Slider_Quinn21. (ToFGaLR)
Date: 01/21/2001
From: SL4ever
Looking good so far. :-P When I watched the previous tourney an evil
idea occurred to me:
Be silent all day long. Make the opponent think I am not going to show
up, while writing devastating replies to everything the opponent says.
The opponent will think I am not going to show up and quit, going to
bed a couple hours before midnight most likely. Then, at 11:55EST, I'd
post a bunch of replies. First, counterattacks to all the opponents
stuff. Then posts like "where did you go?" "Oh, I must
have really cleaned your clock!" Then posts like "Well, I
guess you're not coming back" etc. That way it would look the next
morning to people who weren't there like I had been there for hours
and my opponent had chickened out. LOL.
Ultimately I decided this was a transparent scheme and beneath someone
of my flaming talents. BUT, it is not beneath some of the people of
lessor abilities in this tourney. So if I were you, I might think about
stopping by around midnight tonight. Because if I thought of this, I'm
sure others did.

for the advice....
Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
It seems like we're the only one's active...
Thanks for the advice, but if I'm half-right about sliderules, we won't
see him for a while... ;-)
But, if I advance, it looks like I'll have to face SpaceTime, so I
don't want to waste any of my good stuff(So, I think that I'll lay low,
looking to wipe out any attacks...) But I'm not worried...
BTW...Heidi Shiverboots....
That's great!!!!! LOL!

Date: 01/21/2001
From: SL4ever
He's just going to punk out like he did last time. He made the comment
as he was backing out the door against Stochi last time that the tourney
didn't make a difference on whether he would be considered a great flamer
or not.
I got news for him, great flamers don't back down every time a good
flamer goes after them. Anybody can flame someone like Tigs (as he did)
who is not going fight back because she is above that sort of thing.
But when it comes to the real flamers, Spacetime has backed down again
and again. He did it in the last tourney, and he's going to do it in
this one as well. Because, like all bullies, he gets scared when someone
stands up to him.
That's why if you meet up with Spacetime in the second round (assuming
he doesn't punk out in this round) and you hit him in the nose one good
time, he'll fold like a cheap suitcase ... all the while protesting
that she - er - he is better than the rest of us in the tourney and
that he spits on the prize and that no tourney result would ever make
a difference on his flaming status.
WRONG. If you back down every time you're faced with a real challenge,
you're nothing but a punk.

that case...
Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
Then, I'll save up for you...

never work...
Date: 01/21/2001
From: Blinker
...because us judges actually ARE sticking around for the whole 24 hours,
watching and noting every last smegging development. 7:-D
> Actually, I have a pretty good idea
> who you are because of the timing and
> subject matter of those prior posts,
> but I want you to admit it for yourself.
> Btw, I KNOW you are reading this,
> because I KNOW who you are. I KNOW
> who is behind this shadow handle.
Does that mean if she refuses to unmask, you'll do it for her???? 7:-P~~~~~~~~
Looking forward to what transpires here, folks. Both of you are kickin'
it so far.
- Blinker 7:-D
TheIrrelevantPoster turned to Green_Modus. “Hey! Look! I got
the first step on this world! Na, na, na, na!” TIP was wearing
a cute little sundress that only went down to his upper thigh, and he
was licking enthusiastically on a giant red lollipop. One of his socks
was pink, the other was light orange. “Na, na, I got the first
step on this world!”
Enraged, Green_Modus ran forward to the corner. “Well, I got
to the first corner on this world! So there!”

Date: 01/21/2001
From: SL4ever
Blinky!!! That pronoun use was NOT accidental! Did the great handle
detective strike again??? >:-D
Why am I not shocked you know who it is too? LOL

knows more than we can imagine...
Date: 01/21/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21
Allow me to illustrate...
Blink, how many fingers am I holding up...?

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Blinker
Including the six you just severed from sliderules. 7:-P~~~
All-time record for quick handle detection:
...Okay, so I cheated and checked the profile for PFKAS first. 7:-D
And I was able to track that down INSTANTLY because I remembered the
post titled "op" was from "BeezLover." Do NOT ask
- Blinker 7:-P~~~~~

wouldn't be the first to try.
Date: 01/21/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
It was one of dellyone's favorite tactics in the ToP. She didn't go
all day without posting, but she would save most of her best stuff for
just before midnite. It worked wonders in her match against CoolSlider,
and he just thought the board froze on him.
She used in in her match against me, too. I tried to use it against
her, but the onslaught just prior to midnight was more than I could
overcome. I simply didn't have enough time to write an effective response.
I knew what I wanted to write, just couldn't make it good enough to
post in that amount of time.
With Blinker watching, tho', timing will be taken into consideration.

DMD said...
Date: 01/21/2001
From: dellyone
Yes, I'd try to be the last one to post right before time expired, but
I didn't mock my opponent with "Where did you go?'" Instead
I blew them away with the Creativity Disruptor™ as my final attack
except for DMD who was dead way before my final post. :p
I cut it close when I went against CoolSlider and I didn't know about
the problems about the board freezing on the other contestants until
about half an hour before time expired. I took my chances since I did
have I think 3 or 4 replies ready and yeah they were my best stuff I
had come up with. I had dropped several ideas when CoolSlider took the
tack he did. When the appointed time came using CNN's time I believe
I hit reply on my three or four windows and that was all. Time expired
a minute or two later. No way to counterattack several replies that
you didn't see a few minutes later.
As for going against DMD, I needed about an hour to think about a counterattack
with his little twist in the storyline. Damn, that was a good one. At
that point I was unwilling to reveal the complete storyline that I had
thought from the outset of the tournament. I wanted to save it for the
next round if I won this one, but DMD forced me to reveal it. I had
a similar idea and if I were to lose I would give that as a reason.
I posted a counterattack I think before midnight since dark posted the
threads about 2 hours late since his laptap was giving him problems.
I waited on the last reply and posted the previous ones. If DMD did
post what he had in mind then he quite possibly would have won that
round because I'd need to break them out of the psych ward first before
writing a counterattack. This was a tough round since DMD's a very good
flamer, a friend and I had to flame him without revealing his other
handle. I already had a concessions post in my head when the pairings
were announced for this round. That's how much I dreaded going against
him and I knew that he he felt the same too. Accckkk... the imagery
was not pretty in that round.
I did see a couple of other contestants employ the same tactic though
I think they were late in their replies.
Anyway, I needed the extra time to think up some rather fiendish counterattacks
and attacks and to make the flaming specific for my opponent.
Well, since I did this tactic before, I'll be watching too.

Date: 01/21/2001
From: Green_Monde
Well I own the world since the word world is in my handle. :)
It’s a Green World after all!

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/24719
Nominated by Blinker
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