Missing Year
Date: 04/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
The reason I'm making this a new post is because I thought all of you
may get a kick out of it (and may not otherwise see it). It was originally
posted as responses here (but I've made some corrections):
This is basically a look at the Sliders continuity time-line. First
of all, the start date of the sliding was in September of 1994...a fact
you can see in the Pilot but is largely looked over (the reason is because
Sliders was originally supposed to air in September of 1994 as part
of the new fall lineup on Fox...but it didn't work out that way. In
any case, they filmed it with September in mind).
Now we fast forward a bit to "Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome".
In that episode, Rembrandt clearly says they had been sliding for 18
months. That would place PTSS taking place in March of 1996.
The rest of season two and then season three through "Season's
Greedings" is the rest of 1996 ("Season Greedings" -
Dec. 25, 1996).
Now is where things get sticky. The rest of season three after "Season's
Greedings" is incalcuable. They never really give time specifics.
We get to "This Slide of Paradise", however...and the Sliders
are separated. By the time Quinn gets back together with Remmy in "Genesis"'s
been 3 months and 10 slides. And Quinn clearly states in "Genesis"
that they had been sliding for four years.
So, we have approximately a year and three months between "Season's
Greedings" and "Genesis" that is not accounted for (it
would be a year and six months...but we know where 3 of those months
went). Depending on Quinn's definition of "four years", this
would place "Genesis" somewhere between May and September
of 1998 (it premeired in the United States in June of 1998 - so that
tends to be the area I believe since it fits the zone).
The totality of season four is again quite a blank...but season five
gives us clues. The first three episodes of season five, for instance,
take place over a period of two weeks. And we know thanks to "Eye
of the Storm" that at least six months had passed between "Applied
Physics" and "Eye of the Storm" (likely a little more
than time give time for Geiger to set up that world in "Eye...").
We get to the end of season five, though...and find out that season
four and five are apparently two respective years approximately. Remmy
clearly says at the beginning of "The Seer" that it's been
2 years since he was home (referring to "Genesis"). Add that
to the fact that Quinn said they had been sliding 4 years in "Genesis",
and you have a total of six years the Sliders had been sliding per continuity
as of "The Seer".
So there you have it...even though it was on air for five years, the
Sliders were out there for six. We have a missing year of stories...and
it's somewhere in between the episodes of the last half of season three
(most likely before Arturo died...because all of those season three
episodes with Maggie on board had her being treated as a new person).
Of course, that's not mentioning the other missing gaps throughout the
series to fill out the's just that the missing year greatly
stands out in comparison.
And just to make clear...the missing year is an approximate year of
missing tales circa season three. When you get down to it, it's somewhere
between 6 and 10 months of missing time (since Remmy and Quinn were
both rounding off when they made their "year" statments in
"Genesis" and "The Seer").

Date: 04/29/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I have a question though... what year would that make the hypothetical
season 6?
Also, I feel I should point out that Genesis first premiered in the
UK on April 10th, 1998. However, that doesn't really mess up your timings

Date: 04/29/2000
From: QBall79
Makes you wonder what we missed. Are those really our Sliders? Maybe
they were replaced before Genesis.
Maybe *that* Quinn always used to stay at the Chandler.

What about this?
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Grizzlor
First, good work, Sliders history is so darn complicated I could never
have worked it out.
Second, I always buy the Star trek encyclopedia book from Mike Okuda
and he pretty much sets a good standard in time lines. They tend to
take anything said on star trek pretty literally. for example, if data
says it's been about 100 years since the destruction of a ship, then
they'll put the year down as exactly 100 years ago to be a little more
clear about things. That would make your Genesis and Seer assumptions
somewhat correct. But personally I don't like that approach.
IF I say, "I've been living here for eight years," you might
say I moved in in 1992. But that's pretty vague, and I could have moved
in latter 1991 or anytime in 1992. Why? Because people hate saying 7
years, 7 months, or 8 years, 5 months. If somebody's 33 years old, they
don't say 33 and a half or 32 and three quarters! It's all about perspective!
So right there, that's a swing of one year in either direction.
Back to Sliders though, Quinn's statement of 4 years could be taken
literally as that, or give or take 3 or 4 months here and there. Also,
Remmy said two years and immediately when I saw it I thought that was
odd. That means if Genesis was June 98, Seer is June 2000, which hasn't
happened yet!
So Quinn and Remmy were probably just rounding it off.
How about this, Genesis is June 98 and then Seer is around this february,
when it aired. I don't know, it's difficult. Unfortunately, you can't
look at the seasons because San Fran and LA are about the same temp.
all year long!

didn't air Feb
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
It aired December. If you're using air dates as an approach, you have
to take into account where they were shown FIRST.

