Happy 7th Anniversary Sliders!

Date: 03/22/2002
From: TemporalFlux

7 years ago today the journey began. It was Tuesday, March 22, 1995; and the Fox Tuesday night movie was an unexpected science fiction adventure simply named Sliders. 14.1 million households would tune that evening to see just how Elvis was still alive...just what that blue vortex was...and whether or not that really was the fat kid from Stand By Me. It was the beginning of something that would stimulate minds for years to come...even until this day.

Through sheer dumb luck, I happened to be watching Fox earlier in the afternoon on that Tuesday and saw the Sliders commercial. The entire presentation of the commercial just grabbed me. I had not really been a fan of the parallel world concept before then, but for some reason I was really reminded of the type of wonder I had upon seeing the first commercials for Quantum Leap (which also started out as a movie - NBC Sunday night). That was the first of several parallels the series would hold to QL...because just as I did with QL, I thought Sliders was only a movie until I saw the notice of the next episode at the end. It was somewhat like Christmas coming in March. ;-)

What was your first experience with Sliders...your favorite memory...the thing that hooked you into watching the show? I couldn't think of a better day to talk about it.


I feel so old.

Date: 03/22/2002
From: Tigs

[too rambly, erased]

Wow. This rambles like a sunbeam on a slightly cloudy day, perhaps I should've used the other handle. :)

Love the concept of "what if."

Nuff said

Ah yes >>>

Date: 03/22/2002
From: vortex62

BT must be eradicated!!

My first experience with Sliders. Well being in the Navy
and stationed overseas I was unable to see any American
TV. When I got stationed at Sigonella Sicily (moving from
one overseas location to another) we only had one American
station, the Armed Forces Network or AFN, and the rest was
italian..ugh. One night I came home from attending college
from on base and I just happen to turn on the TV. Well it
just so happen that the episode "Fever" just started. Since
I couldn't watch any other channels I had no choice but to
watch. I was hooked after the episode ended. Sliders came
on every night on Tuesday and that was when I discovered
the Experts, Tim's and Ed's site to get more information
about the show. I was always a huge Scifi Nut anyway and
the "What Ifs" just through me in more to the show. Once I
got back to the states is when I decided to create Steve's
Parallel World (Earth62) site. And now thanks to the
Scifi Channel I have every episode on tape. It is amazing
how one TV show can have influence over you when it comes
to time in managing a website and money to upkeep the site
or obtaining memorabilia. Happy Anniversary Sliders!!!


P.S. Wow, I think this is the longest post I have ever wrote
this board. I better slow down or I might get hurt.... :b

I caught the 'Fever'

Date: 03/22/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

But I'm trying to avoid catching BT!

'Fever' was the first episode I saw. I'd meant to watch the pilot after hearing the radio ad campaign, but something came up and I didn't bother to tape it. :(

Any way, happy anniversary!


PS It's also William Shatner's birthday today? Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!!

My story

Date: 03/22/2002
From: QBall79

The hook for me was "Luck of the Draw." I had seen the promos for Sliders before and wanted to watch it, but for some reason I always forgot to tune in. I remember one of my high school teachers mentioned Sliders in class, and that reminded me to make a point to see the show. So that week I tuned in and saw the Lottery World episode. I loved the concept, the acting was great; it was like watching a movie. I felt myself caring about the characters by the end of the show, so when Quinn was shot, I was like, "wow,
I HAVE to tune in next time."

But next time didn't come. Months passed. My family packed up and moved to a new town, and soon enough I had forgotten
about Sliders. Then I saw the promos hailing its return. I was psyched. I had to work, so I had my dad tape "Into the Mystic" for me. Because of my work schedule I missed a lot of Season 2 and 3 (my folks forgot to tape the show for me most of the time), but the reruns on Sci-Fi allowed me to catch up on everything.


Summer of Love was my first.

Date: 03/22/2002
From: Joey_Starr

BT wasn't born yet....


I'm not sure if it was the first airing or not. All I know is that its the only episode besides This Slide of Paradise, that I have not seen the whole ep. Actually I never saw This Slide of Paradise(from what I understand, that's a good thing).

The rest is legend.

Hey Steve, watch yourself on ths long posts! They are habit forming. ;)


Date: 03/22/2002
From: Informant

I was intrigued by the commercials on Fox. X-Files fan, and I like strange stories and all that stuff, so these types of shows are usually shows that I watch. That year, it was VR.5 and Sliders. I watched both. Then came the big letter writing thing and I wrote for both, but only one survived. Out of that, we got some good Sliders episodes and Anthony Stewart Head was free from VR.5 (which was a good show!) to do Buffy.

