Date: 03/08/1999
From: 2v
What is the one thing our sliders cannot do?

in time (end)
Date: 03/08/1999
From: QBall79

Meet doubles of former regulars. END
Date: 03/08/1999
From: Executive

stay on the damn show for long-end
Date: 03/08/1999
From: SliderNum5

they did travel in time,Qball79
Date: 03/08/1999
From: Executive
You'll see what I mean after "Roads Taken" airs, but it's
only for about 12 hours total. Even Frank Parker from SEVEN DAYS laughs
at that number! ;-)

(j/k) End.
Date: 03/08/1999
From: Indigo76

Date: 03/09/1999
From: TemporalFlux
"Roads Taken" doesn't involve time travel. I haven't seen the episode,
but I've read the reviews, read the script and even got an explanation of the
concept from MSZ (the writer)...it centers around the concept of a "bubble
universe"...*no* where is there time travel. From my understanding, this
is pretty well explained in the episode...which leads me to once again wonder
: does Exec really watch the show or is he doing this on purpose? Don't take
my word (or anyone's word) for it though...wait and see the episode for the true
answer (if you don't already have it from seeing the episode in another country).
As for the original question of this thread...the Sliders can't ever
go home. Dimensions and possibilites began spliting off the moment
they left...which makes it impossible for them to ever determine which
is really home. After all, all they can base things on is what they
knew from 1995...think of how many things could have changed since
then (for instance, on one earth Clinton was impeached...but how would
the Sliders know if their Clinton was or wasn't? If everything else
was just as they remember it...why would they doubt that on thing as
different? (even though it likely is since Earth Prime is supposed
to be a carbon copy of our Earth + sliding). And this is proven in
the series...in season four they talk several times of there being
an infinite number of alternate earths...which means they are continually
forming from each possible divergence. Of course, some disagree with
that and say there is a set number (even with infinite being said).
For them, I give this...in season two's "Into the Mystic" the
Sliders did make it home at the end (Torm'e has said so). But, the
Sliders didn't know...because so much had changed since 1995 that they
thought it was an alternate earth (remember, the Indians were in the
playoffs...O.J. was on trial for murder...etc. Those did seem outlandish
in 1995 before they happened...thus 1996 and even subsquent years after
seem like alternate dimensions when looking from a sole 1995 perspective).
Therefore, what the Sliders will call home is what most closely matches
their perception of what their world should still be...and that leaves
a *very* large margin for error. And matching quantum signatures or
slide signatures to Earth Prime wouldn't work...if it did, then Quinn
would have never needed Colin to find Kromagg Prime. He could have
just used his own quantum signature to find home. And for those who
argue that sliding corrupts quantum/sliding signatures to a point where
you can't match them up to your home earth...well, there's your answer.
The signatures would be corrupted...therefore, no way to match that
So, there's the answer...much like the old clich'e, the Sliders can
never go home again...or at least their chances are close to zero.

Date: 03/10/1999
From: 2v
In my humble opinion.
Not once have they encountered Magic.
TemporalFlux--I am totally impressed with the depth of your answer.

again, Flux. Proof... (SP)
Date: 03/10/1999
From: Executive
Obviously you didn't read my review last fall. Since you've also seen "Roads
Taken", as you'll recall in the very end, after Maggie and Quinn
exit the bubble world they come out of the wormhole and into the dumpster
with Colin and Remmy. At that point our heroes realize that the same
sequence of events are repeating starting with landing in the dumpster
and the sound of the explosion in the distance.
At least this time they are all together, and Rembrandt notices that
the timer reveals they have the same amount of time on that world as
the first go-around. The previous 12 hours never occured, and they
even mention that based on the amount of time left to slide being exactly
the same as before. Therefore, time travel technically DID happen in
the episode.

you haven't seen the episode, TF
Date: 03/10/1999
From: Executive
Other than that, my previous reply stands. If you would like to read
my October review (which does mention the "bubble world" at
length as well as the minor issue of time travel) two foreign viewers,
SliderSarah and NoMaggs backed up my account. Here is the address:

