5 coming down under
Date: 2/23/99
From: TemporalFlux
This was posted on the newsgroup by a poster named Rob
"A channel 10 programming rep has told me [Sliders] is slated
to return second half of the year with the new season
Rob Brown"
So, it looks like our Australian friends can look for Sliders season
five sometime between mid-July and December 1999. Further details should
be made available by Channel 10 as time goes stay tuned (and
you may want to contact Channel 10 for more information if you live
down under).

sooner rather than later..
Date: 2/23/99
From: OzSlider
...The Ten network revise their programming evry 3 to 4 weeks. I am
due to contact them again on March 1. On each occasion I am told that
the new season will be definatly commencing mid year, or there about.
They said the same thing about season 4 last year and that was then
brought forward to May.
One can't wait for something to happen. After just some 8 episodes
of the season 3 repeats last year they replaced it with V.I.P. Well
V.I.P. came and went pretty quickly (no one apparently watched it !)
Now one has to put up with Beverly Hills 90210 !
So there is still a good chance that Australia will see season 5 ahead
of you guys...(again).

Date: 2/24/99
From: StarSekr1
...are *so* lucky!! We can't even get through Season 4.
SS1 ;-)

that information proves correct...
Date: 2/24/99
From: Executive
...then I'll have my Australian friend Mark go back to taping SLIDERS
for me again in the summer.
The Sci-Fi Channel probably wasn't too enthusiastic about the series'
3rd season ratings on FOX, and I believe that's why they went the international
distribution route first. It was a rare example of foreign viewers seeing
our own American product before we do! However, this year I have a feeling
we will be getting the new season in the United States first. Why? Because
2 of the remaining 6 "new" episodes of the 4th season are
airing in March. If the Sci-Fi Channel runs only 2 a month for the next
three months, that would leave us open for a June premiere of the 5th
season. What's more, the long delayed 1997 to 1998 season did premiere
here on June 8...

changing his spots
Date: 2/24/99
From: TemporalFlux
I told you I would remind you of this when the time was right, Exec.
It's funny, but what you said here now conforms with what you argued
me and several others down about so long ago on this board and the TV
Guide board (it got more heated on the TV Guide provided
links to it in your responses just in case your memory has once again
degraded, Exec). And back then, you were boasting about what you "predicted"...hoping
no ones remember these past statements so you can boast again about
being "correct" at a later date? Don't worry...all of us know
the answer.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering...the exact theory Exec stated
was originally presented by Thomas Malthus in a February 19 post on
this board titled "Season 5 in June, a theory...". That's
where credit should be given...and believe me, if I hadn't said anything
here; Exec would be trying to take all the credit solely for himself
when June arrives. Just look at the links for October (and your past
knowledge of him if you know him).

try, Fluxboy but no dice!
Date: 2/25/99
From: Executive
You really love to make trouble when there isn't any, don't you? It
never ceases to amaze me how low you can sink... First of all, I posted
that information which was * publically * offered on on the TV GUIDE
website's sci-fi area. You know damn well it was originally reported
by JOHN WALSH of TV Guide Online on October 15, 1998 that the 5th season
was slated to premiere in January 1999. Obviously we know since then
that it's changed as The Sci-Fi Channel kept pushing it back. If you
want to blame somebody, complain to them!
I pointed all of this out to you previously. Do you keep an entire
encyclopedia of links to everything that you and people you hate have
written, or is it that you just have so much time on your hands that
you can go to the effort of digging up links to old (and dated) messages
from months ago that are completely irrelevant?
In the real world people can modify old theories when circumstances
change WITHOUT being attacked, Flux. Since my previous posting was not
offensive or even intended as such at your original post in this topic,
your latest attack (like so many before it) was uncalled for. But you
were rude, so I had a right to this rebuttal.
To use a popular phrase you've often used with me, "If you can
dish it out, be prepared to take it!"
Date: 2/25/99
From: TemporalFlux
The only amazement I ever have is that everybody else is always wrong
and not Executive. Ever notice that? Ever done a statistical analysis
on how probably that is?
Anyway, you seem to always have a problem looking outside your own
small mind. You can't put what everyone else does into the terms it
would take you to do it. I happen to have a very good memory, and I
went right to the old post in a matter of seconds. The fact that it
would take you days (if you could even remember at all - which we all
know you wouldn't want to - is irrelevant).
