Still Awful After All These Years AYATR
Date: 08/25/2002
AYATR = A Year Ago Today Related
Welcome to The Way It Was a Year Ago...Paul Simon Song Style!! or "If You'll be My Guardian, I Can Call You Jim".
Here we'll have various posters, mostly me, singing Paul Simon "parodies" about posts from a year ago! First up is Slider_Quinn21, who was mistaken for Blinker by me earlier in the week. Sorry, SQ!
Fanbase and Sliders Reunion (
No I am not spreading false hope
With this first post of the day
But the song Wherever you Will Go
By the Calling seems pretty OK, oh, little movie of ours.
I can't wait for it to come
Rembrandt will star of course, hey
I know it's a long time for some
But I’m not going to wait for that day
Without just a little montage
To keep the fans’ hope alive
No I would not give you false hope
No matter what sliderseth will say
But the feature film version of Sliders
Is only a fan dream away, oh, little movie of ours.
I believe that it needs a song,
it seems like the only way
For all the fans to know
That they can get through the day
With just a little fan montage
To keep all our hope alive
Great job leading off, SQ! Now we'll have SL4ever doing a touching tribute to...
sliderseth: Wait a minnit! I heard what you wrote about me up there!
TM: How could you hear what I wrote?
sliderseth: This is science fiction, not science. Anyway, I demand to sing the next won cince its about me anyway.
TM: (Sigh). Fine. Just get it done.
Necroscopes (
Wen I look back
At all the carp I watch on TV
Its a wonder
I can spel att al
And though my lack of educashun
Is quite aparent
I still think I’m write that Buffy sux
Brian Lumley is way better
Than the tale of Buffy Summers
Makes me think all the snakes are penises, Oh yay!
They got a cyborg construct
I love to say it’s stu-pid
So blinker don’t take my Necroscopes away
TM: I'm afraid that's all we have time for, seth. Sorry. Go bug Joey_Starr or something.
sliderseth: You think I won't but I will. And Dracula's castle disappearing was STUPIDD!!
TM: Yeah, whatever. Next we have, uh, me singing a heartwarming ballad about a birthday wish from SpaceTime.
Moved in at the Rock(
When ST was a little younger, (when ST was a little younger)
And he would call RyRy’s name (when ST was a little younger)
He’d say "now who do,
Who do you think you're fooling? (when ST was a little younger)
It’s your birthday today.” (when ST was a little younger)
You got a six month record to beat
Oh , you’ve got the Steinbratz’s, the Steinbratz’s
Finest waiting for you when you get done
Getting moved in at the Rock
Getting moved in at the Rock, your age is...?
Happ-y Birthday
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday
Slider120: Thinking, about cumpleanos and rocks who are not mutated, and I'm concluding that that song was not as good as it might have been and so that is your fate.
TM: Thanks! I think. At any rate, to sing about a brilliant Recall317 episode critique, we now have a special guest, that gelding with the gilded pipes...
Winnie: Ha ha ha! You may live!
TM: Ed_the_Horse!!
60 Things Wrong with Revelations (
"The problem is that the writing’s bad", Rec said to me
This eppy is awful if you watch it logically
I'd like to skewer the fourth season finale
There must be sixty things wrong with Revelations
So many bad things out of this ep do protrude
Furthermore, the author’s meaning wasn't lost or misconstrued
There just wasn’t any, which I find to be quite rude
There must be sixty things wrong with Revelations
Sixty things wrong with Revelations
Guy fills up his tank, Hank
This world’s a bore, Tor
Catherine’s just dumb, chum
It seems she can’t see
Hop on a truck, Chuck
You want to talk about Sliders’ luck?
Just leave without me, Remmy
And get a new Mall'ry...
TM: Last, but not least... Oh wait. This says last and least. Anyway, here's Slider120 singing a piece about his fanfic from a year ago, um, what was the title again?
Slider120: Checking and I believe it was the Leap Slide, featuring Erik Palladino as Joe.
TM: Even *I* know it wasn't that. But go on anyway.
Me and Dorky Down by the Jailyard
Slider120 rolled out of bed
And he ran to eat some waffles
“Who the hell are you?”, “Don’t have time to argue”
This story’s got a case of the awfuls
Should be against the law
Should be against the law
Introducing Mark Wahl(berg)
Should be against the law
Maggie told the POTUS he was totally bogus and she wasn’t the First Lady
Judging from his reaction I’d say his brain action is about the same as the Real Slim Shady's
Well it’s underway
I don't know where it’s going
But it’s underway
“You just hoped some female doesn’t die,
now whats going on”
What is their “fate”? Do they get back to their bodies?
See you, me and Dorky
Down by the jailyard
See you, me and Dorky
Down by the jailyard
TM: Thanks for that, Slider120!
Slider120: YOur welcome but I can't seem to shake that maybe Erik Palladino should of played Geena or William Beckett.
TM: Uh...huh. Join me next time as I...what do I do next time?
JermachesMolaudian: Improvise something unspeakably lame?
TM: Ah, yes! So you don't want to miss out on that!
Thanks to Recall! As you might remember, the title header was from your Revelations: 60 and it inspired the Paul Simon theme! However, the lame songs he had nothing to do with. I swear.

Hee Hee
Date: 08/25/2002
From: SL4ever
BT belongs on Hee Haw!! <claps hands together>
Sniff, I miss ole Ed. There is nothing on this planet funnier than talking animals!! :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEE HEE.
Oh, and watch where you stick those ep protrusions! >:-O
Anyway, ROTF!!!! The only problem with doing something this good is you have to do MORE!!! :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Last, but not least... Oh wait. This says last and least. Anyway, here's Slider120 singing a piece about his fanfic from a year ago, um, what was the title again?"