be December
Date: 04/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
But in my opinion it would be easier for Remmy to say "A year and
a half" than say "Two years" if that was the case. That's
why I placed Quinn more around June of 98 in "Genesis". At
that date, it would be the 4 year anniversary since the first slide
just 3 months later in September of 1998. It makes more sense to me
for someone to round off from June than to round off from April (5 months
before Sept of 98). Maybe that's just I said, it's up for debate
since we have no real marker.
I used the same reasoning with "he Seer"...3 months from
March would be June 2000...and going by the first approximation I made
on Quinn in "Genesis"...June 2000 would be roughly two years
since "Genesis" (again with the character rounding off time
because it was really 1 year and 3 quarters since "Genesis").
I would be more comfortable saying "The Seer" was sometime
in March...but it could be in February around the U.S. air date too
(since that was just be 4 months from June - a little more than I think
someone would round off...but different people do different things).
To say "The Seer" happened in the end of December 1999, though...we
would be 6 months away from June 2000. I just don't see anyone rounding
December 1999 off as two years since June 1998. But it is kind of grey...because
we aren't in the character's head. We basically have alot of leeway
to play with inside a reasonable bounds. And we decide what's reasonable
and what isn't individually.

do make sense, Tf,
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
but if anyone's using the air dates as a marker, then you have to use
first air dates.
Of course, the way you do it, you barely use that. Only for correlation
you don't really need.

Date: 04/29/2000
From: Informant
I wonder if Weiss noticed this. Maybe, if the movie is set during this
gap, it could set things right without tearing apart the past few seasons.
Just thinking out loud.
Actually, just thinking by typing, since it's not actually out loud...
unless you're reading it out loud.
Okay, bye.

Date: 04/29/2000
From: Stax_
In Lipschitz Live didn't the sign in the Chandler say
The Chandler Welcomes
InfiniCorop &
Millenia Media
1997 World Television
Corporate Summit
Of course , it could be a Van Meer earth .stax

the problem
Date: 04/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
That's a good observation on the sign in "Lipschitz Live"
and something I had noted and just not mentioned. It just depends on
what you give more weight to. Quinn saying they had been sliding for
four years in "Genesis" or a sign placed up by the populace
of an alternate earth that we never had the chance to fully explore.
I only went by things from our Sliders perspecitve...things they said,
did or thought concerning the date (the Sliders stated several times
in "Season's Greedings" how it really was Christmas time -
never did they note the world was celebrating the holiday out of season).
Then, I worked everything around all the things our Sliders gave. My
belief is that the only gauge we could have to the passage of time for
our Sliders is the Sliders themselves. There are just too many variables
in a multiverse of infinite possibilities...but the Sliders knowledge
would be constant. They were our anchor as much as they were their own.
That's just my take on it and what I believe...whether it's right or
not, that's up to each individual to decide.

Missing Year: REVEALED!!!!!!!
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
During that missing year, the Sliders landed on a variety of unique,
science fiction-like worlds. Wade, not Maggie, was involved a lot, there
wasn't a lot of action, and none of their adventures were at all like
any movie. So, because Peck was at the helm, those stories were.......forgotten.
Really, that would be a great idea for a fanfic. I can see it now.....

to consider
Date: 04/29/2000
From: JorgeCis
A few shows end and start their seasons in the new year. If you'll notice,
in "Star Trek", the season finale cliffhanger is usually in
December of their time while the season premiere is the next year ("The
Best of Both Worlds", for instance).
Now, in the case of Sliders, this could be it, too. The group starts
in Sept. 1994. Two years later, in season three, there's "Season's
Greedings." So that fits.
Now, let's try putting "This Slide of Paradise" in October
1997, which also fits seeing how it's still the third season. Three
months later, at the start of season 4, we have January 1998. Thus four
years have passed since the initial slide, which is why Quinn says four
Seeing how Remmy landed on EP three months earlier, then he would have
come home in October 1997. In "The Seer", which was filmed
in 1999, Remmy would have been sliding for two years.
Let's look at "Lipshitz Live". The 1997 Summit could have
taken place in 1998. Look at our taxes. Didn't most of us file our 1999
taxes in the year 2000?
Just wanted to toss that in...

Date: 04/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
That's something I haven't considered about Remmy...he was on Earth
Prime 3 months before Quinn in "Genesis" (which by my time
line would place "This Slide of Paradise" in March/April of
1998). So, Remmy saying 2 years since he went home in February of 2000
could be more accurate...December could be too (though that still may
be stretching). Of course, it depends on what one interprets by Remmy's
saying "since I've been home". Is he referring to when he
got there or when he left as the last reference point? I can see it
going either way...I tend to see it as referring to when he left ("since"
would be the term to apply to case in my mind...when someone says that,
they are usually referring to the last actual moment they were there
and not when they arrived). If it refers to when he left...then it fits
what I was thinking.
As I said, it's left up to interpretation. Personally, I don't see
how January 1998 for "Genesis" is viable. That would be 9
months away from the actual 4 year anniversary of the start of sliding
in September just don't see people rounding 3 1/4 years into
4 years. At least I don't.
Even going with January 1998 for "Genesis", though...we have
the last half of season three (after "Season's Greedings")
taking place over 10 months? (if "This Slide of Paradise"
is placed in October) There's still a sizeable gap there anyway...because
the Maggie episodes in season three were clearly portrayed that she
had not been with them long at all (they kept referring to that fact
and playing off it). So those episodes seem to have taken place over
a short period of time ("Exodus" and forward).

