Date: 01/21/2001
From: Mychand
Hmm..okay, I have to be honest that I haven't really read but maybe
two of these posts so I am guessing that it's another flame tournament?
Sorry, I've just been skimming lately.
Okay, my question. Why have it? The one post I saw said that ST will
win. Since he's already known as the GOD of flames here, why do it?
Not knocking it...just curious.

Date: 01/21/2001
From: RMScream
He's not going to win. I am going to beat him. He can be beat. I will
do it. You will see. That is all.

I FEEL LIKE IT, that's why. <END>
Date: 01/22/2001
From: Brand_S

have any sport?
Date: 01/22/2001
From: SL4ever
This question will plague psychologists until the end of time. At face
value, Basketball is the stupidest thing ever invented. They move down
the court. They put the round ball in the little circle. And then ...
THEY DO IT AGAIN! And again and again. Minute after minute, game after
game, year after year. The average salary is up to 1 million per year!
Silly, isn't it?
Why on earth would we pay to see such a thing? But millions do. Every
single year.
Every sport is just as silly. And they are more popular now than ever.
The tourney is just sport. Just a game. No one should take it personally.
In fact, one qualification of signing up was that you don't take anything
said personally. So it's like playing paintball.
It is not for everyone, and those it is not for will just skim right
past those posts. Those it is for will enjoy them and crack a smile
and eventually someone will be crowned the new champion.
And you know what?
We'll do it all over AGAIN.
Silly, isn't it? :-)

Date: 01/22/2001
From: EustiSlider
I must take issue with your contention that Basketball is the stupidest
thing ever invented. Clearly that distinction is shared by golf (hitting
a little white ball just so you can chase it down and hit it again)
and the First Wave board (self-explanatory).

Date: 01/22/2001
From: Mychand
You totally missed my point.

understand what you mean My
Date: 01/22/2001
From: JessieMallory
Why have a tournament when everyone already knows that ST is the God
of flame? I mean if he is the God then no one really stands a chance
of winning against a God. S already admitted ST is the best and the

am SpaceTime
Date: 01/24/2001
From: RandomsJudgment
Not only will I win, but Brand S was such a whinny girl, that he didn't
want me to compete with this handle.
Now, me as RJ vs me as ST, that would be a match! Of course, neither
of choice opponents would compete either, so I didn't push it.
Mychand, go crawl back under your rock. Sulking is more your style.

m SpaseThyme
Date: 01/24/2001
From: RancidJudgement
Nut only will I whine, but i was such a whinny gurl, that BrndS did`nt
want me 2 play with my 'handle'.
Now, me as BJ vs me as ST, thet would be a match! Of coarse, neither
of choice opponents wood compete either, so I did`nt push it.
Mychand, i'll go crawl back under my rock. Sulking is more my style.

Date: 01/24/2001
From: Mychand
What I MEANT was that it would make more sense to have everyone compete
to see who can go against ST since he is undoubtedly the best at flaming
on the board.
Darn, too bad, I don't have anything to sulk about. Certainly not this
place. But thanks for the warm sentiment.

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