The Russian smiled in a rather frightening fashion and made an offer, "I'll
help you if one of you can outdrink me."
"I'll do it," the big Norse Warrior exclaimed as the Valkeryie
snorted. "You can't even spell yourself right so shut up!" He
bellowed, much to her amusement.
"Oh. Ok." The Valkeryie walked to the Inn Keeper and arranged
for rooms. The Magician and Silence settled in to watch the NorseMan
try to outdrink the Russian. They quietly bet on the outcome.
The Dark Shifting warrior slipped silently out of the Tunnel's Inn.
He ignored the swirling colors in the sky. All of his attention was
focused on moving unnoticed to the Other Inn of the Tunnel. It was
a far different environment from the one he just left. A few of the
faces seemed to be the same and he was instantly recognized.
A man with a monkey backed himself into a corner. A small mouse sat
on his shoulder. He looked like someone's forgotten court jester. The
Dark Shifting warrior pinned him to the wall rather effectively with
one hand to his throat. "Where is she?"
The Monkey Man whimpered, "you weren't supposed to see it SpyMaster." He
said it like the title it was.
The SpyMaster dropped him like wet firewood. His eyes raked the room
stopping every so often to notice the quiet clients sinking into the
scenery. A woman who looked like the Mercanary Leader toyed with a
dragon's head katana. He hadn't expected to see her the first time.
Moving on he dismissed her as a non threat. Another southern belle
graced this Inn. She couldn't have been much different from the fan
waving companion of the Noble Woman. Her waist lenght brown hair was
confined only by a ribbon. The SpyMaster sat next to her.
"What do you know?" He asked.
"You saw the Graces in there homeland."
"Damn," he muttered.
"Watch your tongue," she smiled at him gently, but his eyes
were already looking for another source of information.
This time he spotted a stable boy. Something sparked in the SpyMaster's
mind. All too often children were ignored and he knew from past experience
that this one had many faces. Quietly he stalked the boy back to the
stables. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the tiger again and cringed. "What
do you know?" He asked the boy while handing him a small purse
full of coins.
"I know you saw her secret. You didn't give her what she asked."
"How do I find Tam Lin?" The boy knew the SpyMaster wasn't
being literal; the boy knew Tam Lin's escape represented the escape
the SpyMaster eagerly sought. The boy knew the answer but he shrugged
with the innoncence only a child can contrive to use as the truth.
Back at the Tunnel's Inn the NorseMan was three sheets to the wind,
singing Viking songs of plunder and waxing almost poetic about every
female within his line of sight. The Russian stoically downed her vodka.
She saluted work, friends, crappy coworkers, whytok (no one quite understood
it, perhaps it was a russian word), and family. Four bottles had already
lined the space in front of her when the NorseMan sat. At the same
moment they slammed their last shot and passed out. "Do we win?" the
Magician wondered aloud.
Silence nodded.
[The author thanks Sabre Edge, Yeontoo and all of the others who guessed
as to the identity of the characters. The author duly notes her mispelling
as pointed out by SpaycThyme and thanks him for his ever vigilant
efforts to keep the board literate. The author thanks SL4ever for
his "sex" post because it was funny and put her in the
right mood for writing this. And finally the author is curious what
everyone thinks the Dark Shifting Warrior/SpyMaster's sin is.]
ps. This is shorter because one of my editors/idea people is missing
in action tonight. Sigh.
©Tigs 2000