Yes, I did make this into a Buffy post. I don't know how I do it.

Anyway, I watched all the episodes since the first one. No interesting story there.

for me..

Date: 03/22/2002
From: Zarpell

Actually I had not even planned to watch the tv movie. I saw the commericials and thought it looked interesting. If there wasn't anything else on tv then I had planned to waste 10 minutes and check it out. Well, the rest is history. I did check it out and found myself captivated by the storyline. The pilot along with the rest of season One and two made the show errie, meaning that the sliders found themselves on worlds that closely resembled their own but soon found themselves on a world with very dangerous circumstances. I guess we later foudn out how dangerous those circumstances would be for some of our favorite Sliders (Arturo and Wade)

fell in love at first viewing....

Date: 03/22/2002
From: Marvello

and my life has never been the same.i was so impressed with the show,i took the copy of the pilot to a friend's house for them to watch it.they fell in love too and that is how we started to show together(mainly the first 3 seasons).i think that the premise of the storyline was what got me hooked.i was a huge comic book fan at one time and one of my favorite books was called "what if",a Marvel comic which asked question like;what if the bruce banner never lost control of the hulk or what if the fantastic four had different powers.the opening commerical i saw for it also was a big help.does anyone remember that fox reshowed the pilot again the next week before the first episode?

sliding thru,
Marvello :-)

It was a Wednesday, by the way :)

Date: 03/22/2002
From: David_Mallory

Ahh good old 1995. I still remember it as if it was yesterday. A week before I purchased TV Guide and skimmed through the few first pages and something grabbed my eyes. It was an article with a tag line "Earth 2...3...4..."

When I saw the pilot... I was hooked.


Date: 03/22/2002
From: TemporalFlux

Coulda swore it was a Tuesday (Fox was really big into the Tuesday night movie around that time). Ah well...mistakes happen.

Also, Zarpell hit it right on the head. That eerie quality of worlds that looked the same on the surface was something largely missing from the later seasons (even though some producers were noting that stories should be written more to that goal). I would definitely have to say that aspect was one of the key components of the Sliders "magic" in those early seasons.

Ah...I also checked my records/tapes and there's nothing about a second airing of the Pilot just before the first regular episode. The only Pilot rerun I have a record of was the two parter in the summer (which was airing on Sunday nights if memory serves).


A late bloomer here

Date: 03/23/2002
From: Grizzlor

Well, indeed it is cool to celebrate the birth of Sliders after 7 years. Of course, it would have been nice if the series went for seven years!

Basically, I couldn't tell you if I watched Sliders in the beginning or not. I just don't remember. All season one was on Wednesday nights, and I remember watching VR5 back then, which was sometimes on wednesdays too, so I would have to assume that I also watched Sliders. Now the old Fox Wed. back then (http://www.inthe90s.com/prime.shtml) was 90210/Models, Inc. (which I think was canned very quickly) And Sliders was shown often in the summer the first 2 years. Particularly on Friday Nights at 8 before X-Files. I am positive I watched it some on Fridays because I used to watch Brisco County, which was on Fridays at 8 before X-Files. In was in High school still at the time so I doubt I was home often on Friday's to watch it all the time. I was very familar with Season 3, I do remember that. Of course, I watched the show more consistently on Scifi because S4 was on Mondays, but they reran the episodes often during the week, so I could see them all. When Sci-Fi finally started rerunning the Fox episodes during 1998, I was finally able to watch the episodes intently, not just flipping from that to Steve Urkel or whatever someone else was nagging me to watch. The truth is about the only night shows back then I watched all the time were Simpsons, Married with Children, and usually DS9. I was a massive baseball fan back then, and usually was watching a Yankees game every night, so if I was watching TV, I was probably flipping to check out Sliders or whatever else was on.

The first website I ever went to for Sliders was www.sliders.net, which is still up but not updated. I came to this Board because Scifi's rerun hell left me confused as to what happened in the Fourth Season. Then I saw Revelations and was wondering why there was no next episode, because I couldn't fathom that was the season finale. So I came to this board in Spring 1999, and was shocked to find out that Jerry was gone from the show. And that everything was a mess! But I frequently talked with people in the chat room for a while, it was a blast!

