new 1 month purge rule? - BBR
Date: 10/10/2001
From: TemporalFlux
Well, the great purge of 2001 is taking place as we speak. From what
we can determine, any board (listed under Sci-Fi Channel - click at
top right) with no activity for more than one month was purged (meaning
all boards whose last post was made before 9-10-01 are toast). An example
that proves this one month standard (which will probably be completely
gone by morning) is board 813 on page 22 under Sci-Fi Channel.
As for Sliders, it looks like the only survivors under Sci-Fi Channel
will be two random messages, the JOC Fanatics board, The Story Game,
the main board and the archive (which is thankfully safe even though
it was created in August). It looks like right now that this is just
board specific, though. All individual posts to active boards (such
as to the main board) are being left in place despite the one month
standard. Whether this will remain constant...we'll just have to see.
The Bboard Admin gave little warning of this purge tonight (obviously
to keep people from saving boards by posting on them now)...so a post
purge could come with similar lack of warning. I would hope they would
follow their Archive model and save these main board posts at least,

picture now
Date: 10/10/2001
From: TemporalFlux
The dust seems to be settling and the Sci-Fi Channel boards section
is now down to 10 pages (was at 29). It seems they did this deletion
manually though...the month standard wasn't followed to the letter.
While a general guide line (and they did delete a few that had activity
in early September of this year), they also left up some boards that
hadn't had activity since June of this year.
So with an apparent manual nature to this, I don't think they've installed
a new system to search out according to a specific date.

of JOC & SG boards now gone.
Date: 10/10/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Only one post from before May of this year survived on the JOC bboard.
SG 16 & 21-28 gone. All signup and comment threads from before
SG 29 gone.

leads to be ask this again....
Date: 10/11/2001
From: Grizzlor
I know you've personally scolded me on this one, but I would expect
Scifi to also purge home sites for old shows they haven't aired in years
and years. and this is way ahead of myself, but at some point in the
future I would expect the Sliders material to be junked too. Not that
its of any use anyway. Anyway, you knew they couldn't leave chunks of
material up no one uses.

Date: 10/11/2001
From: TemporalFlux
The Welcome to Paradox board and site are still there and working even
though they deleted all the posts from it:
Not to mention Mission Genesis:
They are still not showing signs of deleting the official things related
to their shows. Some cursory investigation of the information I've provided
you time and again would have revealed that. My posts here were to give
everyone a heads up to the scope of what was going on and an alert to
probable reinstitution of old post purging (thus recreating our need
for archiving on our own). I was not doomsaying and don't see any need
for doomsaying.
The cold reality everyone is aware of is that to all things there eventually
comes a passing...we just have to enjoy them while they are here. I
mean, you wouldn't walk up to your Grandpa and say "So when *are*
you going to die? Don't you know it's coming, old man?" In a likewise
manner, I (and several others) have no need for you and a few others
to keep repeating about the eventual deletion of this board.

e-mail to SciFi
Date: 10/11/2001
From: EustiSlider
I have no idea whether this will get anywhere, but I thought it was
worth a shot.
To BBoard staff:
I understand why it's necessary to purge old posts, but if the text
from old posts is still available, is there any way I can get a copy
of it? I know many of the posts are forgettable, but some fanfics, bboard
events and others historic posts are worth saving. I'd like to archive
these deleted posts on my own site. The boards in question are:
Sliders: JOC Fanatics
SLIDERS: Story Game
(This last board didn't lose any posts in the latest purge, but many
memorable posts have been lost over the years in previous posts.)
If there's any way possible to retrieve these posts, it would be greatly
Thank you,
James Simpson
bboard handle: EustiSlider
DMD's note (7/9/03): No reply was ever received
from this e-mail, as usual.

idea eusti
Date: 10/11/2001
From: Grizzlor
well, considering there are 26, 823 posts numbered at the second I write
this. And subtracting the 20,252 in the archive plus 389 in this board
page, that leaves 6,182 posts that have been purged!!! That is a lot,
like 23% of all posts!! I checked the farscape and lexx boards, and
there is hardly any purging. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't they
purge the old stuff while the show was still on
?? That just made no sense, seeing how they left useless posts and boards
up for years that never had any attention. I know that much of the first
half of 1999 were purged. Hardly anything remains there. They should
reinstate everything and get rid of content from shows that they haven't
aired or had rights too in 5 years.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/26818
Nominated by Blinker
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