The Ultimate FAQ

Date: 11/09/1999
From: TemporalFlux

I'm unveiling this a little ahead of schedule due to this post made today:

I have created this new FAQ because of people like Executive. People who have talked to *no one* in the business about *anything*...but simply refuse to believe there is any way *they* can be wrong. In short, they have decided it is more important that they are right than any of you getting the correct info.

Sliders WAS NOT cancelled due to ratings at Sci-Fi. I have stated this time and again on the board (many of which Exec has seen)...and I obtained my information from Sci-Fi Channel sources (I'm not just pulling it out of my rear because it "sounds" Executive is doing and has done). Yet, even though Exec has seen the real info time and again...he REFUSES to even allow the general public a choice in what to believe (please note how he never refers to the facts I present). He continually reports his bogus info...and not everyone knows the difference between what is legit and what isn't (due to a continuing influx of new posters).

So, you now have this FAQ to refer people to. Anytime you see somebody like Exec continually reporting this info bogusly, you can refer them to this link:

The real truth is now out with it what you will.

The FAQ is also a work in progress...more will be added with time.


Why Temporal Flux is WRONG again.

Date: 11/09/1999
From: Executive

He wrote that FAQ on his website and he doesn't work in the TV industry either!

Let's face the ultimate fact, TF, record-low ratings killed SLIDERS, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Welcome to Paradox, and Mission: Genesis.

It was no secret that the actors' contracts had expired, but that would not be a big enough factor on the channel's decision in not renewing production. There is really no discussion here. Write or call the Sci-Fi Channel and ask them yourselves, and they will cite the ratings as the primary reason behind their ultimate decision to not renew.

It's the same reason that FOX cancelled HARSH REALM. It went from a 4.9 rating (premiere episode) on October 8 to 3.4 (October 15) to a 2.5 in the third week. As for SLIDERS on FOX it started fairly well in the 5 range, jumped into the 6's for a few episodes, went back to the low and mid 5's, got a 6.3 for "The Breeder" (because of suggested sex) dropped into the 4 range, until the spring of 1997 when it plummeted into the 3's (disasterous for broadcast TV). FOX realized the show was losing money so they cancelled it.

On the Sci-Fi Channel alone SLIDERS went from a decent basic cable 2.4 (fourth season) to the mid to upper 1 range (by the 5th season) to the low 1s to 1 and finally to 0.8 before it fell off their own "Top 10" list. It made it back on a few weeks ago, but the rating was still terrible and below 1. The Sci-Fi Channel list was in bad shape to begin with.

Temporal Flux is as naive as he is misinformed and he is afraid to accept these facts. Don't let his flashy unofficial FAN website and outrageous claims fool you.



Exec. they canceled before the ratings

Date: 11/09/1999
From: jlbanker

went south. It was still in the top 3 when the announcement came in. So you can't say they went by ratings. Now you could say that they predicted that the ratings would go down after Jerry's departure sunk in then made some of there decision they made. Now I don't agree with their decision but as we can see the ratings did slip and the ratings for First Wave went up a little. I don't profess to know anything nor have I read the FAQ yet. These are just my observations.


Yes and no, JL

Date: 11/09/1999
From: Executive

The June and July 1999 ratings were already several tenths of a point lower than the 1998 shows. Top 10 list isn't the issue here as some people like to believe, because most (and now all) of the show on that list are very low-rated -- even by the Sci-Fi Channel's own standards. Here is the part where my opinion comes in that Temporal Flux cannot accept:

I believe that Sci-Fi channel execs saw how awful the episodes of the fifth season were early on. Now whether channel execs had the chance to watch them before we did, I can't say. But they must have seen at least the first 4 or 5 episodes that aired BEFORE deciding to cancel. SLIDERS wasn't the exciting and reasonably intelligent show in the 5th season that it was the year before -- Jerry or no Jerry. If the typically horrible writing wasn't enough to ruin it for a lot of Nielsen viewers, Tembi Locke's bad acting contributed as well and Robert Floyd wasn't much better. The numbers prove that!!

Anyway, it was the lack of quality of the 5th season that clearly led to the ratings decline -- and cancellation.

Why else would Sci-Fi come out at state "SLIDERS has run its course?"


gp Exec <end>

Date: 11/09/1999
From: jlbanker


Looks good TF...(nim)

Date: 11/09/1999
From: vortex62


The facts

Date: 11/09/1999
From: TemporalFlux

And this is where you are wrong in saying Exec has a good point, JL. I am NOT stating opinions here...this is BEYOND the realm of opinion. I have TALKED to people who WERE involved in these decisions. RATINGS WAS NOT THE ISSUE. IN FACT, THE RATINGS OF SEASON FIVE IS WHAT MADE THEIR DECISION TO CANCEL SO HARD. THEY WANTED TO KEEP SLIDERS *BECAUSE* OF THE SEASON FIVE RATINGS PERFORMANCE...BUT THEY COULDN'T FIND THE MONEY.

Executive's opinion on this is worth about as much as his life...which is verging on negative standards (for those who don't know...Exec is a 31 year old who can only find work as a temporary laborer...and he only has net access because of the public library system).

Now is THAT clear? The ENTIRE network suffered the drop Exec uses as the reasoning for their cancellation of his summation, they should have cancelled the ENTIRE network if that was their reason. The FACT of the matter is that Sci-Fi looks at itself first...and they ARE NOT going to cancel one of THEIR highest rated shows if they can help it. In this instance, they were shocked Sliders stayed at the top of the game on THEIR was not expected at all. And because of this planning based on their expectation of failure...Sci-Fi had no decision but to cancel (the fact is that they wanted to cancel First Wave, but they couldn't due to the 3 year agreement).

