OMEGA Only Week 3
...and the auditions continue... |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 237 (9/27/00 7:57:19 pm) ![]() |
OMEGA Only Week 3
Laying out in the sun, MSR started seeing something on the horizon. She looked out and saw the powerboat turning around. "Wonder what that means?" she mumbled as she went back to thoughts of what was to come next. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 487 (9/28/00 1:37:31 am) ![]() |
Re: OMEGA Only Week
After a peaceful night on the island (in other words,no earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typoons or Godzilla) a new day approaced the Omega team.. "Wow I slept like a log last night" stated Tex "Yeah, I slept pretty good myself" VM says looking around the camp "Hey where is our Mascot??" MSR asked "Oh no, it looks like he chewed through his leash" Tex said in disappointment. "Oh well, maybe it was for the best, I had those monkey brains on my mind" Brit looked at Tex "You're not serious are you??" Tex laughing out loud "No, I just wanted to see the expression on MSR's face" MSR looked at Tex with "that look" again and smiled. "Well it's time we go get breakfast. Who turn is it anyway?" ask VM
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 643 (9/28/00 7:23:37 am) ![]() |
Luxury Challenge
Yeontoo called the eight remaining auditioners together, into the stone chamber. While Tex and SE light the torches, which seem to now be their chore, Yeontoo speaks softly. "Neither side has a decided advantage over the other one, and the position of 5th Slider is still very much up in the air." The eight potentials glanced at each other, gauging each others strengths and weaknesses. Which ones to avoid. Which ones to exploit. Each deciding that they would make the best 5th Slider. "Its time for a Luxury Challenge, isn't it?" Brit grinned, swathed in his confidence. "Should be." Tex sat down, "Question is, what are the prizes?" "I wouldn't mind a steak dinner" WldKlly wiped the corner of her mouth, her eyes taking on a faraway gleam for just a minute. "Yeah, with all the fixings." "A Real First Aid Kit would be nice." Slider 8 paused…. "but a Hershey bar sounds even better!" The group murmured for a few moments. "I could use an air mattress" MSR sighed. "This ground gets harder and harder every night." DMD grinned. Satisfied in his choice luxury item, he added, "I'll take a nice comfy pillow to go with mine." MSR suddenly wonders if she can trade with DMD… hoping she wins this challenge. "Clean Clothes." SE looked down at his ensemble, smirking. "Clean clothes should NOT be a luxury." "A letter home, " VM sighed, "A letter to my girlfriend." "Whats with the rain?" Wldklly asked Yeontoo in the midst of all the chitchat. "The Rainy Season came early this year. It wasn't something planned, but now it's something you will have to contend with." Yeontoo said with scrunchy face. Another collective groan rose up. "That means better tending of the fire." SE started. "And making sure to gather the wood to be dry when we need it ole chap" Brit added. "I want more ice cream" Tex announced, sitting straighter on his seat. "We're as ready as we'll ever be Y, for the next challenge." MSR giggled at the expression that was dancing across Tex's face. Yeontoo handed gave out the challenge. "First one to get them all correct gets their choice of: Complete Change of Clothes A 1lb bag of M&M's Machete **************************************************************** Inventions Which came first? (matching letters and numbers) Can you guess in which order people invented these tools that improved communication? Invention: A. Electronic Computer B. Flash Photography C. The Internet D. Manual Typewriter E. Motion Pictures F. Phonograph G. Printing Press with movable type H. Radio I. Telephone J. Television K. Wireless Telegraph Year List 1. 1450 2. 1851 3. 1867 4. 1870 5. 1877 6. 1890 7. 1895 8. 1915 9. 1926 10. 1943 11. 1965 |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 645 (9/29/00 1:36:53 am) ![]() |
Winner Luxury Challenge
Yeontoo walked in the Omega's Camp, noting that it was seemingly in order after being knocked down just a few days ago. She moved to stand next to the communal fire, and waited for the Omegas to join her. She held a black garbage bag that held an appropriate complete change of clothes.. even shoes the right size. On top of that, laid a pound of M&M's and in her other hand, she let a machete swing free. "This weeks luxury challenge had a few...... challenges in it." Yeontoo smiled brightly. "Not everyone followed all the directions, but one submission stood out." She waited a moment, then continued. "Vortex62, claim your prize." |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 646 (9/29/00 6:44:51 am) ![]() |
Immunity Challenge
Tex chose his luxury item (tell tell!). Yeontoo left quietly, reminding them of the meeting later tonight. ======================================================== Mz Yeontoo called the teams together to the stone chamber again for the Immunity Challenge. She heard grumbling about how fast paced things seemed to be, but she was unable to pinpoint who to answer directly to. Tex and SE lit the torches as their teammates settle in, for what they each hope will be a fast win. Addressing the grumbling, Y took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Sliding is an unknown when it comes to how good or bad the slide will go. Rests come at odd times, and you must remain on your toes at all times. How you handle stress is being being measured and tallied. Don't give up now, keep your eyes on the prize guys." Yeontoo paused, thru giving her pep talk for the day. Everyone looked at each other, first at the other team, then at their own team mates… wondering who was about to give up. All the searching yielded zero results. Yeontoo pulled out two more posterboards, a familiar sight to the group by now. Two pencils with huge erasers this time where in laying on the bench beside her. "Pencils?" MSR whispered to Tex. "Pencils and not pens?" "New challenge for the Teams." Yeontoo handed out the posters and pencils to the ladies of the teams. "This is Make a Story." "The Rules are: 1. At least three (3) members per team must participate on your challenge forum 2. Story must include every title of every episode, the FULL title. The title won't be credited if its missing a word. Exception to the rule: "Part 1" "Part 2", but the title will have to be used twice (ie. Use "Pilot" twice in the story) 3. Story must have continuity. The sentence(s) that doesn't fit the story, any titles included in it won't be credited. 