Inn The Middle
Part Three
The Tiger followed the SpyMaster back to the Inn of the Tunnel. She
watched him collect the NorseMan, the Valkeryie, the Magician, and
the Russian. The small group left the strange town with two Inns and
followed the road. "What is our quest?" the Russian asked.
The SpyMaster grunted his reply, "to escape our exile of course." The
Tiger shadowed the group. She listened to their conversation and observed
"I deserve my exile," the Valkyrie whispered. Her mind drifted
back to the warrior she had refused to claim. Her eyes looked at the
"I should be in battle," the Norseman began his usual litany
of his prowess as if it would make him more than what he truly was.
His burly shoulders tensed as his voice rose with the words. The Tiger
shook her head. About that time they came to a fork in the road. One
sign pointed to the left and claimed that Hawk's Nest was 20 miles.
The right sign claimed that Ash's Jump was also 20 miles away. The
group looked at each other trying to decide which way to go. The Russian
solved it by heading to the left with a purposful stride. "Where
are you going?" demanded the Norseman.
"I go to find the Fairy Queen. She bound me here at my request.
Obviously you are all here to get me to come out of exile." The
Russian continued to stride ahead.
Eight hours later, just after the sun had set the group stumbled into
Hawk's Nest. In the center of town stood a single large structure--Inn
the Middle. "Great," the Magician muttered, "what kind
of freaks are we going ot find in here?" The Valkyrie pushed him
gently inside as she ignored his question.
The Bard sat quietly tuning his instrument at one table. Tiger sipped
a mug of mulled wine. No one else was there. The SpyMaster looked at
Tiger closely before detaching himself from the group who had drifted
to a large table. "You are the Fairy Queen aren't you?" He
sat accusingly in front of her.
For her part Tiger smiled gently. "Part of me is the Fairy Queen,
but it was not I who exiled you."
"Then why are you here? Why are we here?" he demanded again.
"You are here, because you chose to leave your land." She
shrugged as she sipped.
"The Valkyrie didn't choose this. Neither did the Magician." He
was stubborn in his refusal to see her point.
"Silence did, you did, the Norseman did. Your choices affect
others." She sipped again, "see the Bard?" The SpyMaster
nodded reluctantly afraid that she was going to make a painful point. "His
story cannot be told without all the characters. When you chose to
leave you changed his story. When the Norseman and Silence left they
took pieces of the others with them."
The SpyMaster looked surprised. "They weren't our friends. The
Bard maybe, but the Valkerie? The Magician? You? You must be joking."
With an eyebrow arched Tiger continued, "we are all pieces of
an intricate game. When one piece is removed the balance of the game
board is altered. In order for your exile to end you must find a way
to return the Valkyrie, the Magician, the Bard and myself."
"How can we do that?" The NorseMan had come to the table.
"That is up to you." Tiger smiled softly. "It's all
about your choices.
There are two more portions to this. Expect them later this week.
The story will be finished by Saturday.
Keep the Faith.
©Tigs 2000