And, the fact of the matter is that this wouldn't even be an issue
if you hadn't adamantly shoved the TV Guide info down everyone's throat
after I showed it couldn't logically be possible and even provided Dominion
info that it wasn't going to happen. As always, you chose to answer
question after question about the season five start day with the TV
guide info...never once saying it could possibly be wrong as I and several
others pointed out. No, instead you chose to mislead people again and
build up false hopes...until January came. Then you never mentioned
it apology to those you mislead, no correction post, no apology
to Expert for once again saying he was wrong when he was right (he pointed
out immediately that the TV Guide info was bogus), nothing. You just
"forgot" about it until you always do. And now
what do you do? What you always do..."It was those other bastards!
Not me!"
The fact of the matter is that Sci-Fi Channel never pushed anything knew then as you know now that it was NEVER planned to debut
season five in January. But, it's still everyone else's fault right?
It's even my fault for making you have to own up to even more of half
cocked, bad information that you endless spew with no apology.
I'm sorry, but the only person here who can't take what they dish is
you. Else you would have just accepted my theory of the January issue
as a possibility instead of outright denying it and then chastising
myself and others for ever doubting the god like editors of TV Guide
(that's in the link I gave). Instead you immediately said we were wrong...and
even now that it's proven we were right, you still say we were wrong.
Until your next attempt to confuse and mislead this board, Executive.
And remember, I give proof...I don't just ask people to take my word
for it as you do.
your paranoia is showing
Date: 2/25/99
From: Executive
On the contrary, Flux, I admitted I was wrong in this thread as well
as in earlier threads just not in the way that you would prefer. (Your
faulty memory slipped as usual). The only thing is that, for the 100th
time, I was relaying information given by John Walsh -- an official
and usually reliable source at TV GUIDE. Why should I apologize for
Walsh's mistake? And don't lie -- I didn't "shove the information
down people's throats". I was excited at the news, and I believed
it at the time because TV GUIDE has rarely been wrong. Back in October
it was correct, but things change over time. The point is: WHO CARES?
** Temporal Flux **. Who is the only one who constantly bitches and
complains on this board at The Executive? ** Temporal Flux **. Who is
the only person who needs to get a life? ** Temporal Flux **.
When have you ever admitted you were wrong for accusing me of everything
and anything you disagree with, thereby contributing to the discourse
of this and other bulletin boards? I have yet to see you apologize for
creating so much trouble and havoc for me (and on occasions in the past
that I won't embarrass you with, several other people as well).
Instead of attacking my first post, I suggest that if you had to say
anything at all the right thing would have been for you to just address
it on the points I was making instead. Even if you politely disagreed
we wouldn't be having this argument.
Date: 2/25/99
From: TemporalFlux
I did address your points. You never admitted the info was wrong until
I called you on it (as usual). You did shove the information down people
throats because you answered every question about season 5 with the
TV Guide info as if it were the only possible solution (thus misleading
because these answers were well after it was pointed out to you how
the info was likely wrong). And I don't correct everything you say,
only your erroneous, misleading information which causes a detriment
to other posters (i.e. spoiler warnings, bad info, stealing credit,
etc.). The proof is there. I linked to it. And even now in this last
response, you admit no fault (you never do with anything). I do when
it happens. Ask around.
And as far as harrassment goes...what was the point of your original
post in this thread? It had nothing to do with the topic other than
to say in other words, "I can get copies of eps in advance from
Australia where the rest of you can't. :-p" And then to regurgitate
Thomas Malthus' theory about U.S. scheduling (which has everything to
do with Australian scheduling?!?) so that you can later claim it as
your own (like you do time and again...and the sad fact is that you
probably would believe it yourself).
And lastly, would you like me to link to the TV Guide board posts where
you proceeded to defame my character during my vocally publicized abscence
at the end of last year? It won't take but a second...and I said nothing
to you then in order for you to call me a liar, bastard, etc. In fact,
I wasn't even on-line...yet you continued. That is case
you or anyone else needs a definition.
my theory
Date: 2/26/99
From: emzee
I have a new theory to share. Temp Flux and Exec are split personalities
of the same person. One personality makes an assertion and the other
split goes into attack mode! They are really quite close in origination
which is why they take such peculiar offense to each other's statements.
OK, OK, it's just a theory, ;>)
no offense intended,
that were the case...
Date: 2/26/99
From: TemporalFlux
Believe me...I would have had the other personalty erased by hypnosis
or something by now. But doesn't always know that they have
split personalities...Oh No!!!
have proven NOTHING as usual, Flux
Date: 2/26/99
From: Executive
Just that you are a pain in the ass, and continue to lie, twist, and
misrepresent everything I say. Your targeting me is the reason behind
a few people having caused trouble on the TV GUIDE board and on MCA.
