sliderules vs. SliderQuinn21
Date: 01/20/2001
From: Brand_S
Haven't seen you do much flaming, but I liked what I did see. I'm counting
on a real performance!
Anyone who follows Voyager should know the value of boredom, so I just
gave you something to make the boredom go away. Enjoy!
Let the battle of the unknowns begin! All posts dated 1/21/2001 are

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
Now...this piece of shit flame speaks for itself, and its pathetic
attempt to flame should win this for me, but I'll continue, nonetheless...
Now, I realize that you spent a few fucking hours on this flame that
I wouldn't use to torch your house, but I have a duty to tear it apart.
First of all, if you would take your NON-edible panties out of your
mouth for a fucking milli-second, you'd realize that SL4Ever's name
doesn't have an IDE in it!
Now, I know that these letters are your favorites because the Sesame
Street that featured them gave you your first erection, but you don't
need to add them to peoples' handles.
And here's another significance to those letters...
So, if you'd stop sucking cock for a minute, you'd see that you have
a problem. That's not why a dog is "man's best friend".
Then, you came to me(no, I don't mean "cum on me" or "come
onto me").
Now, first of all, I know you're pretty new to this flaming shit, but
you should know that you don't fucking COMPLIMENT someone in a god damn
flame! You said that my fanfic was good. You're supposed to tear it
apart, you pussy!
Then, you attack my fucking fanfic! Now, if you can take your eyes
off the Gay Porn Channel for a second and look at the title of this
match, its SLIDER_QUINN21 VS sliderules, not Earth214 vs sliderules.
Why am I wasting my time on a little bitch like you? You "people"
come home from third grade and come onto the internet, jack off to the
porn, and then come to this board and try and get people to like you,
just because people don't like you in real life.
Here's why...
The boys at school would probably like you if you weren't always trying
to seduce them....
And the girls would like you if you wouldn't steal their fucking underwear.
Man, from what I hear, you make RuPaul look like Brittany Spears!
DAMN! You're so worthless, you probably came all over your computer
when I mentioned RuPaul, so I better stop...
Have a good day, Fucker! Tommorrow, you're going to burn!!!!
BTW...I don't expect Cockrules to show, so I'm saving my good stuff
for later rounds...

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
<Opening taken from an actual "sliderules survey". Nobody
with half a brain cell could make this shit up>
"Hey! Its that time again! No, not the time for you to wash your
underwear for the first time in two years!(taken from personal experience,
I see). Its time for the sliderules survey"(From "How to be
a Dumbass:For Idiots")
Today's topic:
Favorite thing about sliderules
1.The fact that his name means two things! It means that he rules the
slide, and his name is also an instrument in math(Reminding him of his
days when he fucked his 80-year old math teacher).
2.The fact that he's annoyed all of us so long that we think he's been
here two years.
4.Ihs graet spieling abnd nummberrinhg!
5.He pays to suck cock.
7.His great "sliderules surveys" where he actually considered
Claire LeBeau as one of the greatest Sliders villains.
I choose #3!!!!!
Please pass me a gun...
Eat that, fuckrules

what the Hell
Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
A day in the life of sliderules(1/21/01)
7:05am-sliderules wakes up, covered in his own semen(well, Barbara
Bush WAS on TV a lot yesterday), and he realized that he had soiled
his mom's panties. She would be pissed, but a quick slip of the tongue
would make it all better. He looked at the clock and noticed that he
had missed the first five minutes of Pokemon(more drool material)!
7:21am-After watching an infomercial for the wondermop(that this fucking
dumbass thought was just "a really long commercial"), Cockrules
realized that it was Sunday.
9:12am-Because he is the Spawn of Satan, sliderules isn't at church.
In fact, he's stealing his mommy's credit card, so that he can buy that
really expensive dildo he saw on TV. Even the life-size poster of Janet
Reno in lingerie wasn't helping him climax anymore, so he needed a good
ass fuck.
11:23am-sliderules gives up hope after about 2 hours, after he can't
find the "800" button on the phone. The cat will just have
to do...
11:46am-sliderules turns on his computer, jerks off to some gay porn,
and sees the ass-whooping that sq21 is giving him. Just thinking of
the ass-whooping gets him excited, and he goes to find the cat(So, I
wouldn't expect to see him).
2:32pm-After almost three hours with the cat, sliderules finds out
that it was, in fact, a female cat, and the idea of heterosexual sex
forces him to vomit.
5:01pm-sliderules sits down to watch some TV. When he realizes that
the Playgirl channel had been locked out, he realizes that his legs
are a little hairy, and he needs a shave.
5:51pm-After a quick shaving of his legs, arms, and head(Yes, he's
that much of a dumbass), sliderules decides to get dressed. Filling
two water balloons up, sliderules fills his sisters bra and steps into
her high heels. Its play time!
7:33pm-Mommy comes home and sees sliderules in drag. She gets wet just
thinking about a role reversal, and they go off to the bedroom.
9:31pm-Daddy gets home, and he is so angry at sliderules for not waiting
for him, sliderules gets a good ole' fashion spanking(which, BTW, is
no longer a punishment)!
10:11pm-The six-some is over(Can't forget the sister, dog, and cat,
can we?). They all fall asleep in each others arms/paws.... sweet...

