08/13/1999 From: TemporalFlux
Pitch #1 chosen for the Slide It Yourself is MY
idea that somebody posted over AFTER I gave mine (on the
FIRST DAY of the contest)!!! You can talk about spinning it
different ways all you want...read through it! It's the
SAME! What the hell is going on here?!?
Some of you
may not agree, but I'm e-mailing a complaint to this
"contest"...I would ask that you please do the same. This is
a rip off:

I noticed that
Date: 08/13/1999
From: RealmKeeper
Yeah, yours dealt with a person with super powers...whats up? I think it should be yours. I'll email them.

Date: 08/13/1999
From: TemporalFlux
This is an addendum to my first post meant for everyone:
I posted my idea at the very start of the contest (7-30). The pitch sentence stated that the Sliders are on the "other side". On August 3rd I elaborated that the Kromaggs were involved.
Then on August 5, webslider comes on and posts something that is practically what I had laid out.
Furthermore, he got one response...I had over 20.
This is a clear violation of the "borrow" rule they set up for SIY (something which may be legally actionable). And please, don't think I'm saying that anything with Super heros falls under that. Donner's and Arturo2000's pitches for Super Heros were radically different...and I would have no problem if they were chosen. The problem here is that someone else is getting credit for MY idea. I mean really...read through webslider's pitch and show me how it can't be developed into exactly what I presented (under the direction of Patrice).
If they think development is what killed it...then why wasn't development included with the other pitches? It now starts from scratch...with development coming off the pitch sentence. But the fact that someone would base a pitch off of my development and then be picked over the original author is ludicrous.
E-mail SIY...let them know this hasn't gone unnoticed:

the hell you say!!
Date: 08/14/1999
From: shortstuff98
Watch your damn language young man! Sorry. I'm in a mood right now :)

Date: 08/14/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I didn't say what I really wanted to... ;-)
Nice to "see" you, princess (you won't ever shake that one or any of the rest of it from me)...as always, I hope everything is going well and will continue to go well for you.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/10533
Nominated by Blinker
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