If I wasn't here, I'm sure you would find somebody else to annoy. It's
in your nature - as several people who once used the old MCA/Universal
SLIDERS NetForum will attest to. If you are so dumb to have to provide
links, I'm sure it would only present your own side in our fights. Than
again, who really cares at this point? But if you want to give anyone
following this a good laugh, why not repost your November 7, 1997 "farewell"
(a.k.a. "apology") post to the people of the NetForum? Or
how about the time you foolishly misinterpreted how the ratings system
worked? You were too easily taken by my April Fool's joke on you at
the end of last March. And then there was the time that SpaceTime corrected
an entire erroneus posting that you made (but at least you admitted
you were wrong on that one for a change and offered a retraction). Go
ahead and offer these links for old time's sake!
The only reason you're keeping up this flaming, is so you can get in
the last word. Obviously you enjoy it, otherwise you wouldn't have started
in with me again. However, the fact is that you WON'T destroy this board
the way you did the TV GUIDE and MCA boards with your anti-Executive
campaign (and for that matter, your anti-Syrup campaign as well). And
I have not and will not abandon any of the boards as a result of your
continual harrassment and lies.
God help the world if you ever become an attorney, Daniel. We have
enough crooked lawyers in this country as it is. ;-)
liar's stripes show
Date: 2/26/99
From: TemporalFlux
Oh my! Exec is hanging himself with a rope!
I've been through all of this with him before, but let's look at his
bits of info. First, it is easy for anyone to look up the November 7
posting at MCA. Anyone care to tell me how that was an apology? That
post and postings after also show why I was having a problem with syrup
(a person notorious for taking on other handles to harass the board
- aka RealSlider - who Executive staunchly defended time and again no
matter what he did to disrupt the board). Or, let's look at his "April
Fool's" joke on March 27, 1998?!? I thought Executive wasn't an
antagonist and he was only being harassed (the pitiful victim)
why did he purposely attempt to bait me and purposely give erroneous
data to the whole board? Look it up. And then we have the SpaceTime
info (a person who has repeatedly asked Exec to stop bringing up his
name in these disputes). Exec says that SpaceTime corrected me and I
admitted the correction. I thought Exec said I never admitted I was
wrong? Which one is it...either I do or I don't. Exec just proved that
I do...but there is no proof for Exec who NEVER admits he is wrong on
Then I could get into how he believes it is stupid for someone to provide
proof (mainly because it shows him wrong)...of course, I can see his
point. After all, from his perspective the only "proof" he
can provide damns himself.
Keep it up Exec...I won't have to put anymore links if you keep this
up! ;-D
P.S. In case anyone wants a marker for when I'm really hitting home
with the truth here...notice how Exec starts going to first name basises
so it gets "personal".
how does the ratings sys work? end
Date: 2/26/99
From: emzee
it's like this...
Date: 2/27/99
From: TemporalFlux
I didn't bring that one up because there isn't any proof since the
old Fox board was erased (Executive knows this which is why he brings
it up). The point of contention arose when talking of demographics (a
factor Exec loves to delete from ratings system when discussing it).
It is a pretty common point of knowledge that the male demographic is
gauged between the ages of 18 to 49 (which is what I said). Exec claimed
it was 18 to 39...he was subsequently corrected by two real life Fox
Executives ("Qballfan" - a MCA forum Sliders informant Executive
constantly fought with and criticized, and Thomas Caprio - a Fox Executive
who posted only once...while agreeing with Exec's theories, he also
corrected Exec on his mistaken demographics numbers).
Well, since the Fox board was taken down...Exec brings this up every
now and then...except for the fact that he has completely changed history
to where (and here's the big shock) *he did nothing wrong*. It's what
he does every matter how much he has to lie to do so.
As I said, this is one of the few things I can't give proof for since
it has been erased from the net along with the old Fox Sliders board...but
if you take a look at who has been caught in lies and who hasn't (this
thread is a good example), I believe you can discern who is telling
the truth.
guys are great!
Date: 2/27/99
From: SpaceTime
Wow! I haven't seen an Executive/TF battle in a long time! AND I got
a mention! I love this stuff!
Now, I'll mediate.
Executive, your original post was pointless, but then so are hundreds
of other posts on this board, so it's a non-issue.
TF, c'mon, man... that post was a bait and you know it. I'm not flaming
you or anything, but you laid it on pretty thick.
As for mentioning me, that was a pretty clutch moment in my online
life. It's not often TF is wrong, but I really got him on... something?
I honestly can't remember what it was about. I think it was one of your
theories, TF, about how David Peckinpah had done something and that
you asserted he had written "This Slide of Paradise" and how
that assertion was a big part of your argument. That little post gave
me enough fuel from the end of May until the July 4 weekend to totally
own the MCA board! That was great! I was SUCH an asshole!
I love you both, and I hope you continue to wage war against each other.
Can I make a suggestion, though? Just to make things a little easier.