Slider_Quinn, I knew him well
Date: 01/21/2001
From: sliderules
But I now I must flame his ass straight to hell!
Okay, so you have a little bit of a head start on me. That's not good,
because unlike you, I don't like being behind. So, I'll make up for
lost time with this one.
Slider_Quinn, your last few flames would not be enough to light a candle,
let alone brun somebody's house down! Ypou talk and you talk, and you
rant and you rant, and you mock and you mock simply to end it by calling
be cockrules. Cockrules?????? I guess you must have been in the middle
of a fantasy right there to try and call me that. Hell, you mentioned
gay porn around seventy times, so I figured you must have been taking
this from real life experiences.
Then, you try to show my day in the life. Now Quinn, how many times
do we have to tell you not to take your flames straight from your own
day planner? We do not want to know how deranged your mine is. If we
wanted to see that, all we would have to do is read your fanfic!
Did you go to David Peckinpah School of Crappy Ideas man, because it
is like Season 3 all over again! You haven't come out with an episode
in a while, and i can figure out why. You're prbably figuring out which
rip off to do next. In fact, here is what your Season 7 will most probably
look like:
Waterslide: On a world which is covered in water, Quinn is forced to
drink his own piss while Arturo looks for land.
Exorslide: When the sliders stay at Quinn's house, Wade is possesed
by the devil and pukes pea soup all over Rembrandt while talking Pig
Latin and doing the Cha-Cha.
Dr. Frankenslide: An evil double of Quinn creates a monster out of
an Alternate Maggie Beckett's silicone implants and parts of Henry the
Dog. the monster then escapes to sleep with Quinn.
The Island of Dr. Geiger: The sliders are on the run from a reconstituted
Dr. Geiger who is trying to turn them into animals. It's pretty much
the same as the Season 3 finale, only this one's a fanfic!
Saturday Night Slide!: Quinn Mallory is this week's host, with musical
guest Rembrandt Brown
Arturoman: On a world where Arturo's parents were killed when he was
a child, he has become a superhero to try and avenge their deaths. The
double gets killed two minutes after putting on the tights when he bends
down to tie his shoe and gets shot in the ass.
Season Finale: Armageddonslide: The sliders end up leading a mission
to outer space to try and stop a giant Asteroid from destroying the
Earth. Aerosmith guest stars simply to be a guest star.
As if this isn't enough, Season 8 will contain 10 episodes all involvgin
a theme park full of Dinosaurs! Quinn, if I were you, I would curl up
with your gay lover Random Judgement, put on Kari's new album, and never
post another thing ever again. That way our brains will be saved by
your crap!

Date: 01/21/2001
From: sliderseth

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
I hope you're having fun doing whatever the fuck you're doing....
I say that because you must be doing some sort of shit if that pile
of crap is the best you can come up with. You might as well just put
on your sister's bikini and go in the middle of down town, because you're
going to embarrass yourself if you try any more...
I found many mistakes in your "flame", and I will point them
1.You said that you would look into my "mine". Now, I have
a M-I-N-D. With a D(D was "Dick" in IDE, remember?). Now,
I realize that you have an underwater explosive for between your ears,
but there's no reason to think everyone has that. That's a generalization.
And they piss me off almost as much as you do.
2.You said that my fanfic was good, but then compared it to season
3, and said that I went to the "Peckinpah School of Crappy Ideas".
This coming from the little girl who wrote "The Other Slide of
the Mirror"...
Now, If you were going to attach a name to that title, what would it
That's a contradiction. Kinda like calling you a fucking human being.
You sicken me...
3.Its you versus ME!!!!!
Why the fuck do you keep thinking that you're fighting my fanfic? You
said it was good, but then you try and trash it? What the fuck you do
to things you don't like???
Oh, yeah...
Now, I realize that the herpes must be getting to the testicle in your
head, but you have to come up with a decent attack....
Otherwise, you're wasting my damn time...

want a good flame Quinn?
Date: 01/21/2001
From: sliderules
I got one. Sorry about that last one, I wrote it like five mintues after
I got up, and I re-read it now and found it was pathetic. I do like
your fic though, thatwas just me trying to get something outta nothing.
You know, there are some posters here that post slightly coherent things.
Others make a lot of sense, while even more people post worthless pieces
of shit that they are good. Slider_Quinn is one of these people. Sure,
people humor him every now and then. They laugh at his jokes, and go
along with his poposals. Every now and then however, the truth comes
Case in point: August 2000
Slider_Quinn21 falls off a cliff in one of the ongoing Bboard sagas.
He then asks why it happened. Quinn believes he has proven he is too
smart to fall off a cliff. Maybe you're not as smart as you think buddy!
Maybe people see through the cherade. You try to fit in as much as
possible. you try to post as much as possible. You try to write as much
as possible, yet people still throw you off of a cliff. Think about
it man, if you do think that is.
For the sake of our sanity, take a break for a while man! You're always
around the next corner, and it's scary. Not even the all mighty TF posts
like you do these days! So please, take the year off man. Come back
in 2002 with a fresh start. Then maybe we won't throw you off cliffs
as much as we used to. If you learn to be coherent that is. If you don't,
well, lets just say ather might not be a cliff big enough to throw you
off of.

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
You're flame is based on how I was written off Sliders Survivor?
I really think that you need to pull your head out of your ass and
look up the word "insult".
Good God!
I pity you...I really do...
Quinn have 35 minutes...I hope you have something GOOD up your
As for me...
I'm outta here!

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