Flaming Tournament?
Date: 12/29/2000
From: sweetone
Will there be a new tournament? It looks to me like some of the
posters could use one. I wouldn't wish to participate, but I do enjoy
reading them.
"Friendship is the breathing rose,
with sweets in every fold."
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Date: 12/29/2000
From: SL4ever
Sounds like a plan to me. What a perfect way to end a season of love
and giving! >:-D This time I'd actually sign up. D'oh!

Date: 12/29/2000
From: Blinker
Man. A flame tourney instigated by SweetOne. What're the odds?
Well, I'm always down for some cussin', bitin' and Smurfs references.
Let's do it!
- Blinker 7:-P

Date: 12/29/2000
From: sweetone
I am sweet it is true, but I have a wicked side that sneaks out sometimes
when I'm not looking. Haha.
You know what they say "It's they quiet ones you have to watch
out for."

away and screams like a girl*
Date: 12/29/2000
From: LiveLipschitz2000
Don't worry, I'm always somehow putting my foot in my mouth. I sense
a flame war . . .

Date: 12/30/2000
From: RMScream
I would participate, but only if Darkslider or possibly ST was the judge
this time around. Since dark IS the flame KING, it just would not be
the same if he didn't judge this one. That, and there is a very good
chance that he would kick all of our asses if he was in the tourney.
We should see what Dark has to say about this before we start anything.
I know it took a lot of effort on his part to judge the first ToP. Let's
wait and see what happens.

Date: 12/31/2000
From: Brand_S
I'm probably gonna have my hands full flaming the idiots here OUTSIDE
of the tournament. I mean, with LiveLipschitz and slider75 in need of
constant attitude adjustments, people like JaseFace thinking they own
the place, and sliderseth's complete, utter inability to accept any
opinion other than his own, well, there's some flamin' needs t'be done!

Date: 12/31/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
I'm sure we could FORCE them to participate... :-)
And I'd like to see another one...I didn't get to stretch my flaming
muscles very well...

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Nominated by Blinker
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