Date: 03/10/1999
From: TemporalFlux
First off, is it Saturday already?
Secondly...do you honestly think you can use yourself as proof to
back yourself up? What planet are you from? Slider_Sarah and NoMaggs
did *not* back you up that there was time travel in the episode...they
stated that they didn't understand it (and their confusion was probably
enhanced by the faulty information in your review...you were telling
them there was time travel when there wasn't). Look...I haven't seen
the ep which is why I told everyone to not take anyone's word on it...wait
and see for themselves. I *do* know however, that the script clearly
shows it was not time travel and MSZ told me and others at DragonCon
that the episode didn't feature time travel. The end of the episode
you refer to (at least in the script) has Remmy talking about that
the timer has the same amount of time on it as when they left to Quinn
and Maggie's future (thus saying that the few minutes they spent talking
with Quinn and Maggie's older selves in the bubble universe actually
had no passage of time in the "real" universe...much like
having a 2 hour dream when you're only asleep for 30 seconds).
Regardless, this will all be settled when the episode airs...and I'm
sure you'll conveniently forget what you said when the answer finally
comes (what you do everytime you're wrong...which is several times
if not all of them).

a lengthy response!
Date: 03/10/1999
From: Executive
You've been wrong so many times, itt would fill a telephone book! Have
you contacted TV GUIDE yet? Regarding John Walsh's info and his source,
I'm still waiting for your apology on that (yeah, like you would
ever admit it)!
Like you said, wait until the episode airs. Don't worry, I won't again
humiliate you on the point of the time element when you find out that
I was right. ;-)

Date: 03/10/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I'm glad you enjoyed the answer...I actually can't take credit for
all of it since it was formed over many discussions with various
people over the years (all of which I was part of).
As for Magic...well, there was one instance in which they did. The
third season episode "DragonSlide" had many magical elements
(most of which the Professor couldn't even begin to give an explanation
for). For instance, the people magically changing form and the spiritual
possession of arcane nature that is performed in the episode. One element
of the episode was partially explained though...the love potion used
on Remmy. This was explained by a psychiatrist on that world by saying
that the potion was really just allowing Remmy to express his true
feelings without fear of rejection (since Remmy believed the potion
would work). So, a psychological answer was given there...but the rest,
they didn't even start to.
So, the Sliders have encountered magic...though the Sliders have never
performed magic (which is what you original question was getting at).
Even though they were on a magical world...the Sliders still couldn't
perform magic (the only magical act they made was given a psychological
explanation...that goes a long way to showing that act was never magic).
The only other instance that could fall into that category is when
Quinn picked up the sword in the episode (it was supposedly enchanted
so that only a Mallory could pick it up)...but still Quinn performed
no magic. He just happened to be of the right blood line.
Of course, you may have never seen "DragonSlide" (which
I gave no real spoilers above for the story if you haven't). If you
haven't, it will be coming up on Sci-Fi Channel sometime around the
end of May in the four night a week reruns of Sliders (just check the
schedule for that month when it pops up to find the exact day).