4. Story must make sense. The sentence(s) that doesn't make sense, any titles included in it won't be credited. 5. There is not a length requirement or limit. 6. Talk out the story inside your forum, thru emails, or thru icq/aim. I will answer questions, but I won't give a "tally". Work on agreeing on a team submission. 7. Monday 5pm October 2, 2000, the Challenges will be locked. Your submission should be titled "Team (Alpha or Omega) Challenge 3 Submission" in at least two (2) parts from 2 team members. 8. In case of a tie, I'll use the times posted to pick a winner. Questions? (Tex and SE, I need the Challenge forums password protected again. Thanks guys) Same passwords. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 248 (9/30/00 11:41:42 pm) ![]() |
During the Immunity
MSR constantly bugged Yeontoo about the ideas she came up to whether or not they were within the rules. "For the tenth time, no," said a weary Y. "And why not?" asked MSR. "Read the rules." Y walked away from the Omegas. "Yo, MSR when you going to finish the Group X fanfic?" asked SE. "Yeah, it's been five months," added Brit. "When it gets done," answered MSR. "I don't wanna die!" echoed in the stone chamber. She distictly heard DMD, Klly, SE, Y and Brit. "Complain more and your character will. Jeez what's the matter with you guys?" MSR had a sly smile on her face. "Tex doesn't die." "Whoo Hoo!!'" yelled Tex. "Tex never dies in the fanfics," complained SE. "That's because he's cool," said VM. "Don't you all think we should get back to the challenge?" Slider8 said. All heads nodded in agreement. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 498 (10/3/00 12:08:31 am) ![]() |
Back to Island Life..
As Tex walks away from the challege he couldn't help to think to himself "Gosh, writing is one thing I do not do. I sure hope we got all those titles" All of a sudden VM comes up behind him and asked "Hey where you heading to?" "Well, since I got this Machete from the luxury challenge I thought I would go out and cut some coconuts for lunch. This thing makes life a whole lot easier." says Tex "I hear ya" VM said walking next to Tex. "I keep thinking about that wild boar I saw when we first arrived on the island. I was thinking about digging a pit to see if I can catch that little porker" said Tex "Hmm, that's a great ideal. All we need is something to dig the pit with. Any ideals??" asked VM "Not at the moment but maybe we can ask the rest of the Omeganites to see if they have any suggestions. Besides I think I got a writers cramps" as Tex grabs his left hand. "Ah come on, it wasn't that bad" VM laughed. "Yeah, but I writer I am not" said Tex as they both went to look for some coconuts...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 184 (10/3/00 11:40:11 am) |
Re: OMEGA Only Week
VM and Tex just got back from their trip in the jungle with some fresh coconuts and they sensed something was wrong. They couldn't tell what it was first, but then they realized. BritSlider was missing. They called MSR and called a search. VM was supposed to look in the surroundings of the camp, Tex was to search the jungles (his specialty) and MSR was to look along the river banks and coast. And so, the search went on for about an hour with no success. Everyone came back and started thinking about where he might be. MSR said: "What was he supposed to be doing now?" TEX: "Come to think about it... I think it was his watch!" VM: "What? Maybe someting happened to him. Perhaps the Alphas had kidnapped him? But then again, Morpheous is nowhere to be seen, so..." "Hey, what's goin' on there? Is this about me?" Brit came from behind them, seeming kinda dizzy. All 3 of them jumped him with questions. "Where have you been?" "We were starting to worry." "Did something happen to you?" Brit was kinda confused. "Well... I don't know..." "He was sleeping in his 'room'." A giggling voice said from above. Everyone looked up to see Vig. Well, not Vig exactly, but his hologram (Vig was in the observation tower). "He he. How do you like the new equipment Y gave us? I saw you, Brit!" Brit was now mad because he was caught in the act. "I'll get you, Vigster! Just wait till this game is over!" "Oops, gotta go!" Vig dissapeared. "So, Brit, you were saying..?" The others looked at him, questioning. VMaster- The Best Master. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 673 (10/3/00 6:21:01 pm) ![]() |
Winner is:
Yeontoo got off the cell phone with her two consultants from the other island. She sighed, marking down the results. Finished, she tacked it to the totem pole outside. Muttering about how late she was, she looked around to see the teams running to see who won and who had to vote a member off. Yeontoo sighed. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & &        &        Alpha Team         74 & &        Omega Team         71 & &        &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (guys, give me a few minutes, and I'll post the breakdowns and comments on the individual challenges) |
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