Maybe THIS time it will be made clear...or would someone else like to tell me how much more weight a loser's opinion (i.e. Exec) has over the people who actually MADE these decisions? I'm not defending my opinion with this...I'm NOT EVEN STATING my opinion with this! These are the long are we going to encourage this uneducated bum to mislead the general public because HE CAN'T ADMIT HE'S WRONG?!?


I believe TF over Exec any day. <end>

Date: 11/09/1999
From: slider409

Slide ON!

I belive TF <END>

Date: 11/09/1999
From: Sheridan220


gp doesn't mean I agree..

Date: 11/09/1999
From: jlbanker

As stated I haven't read the FAQ yet so I am not playing sides.

What numbers?!

Date: 11/09/1999
From: QBall79

"Tembi Locke's bad acting contributed as well and Robert Floyd wasn't much better. The numbers prove that!!"

What are the numbers and how do they prove anything about Rob and Tembi's acting?



Date: 11/09/1999
From: Fish_Bone

You have to give credit where credit is due. Nice work Flux.

Fish Bone

same here. tf is way more intelligent

Date: 11/09/1999
From: mallory1369


i will side with you over SLIDERS anyday. exec is just a butt who thinks he knows alot about sliders. i mean, he even is always cutting JOC down, and i read an article interviewing robert k wiess, saying that jerry's agent wanted him to leave sliders and wanted him to go into movies. i forget the url, but if i find it, ill post it for ya. anywayz, shut up exec!!!!


ps. tf you are the man!!!!

Good Job! (END)

Date: 11/10/1999
From: Yeontoo


Flux is full of crap, and he knows it

Date: 11/10/1999
From: Executive

I have TALKED to people who WERE involved in these

* Who did you talk to? If you discussed SLIDERS with anyone at Sci-Fi surely they must have been concerned over the ratings. I challenge anyone who doesn't believe me to look into it. You'll see that I'm correct about ratings being the PRIMARY issue as I've often stated. Temporal Flux is too scared to admit the obvious and he will never concede to my verifiable points.


* See above and in my previous Nielsen ratings posts. Numbers don't lie --- Temporal Flux does.


* They wanted to keep SLIDERS BECAUSE of the extremely low ratings performance? That's like saying that Bill Clinton didn't cheat on his wife or that Norm McDonald doesn't have a gambling problem. Give us a break, Flux!!!

Executive's opinion on this is worth about as much as his life...which is verging on negative standards (for those who don't know...Exec is a 31 year old who can only find work as a temporary laborer...and he only has net access because of the public library system).

* This is partially true. I don't need to work full-time because I have a part-time network marketing business (which I've been in profit with for over a year and 1/2). I enjoy my life (of which the Internet is only a small part of), but I don't like arguing with idiots like you (funny how that only seems to happen on this bulletin board).

* By the way, Temporal Flux is the bum here -- by his own admission he has been unemployed as long as I've known him (since the spring of 1997), so who is he to talk?

The ENTIRE network suffered the drop Exec uses as the reasoning for their cancellation of his summation, they should have cancelled the ENTIRE network if that was their reason.

* I said that Sci-Fi Channel is in jeopardy, but not that they would go out of business! Although there is no denying that the channel's overall ratings are in trouble, they had to decide which of their low-rated shows would get the axe. This year it's no secret that they went with the shows that had the longest runs: Poltergeist: The Legacy and SLIDERS. At least we will get to see the last 4 episodes of Sliders in January, so it wasn't a total loss.

The FACT of the matter is that Sci-Fi looks at itself
first...and they ARE NOT going to cancel one of THEIR highest rated shows if they can help it. In this instance, they were shocked Sliders stayed at the top of the game on THEIR was not expected at all.

* For someone so sure of himself, you do mumble on endlessly about the same things don't you? This the third occasion that TF has made this topic into an argument when there wasn't supposed to one. Let's face facts -- Anything below a 1.5 on basic cable is disasterous, and Sci-Fi Channel is aware of this. Now most of their shows have fallen below the 1 mark. They aren't going to go under anytime soon, because they still can sell enough advertising time. But how many advertisers do you believe are going to keep doing business with them? Take it from an entrepenuer who knows: Low ratings indicates fewer viewers and few viewers leads to eventual cancellation of certain programs. It was only a matter of time for SLIDERS and Poltergeist. Other than my opinions of how much worse the once-great show became in Season 5, I'm sure we all can agree that the Nielsen ratings system sucks but it's the only one we have --- and the one that networks most often make their decisions by. Flux ignores most of the facts and figures I provide as usual. (Did he even read about Harsh Realm??)

The only reason the people in this thread believe Flux over me is because they have long been loyal to him, and will believe just about anything he says. Myself and others have proven him wrong on many occasions in the past 2 years+ on various matters. He has been the catalyst for any hatred against me on this board, and if he hadn't bitched and complained about correct and accurate things that I had previous written in a * different * thread to somebody * other * than him in regard to the ratings, this argument never would've started.

I would advise people who don't know about Temporal Flux to avoid his webpage...who knows just how much of its info is actually true when its author is a known liar?



It was not the ratings

Date: 11/10/1999
From: JWSlider3

At the time that Sci-Fi cancelled Sliders the ratings were starting to climb and it was at least #2 on the top ten. I feel that at the time Sliders really had a shot mostly because Sci-Fi almost lost Farscape, there #1 rated show, because of a little movie called Star Wars Episode Two. Fox took over the stages where Farscape was filming season 1 and F#ck up the shows projected buget for season 2. So for a short time Sliders real shot was the fact that Farscape might of not made it (tell me that was cause of ratings). But the most interesting thing was Sliders almost had a season 6 because of Fox.

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