doesn't matter, Exec...
Date: 03/10/1999
From: TemporalFlux
It's your content.
There is no apology needed from me. I have continually told you the
TV Guide info was bogus and was not given by the Sci-Fi Channel. I
went into more in this thread at MCA:
The fact is that the Dominion (run by Sci-Fi Channel) informed me
that there were never plans for a January release of season five as
TV Guide erroneously reported (and you still believe in for some reason).
This, in conjunction with the fact that Expert informed us that season
five was not slated for a January release and the TV Guide info was
bogus...shows that TV Guide wasn't getting their info from Sci-Fi channel.
I got the proof from the source...and in that March 6 thread above
I told you how to get it as well since you didn't believe.
Then we come to when you first told me to e-mail TV Guide on March
8 at this board in the "Fans of the X-Files, Buffy and More" thread.
Was it your original idea? No, it is obviously a lame attempt of passing
the buck back on me using my own suggestion to you as if it were you
own idea first. It wasn't. There's dated proof. There is also proof
you haven't even attempted to get the truth...you just persist in proving
how "right" you are with no evidence and you want to continue
more fighting. The majority of your posts are like this...full of ill
informed information with no attempt to get evidence to back it up
while at the same time searching for more fighting. So, if anyone is
to give an apology here...it should be you to the Sliders community.
And as for length of posts...would you like me to pull up some of
your whoppers from the past to expose your hypocrisy there? I really
don't have to...people can see that in the "Fans of the X-Files,
Buffy and More" thread...especially that March 8th post in which
you immediately prove my points by bringing up one more unrelated issue
and one more unrelated person.
I personally don't believe in anyone being as ignorant as the way
you are acting...so you must be doing it on purpose. And the only reason
you would do it on purpose is to mislead the public for some sick reason.
Don't worry though...I will always make sure you don't get away with
it. :-)

Date: 03/10/1999
From: Indigo76
You know, I'm from the Deep South where it snows about once every three
to five years. That's a long time in a kid's life. I can only remember
three good snow falls in my 22 years.
Anyhow, whenever it actually would snow, every kid in the neighborhood
would rush out to play in it. It was a rare, but fun time.
Inevitably, though, there would always be at least one kid who'd think
it was really funny to pee in the snow, just to ruin everyone else's
fun. I never understood the mindset, but Executive here is firmly entrenched
in it.
We still had fun, though. Mr. Tinkle generally got pelted with as
many snowballs as a neighborhood army could muster. Bully's cry for
their mommies a lot louder than their victims, I've noticed. The moral:
One can try to spoil everyone's fun, but we'll usually figure out how
to have fun at his expense.
Take it for what it's worth, gentlemen. :0)

and TF read this
Date: 03/11/1999
From: Slider_Sarah
I'm not taking sides here, but since my name got mentioned I feel I
can now speak.
I can see Executive's point on there being time travel in "Roads
Taken." It does actually seem that way. That is why it's not one
of my favourite episodes despite how well the script was written. However,
the 'bubble world' does kind of change the time travel thing a bit
and I can also see why it would be termed not time travel.
No, I didn't back Executive up as there being time travel at the old
post, but I was not confused more by Executive's review. That is just
speculation, TemporalFlux. I was origionally confused
because of the 'bubble' thing and the time-travel-not-time-travel stuff
and nothing enhanced or decreased that. I am of the firm opinion that
the past cannot be changed and so if time travel is possible, it would
not be possible to alter it, only to participate in what has already
happened. If that's confusing, tell me and I'll explain in greater
detail. There's only one tv show that uses that theory that I know
of and that's the British-made show Crime
And Executive, I do not appreciate my reply being used as evidence
when all I said was that I was confused at it! That was not the point
you were trying to make. However, if either of you read my opinion
which is on my page and hasn't been posted here yet (I post day before
shown in US) I did mention time-travel in that and there I said that
it did seem to have it in. Still, I may change it as I think about
And another thing, Executive, you keep jumping on Temporal Flux for
mentioning that information that turned out to be false, but I have
a feeling he wasn't the only one. There has also been vast amounts
of misleading info posted here by others. I also found something that
said the UK would get Season 5 in January and posted here and it turned
out to be wrong, although this was given to me by our channel.
Maybe that clears a few things up, maybe it doesn't. Feel free to
let me know.
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."

one more thing, S_S
Date: 03/11/1999
From: TemporalFlux
I just don't want there to be any confusion because I'm sure Exec will
take any opportunity he can find. You are correct is saying that
I was speculating in my comment about you being more confused by
Exec's review. I presented it as a speculative comment with the key
word "probably"...that did not denote certainty, and there
is no way I could have certainty with the information present. The
answer was something only you knew...and have since cleared up.

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