Beckett Connection
Date: 04/24/1999
From: ThomasMalthus
In "Roads Taken", it was revealed that Maggie's father's name
is Thomas Beckett.
In "The Leap Home", it is revealed that Sam's older brother's
name is Thomas Beckett.
Both Thomases were in the military and if Maggie is in her late 20s,
it is feasable she could be his daughter.
Just something to consider.

and Sam...
Date: 04/24/1999
From: Mallory
I find it more believable to think that Maggie is the sister Sam never
had, or Sam the brother Maggie never had.
By the way, it seems interesting that several of my favourite shows
ended with endings that may seem inconclusive, but are actually quite
Quantum Leap ends with Sam discovering that leaping is controlled by
his willpower; when he decides he tired of "...setting right what
once went wrong," he'll leap home.
Eerie Indiana ends with a book, explaining that fragments of a meteorite
called eerium causes weirdness, and it's radiation turned Dash X's hair
Nowhere Man ends with Tom finding out he was never actually Tom Veil,
and so he gives up his quest and lives out the rest of his life on his
photography experience.

jove! The lad is on to something!
Date: 04/24/1999
From: Chaser9
That's a little too scary, don't you think? who thinks the writers wrote
this little bit in for all the QL fans who are Sliders fans (maybe make
all the Maggie-haters like her becasue she's related to Sam. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM
. . . ).

Date: 04/25/1999
From: mouthy
that some of the writters worked on both shows which would explain this
similarity. Personally I think that since both shows are (I think)owned
by Sci-Fi the writters might have thought of a plot twist possibility.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/5827
Nominated by EustiSlider
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