Good alternate history

Date: 08/07/1999
From: The_Cynic

I just finished reading Harry Turtledove's latest book THE GREAT WAR: WALK IN HELL
and I have to say that the people working on SLIDERS passed up a tremendous opportunity by not enlisting the
expertise of Mr Turtledove (he lives in California, so he's clsoe by). He would have made an excellent script editor
and provided some stories with a great deal of thought and research to them.
In the GREAT WAR series, he posits a world where the South won the civil war and occupies the area of NA between the US and Mexico. When WW1 breaks out,
the US is allied with the Central Powers, while Canada and the CSA (Confederate States) are allied with
the Entente countries, resulting in trench warfare, poisonous gas attacks, the introduction of the machine gun and tanks to war, etc
on North American soil. He takes into consideration many factors which are
often not observed in tv sci-fi (economics, population size, civilian life, soldier life, politics, etc).
Has anyone else read this series? Also well done, IMO, is the WORLDWAR series about aliens invading Earth in the middle of
World War 2 (Though the new series set in this world in the 1960s has gotten off to a slow start) and GUNS OF THE SOUTH.

A note from Blinker:

JB: But there was some talk of your doing a story for Sliders?

Harry: They approached me. I was very flattered. But I'm working on two or three things at once; I just don't have time to do it.


According to Expert's site, Turtledove would have written "possibly for year five".

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Nominated by Blinker


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