Date: 04/29/2000
From: JorgeCis
Good point, TF. Maybe the pilot didn't take place in September 1994?
Maybe it took place earlier? I mean, it would seem that Quinn had taken
his class with Arturo for a while. And school usually starts in September
here. Does that work for California, or does it start earlier?
More brainstorming. :-)

Date: 04/29/2000
From: Informant
What if they weren't sliding at all? What if we're not missing anything?
Maybe they were stuck on a world, maybe had games played with their
minds... maybe they are different sliders who were made to think that
they were OUR sliders so that they could play in with Kromagg games!
Okay, I'm not even making sense to me anymore. I think the Kromagg
theory is best served in another post... so off I am to post.

other thing, TF...
Date: 04/29/2000
From: JorgeCis
You're right that the last half of s3 shouldn't be ten months. If we
go by production number, it isn't. In fact, "Season's Greedings"
is production number K1806. Which is K1805? "The Dream Masters."
That gives us an extra seven episodes to work with. Could that account
for more time?
I'm just curious, TF: to continue brainstorming with this, I want to
follow how you see this. Do you go by production number, or in the order
it was meant to be aired, or in the order it was aired? Do you consider
the s2 finale to be "The Young and the Relentless", or "As
Time Goes By"? This is just so that we synchronize our clocks somewhat.

more thing to add
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Grizzlor
I just wanted to mention that a reason the Sliders dates are difficult
to record is, again, another reference to Okuda's Star Trek Chronology/Encyclopedia.
Basically, he says that the overriding factor in science fiction "facts"
is that the scifi is a television show, and thus much of what should
be done to keep continuity and believability is sacrificed. this is
due to the cost constraints in one manner. But the biggest reason is
that the primary concern that the producers/writers/directors have is
to make good television. So the "gaps" in the sequence are
clearly a result of focusing on the scripts and the concepts, rather
than the details. Still, It would be nice if soon a former Sliders employee
would make some sort of Official Sliders guide or encyclopedia or something
to sort things out. At least we could have the answers then. There is
definitely enough material on the show to do it. I've asked around for
a while now to see if any books were made, but the only stuff is the
novel about 4 years ago and the comics and the card set. We need more.
See, Sliders just never got marketed right.
To all, my best take on the "gaps" of months at a time are
that you obviously can't fit them into the episodes in a season ( which
nearly every year are only 18, not enough), So how about we assume that
these gaps feature the boring slides, or ones where they just worked,
or vacationed, etc. In fact, most episodes begin and end with worlds
we only see for few minutes. Therefore, if they've been there for a
fewe days or weeks, there's a bunch of time there. And then add in the
"boring" periods, or if they get stuck somewhere for a very
long time....

better tell this to Weiss!
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Brand_S
Maybe this information could help Weiss when he makes the Sliders movie.
I really think it could. If someone has his AIM handle, they should
really tell him about it.

Date: 04/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux
Going back before 1994 is a bit much in my opinion. We know by the production
intentions that it was meant to be September of 1994 (meant for a fall
premiere in 1994 and pushed back to be a mid season replacement in March
of 1995). But for timeline purposes...I'm only taking season one in
production order. It's the only one that matters in that. The rest of
the seasons are in the order they aired on U.S. Fox in my thinking (just
as U.S. Sci-Fi airs them now). Also, the production numbers are not
the ones to go's the air numbers from Fox (which all began with
the prefix SL).
As for filling in the gaps...why do we have to assume the "episodes"
we didn't see were boring? I'm not saying the network or writers are
at fault for something here...I'm just saying there is a huge window
of potential for missing tales. Obviously they can't show everything...but
little windows have been left to go back and fill. I'm very grateful
for that...not upset (just look at what Trek novel writers have done
with all the gaps and inconsistencies). And these gaps in Sliders are
good especially since these windows fall in the "good times".
Every season has small gaps that anyone can use to tell a missing tale...but
season one and season three (while Arturo was still there) have an enormous
amout (much more than any other). And I think it's great!
This is an opportunity...not something to brush aside and waste.

with Tf on dates
Date: 04/29/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
It is a bit much to go back before 1994. I'm sure if we all paid close
attention there would be certain ickle indications around.
There are so many fanfics with the 'original 4' that the gaps are probably
a blessing!

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