When you lambast each other, try and stick to fights only on this board.
MCA, okay, that's fine, but I've never even heard of the other boards.
I *miss* this crap! Maybe I should be evil again!
Flux lies again!
Date: 2/27/99
From: Executive
Well, there's really little point going over this again and again but
just to set the record straight since you've pursued it. ** Temporal
Flux ** stated that the primary adult Nielsen demographic was 18-34.
I corrected you on the old FOX board, by reminding you that it was 18-49
(although some demographic studies among young adults are grouped into
the 18 to 34 category). A FOX executive named Thomas Caprio corrected
you and you still didn't admit you were wrong.
The April Fool's Joke was only to prove how you can start a huge argument
and make a big stink over something SLIDERS-related, and nothing more.
It was the ONLY time I ever wanted to take you on because it was a joke,
and it proved my point among those who can't stand you. We all knew
that SLIDERS was not available on tape at the time from the start, as
did Louisa B. But like you said, anyone who wants to check over those
old posts are welcome to.
Now what the hell is this about you accusing me of being RealSlider
(a.k.a. RealRealSlider)??? Where is your proof? I have always posted
under The Executive and Executive, and that will not change. I also
have NEVER defended RealSlider on any occasion. In fact the one time
he insulted me, I calmly and briefly retaliated. I believe it was in
or near topic #3503. Why didn't you spend your ample free time to find
out, Flux?
I don't know you impersonated you, but it just goes to show that there
is still an anti-Flux following.
Congratulatons! You've just been caught in more of your many lies and
unproven accusations! ;-)
let me get this straight...
Date: 3/15/99
From: THE_braniac5
...Exec is a dumbass. Or Snort. Or both.
Now, don't take this personally, Exec-u-snort, but I can smell your
fear. Kinda stinky. Why don't you get off your pathetic little public
access library computer and go take a shower? They might let you stay
on longer...maybe all the way until the bus is leaving to take you all
back to the home.
(This post is just for comparison's sake. THIS, Exec-u-snort, is a
provoking, attacking post with no mind for Sliders' content. Please
refer back to this in case you ever confuse another post with this type
again. Here's a good rule of thumb:
Attacks on your hygene, appearance, sexual problems (ooooh, easy one!),
or mother - Attacking, evil post
Attacks on your pitiful attempts at unchanged facts - rational-minded
(Note: You may have to give up your place at the CPU long enough to
go look up some of these words that you don't understand. If so, here's
a hint on finding the first one: "Now" starts with n.)
Snort Snort Snort Snort Snort!
Daniel_2 evidence here...
Date: 7/29/99
From: Blinker
"But if you want to give anyone following this a good laugh, why
not repost your November 7, 1997 "farewell" (a.k.a. "apology")
post to the people of the NetForum? Or how about the time you foolishly
misinterpreted how the ratings system worked? You were too easily taken
by my April Fool's joke on you at the end of last March. And then there
was the time that SpaceTime corrected an entire erroneus posting that
you made (but at least you admitted you were wrong on that one for a
change and offered a retraction). Go ahead and offer these links for
old time's sake!" - Executive,
Reposting that farewell was Daniel_2's first action. Tf's right - there
was no apology in it at all - yet "both" Executive, and Daniel_2
(in the letters archived at 545/6115/6)
refer to it as such.
'an entire erroneous posting... a retraction...' Sound oddly familiar?
Why, it's exactly the same wording as the infamous Daniel_2 e-mails!
"The 4th is by SpaceTime, who in 1998 publically pointed out what
a jerkoff Daniel is AND how he corrected an entire post of erroneous
info that Flux wrote about David Peckinpah (still trying to find the
original and Flux's retraction posts but no luck -- this is the next
best thing!!!)"
Notice also the misspelling of "publicly" as "publically"
in that Daniel_2 quote... just like Executive in reply #5 above. He
even highlights it-- with spaces between asterisks, * like this * instead
of the more common *like this.* Guess what? So did Daniel_2.
"...apology post to the people of the NetForum..." - Executive,
"...apology post by Flux to the people of the MCA NetForum..."
- Executive in the Daniel_2 letters
One more thing. The "erroneous posting" Exec refers to was
an article discussing "This Slide of Paradise," which was
based on Tf's recollection that it was written by David Peckinpah. SpaceTime
corrected him, pointing out that the ep was credited to Nan Hagan (or
as Exec used to spell it, "Nan Hogan.") Tf apologized for
the error.
Think about it. That is how desperate Execrable is for dirt on Tf:
he once made a slip of memory and then apologized for it. Ooh, how incriminating.
Guess he can't run for public office now...
Blinker 7:-)
Original URL
Nominated by Blinker