And I've been here ever since. Mainly because Sliders is a show I really like, and the people in the fan community are really dedicated to this show and I like to see what's going to happen with it. And because Sliders was the first show I really liked that was railroaded off the air (after I got on the Internet) so this community is something I can access right away.

Despite my frequent gripes about the creative lapses during the later seasons, I found EVERY episode to be entertaining. The truth is that even in Season 3 the writing itself was superb, however, the plots and reasoning behind them were not. The acting was great as well. Season 4 the acting was not as good, the writing was ok, but in reality the science fiction was a lot better (Thanks to Zicree, et al.) Season 5 the acting was ok, the line by line writing stunk, though the premise was sometimes alright and other times plain maddening (Requiem)

Shatner/Nimoy Bdays right with Sliders

Date: 03/23/2002
From: Grizzlor

William Shatner's birthday is March 22, just like Sliders, while Nimoy's is MArch 26. Must have been a cosmic thing for Sliders to premiere on Shatner's birthday of all days! A good omen? Maybe

That Wensday night

Date: 03/23/2002
From: SlidersRocks

Yep Sliders aired on Wensday March 22 1995. Im pretty sure it replaced "Party of Five" which ended their season the week before or either they where put on hiatus until the summer when Sliders eneded. And "90210" wasent shown to make room for the Sliders movie that week. Sliders did come back on Sundays at 7:00pm in the summer. Im pretty sure this was the first time FOX had the Sunday at 7:00pm timeslot.


That Wednesday night*** (end)

Date: 03/23/2002
From: SlidersRocks

Oh yea and the next week 90201 came back with a new episode and a new Sliders episode aired at 9pm.


reshowing the pilot......

Date: 03/23/2002
From: Marvello

which fox did back in the old days.shows like strange luck,
and space:above and beyond were both shown again either that following sunday nite or tuesday nite.i seem to remember that it was first shown on wednesday then shown again that sunday nite to inform the fans when the next show was on.in fact i have two copies of the pilot that i taped back then but alas the old vcr had no date index on it.

sliding thru,
Marvello :-}

Happy Anniversary! <Ugh late again>

Date: 03/23/2002
From: JessieMallory

Let's see, hmmmm...my ex-boyfriend's sister told me about JRD having a new series starting. I had been a fan of his long before Sliders. So I tuned in and was hooked from the get go.

Favorite memory has to be the fact that my love of writing was once again sparked due to the show. I hadn't written a single thing since high school. Then Exodus happened and I wrote 25 pages in one sitting. Those 25 pages became my spin-off Terra Prime, and I've been writing all sorts of things ever since.

I'm extremely grateful that Sliders came to be. If not, I may never have starting writing again.


well my thing was...

Date: 03/24/2002
From: JLBanker

I was a HUGE Back to the Future fan & loved BTTF2 alt reality consept & the FOX commercials reminded me of that. Well that day I had to be somewhere & the VCR was broke so I missed the 1st 45mins. Never saw the beginning until it aired on the Sci-Fi channel.

My memory

Date: 03/24/2002
From: stuslide

I knew about it for a while when SLIDERS first started out. I've always had a thing about dopplegangers for a while so the idea of SLIDERS and parallel universes appealed to me.

The first episode came out and I was just blown away by the freshness of it and the characters and the fact that they were so unique from each other, but important in some way.

The thing that got me hooked...the idea of doubles. What kept me coming back...the twists, the characters, and Wade (would Quinn realize that she loved him or not?)

Favorite memory...the end of the Prince of Wails as well as the introduction of Logan St. Clair.

"Just think of the possibilities."

Sliders' 7 years old?

Date: 03/25/2002
From: leelo

Sliders is 7 years old? Jeez, Sliders has been around 7 years and I feel old.

Christ, I hadn't even hit puberty...

Date: 03/26/2002
From: CoolSlider

By the first time it aired. I found out about it by listening to a few radio commercials a few days before the airing. I was interested in it since I was a huge time travel fan (loving BTTF) and thought it would be right up my (gay) alley. The Pilot immediately hooked me and through the rest of the first season, I had to set a timer and tape it sicne I wasn't even allowed to stay up till 10 PM on a school night. :P


Just luck

Date: 03/26/2002
From: SweetOne

All alone in a faraway place, with no one to talk to I just happened to be flipping channels when I caught a glimpse of JOC just as the show was starting. So I watched a few minutes you know just to see if it was gonna be good. And it was. I was hooked from the pilot then very upset when it disappeared only to be moved to scifi, (I had to talk the hubby into a dish just so I could watch).


Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/27630
Nominated by Blinker


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