Chairman's Balcony
Date: 07/05/2001
From: Recall317
Chairman Kaga317 cordially invites you, most esteemed guests, to be
seated in his luxurious balcony to watch the proceedings. All spectators
should feel free to comment on the match here. Whose flaming regime
will reign supreme?
Give the competitors the ovation of the people!
The Chairman

Date: 07/05/2001
From: DieselFukaiKenji
Sushi habachi sulu banzai! Yokagawa san ichi pupu. ahahah!

Date: 07/05/2001
From: Blinker

Date: 07/05/2001
From: SL4ever
I promise three things starting at midnight tonight.
1) Pain. Lots of it.
2) More than four replies ... from me alone.
3) A good time had by all.
Oh, and plenty of cheese dip.

dollars on Blinker! (end)
Date: 07/05/2001
From: SL4Beaver
Love the tuft!

$10 on SL4ever! (end)
Date: 07/05/2001
Love the PIE.

$15 on Borg memory boy! (end)
Date: 07/05/2001
From: Sliding_Skull
Love the post links.

I hear $20? (end)
Date: 07/05/2001
From: Silly_Slidey
Love the money. :-P

mine baby back ribs!
Date: 07/05/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan
So did you blowtorch a yellow pepper before eating it? ;-) Nice intro.
Good luck to the contestants. :-D Uh... no eel, octopi, squid, turtles
or other things that are deem inedible by me. LOL

Date: 07/05/2001
From: SpaceTime
I'm waiting for SL's post tomorrow, in which he derides all of ToFGaL
as a farce and flippantly decries it as beneath his abilities.
Then, THEN we shall have equilibrium. *And* Love™.

Date: 07/05/2001
From: Brand_S
Minna wa, futoi, FUTOI inkei o taberu koto ga dekiru.

Date: 07/06/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan
5 B-R4 B-N2
I'm assuming it's White QB to KR4 then Black moves QB to QN2, since
KB is blocked by KN's pawn, is that correct?
Interesting chess game, SL4. Though as Black I wouldn't have moved my
knight first. I would have gone with the conventional center pawn openings
then my knights. As White, I would have moved my bishop and knight so
that I could castle on the King's side then move my KR's Pawn to KR3.
As I see it, White wasted a move when QB went to attack the KN without
any support. Now Black can easily castle when KB moves out of the way.
After Black castles on the King's side, it will be harder for White
to attack from that side of the board. since KR's Pawn has already blocked
further attack.
If I were Black there are these two options:
Option A:
This is the one I'd do
6 KB-QK5 ch
White can either do one of the following
7 QK-KB3 or 7 Q-Q2 to block the check
Black would move 7 QK-QB3 to support the KB.
In this case, White is on the defensive and in a weaker postion than
Black. There's no reason to castle on the Queen's side since it is open
to attack. White can't castle on the King's side either, since KB is
blocked by the pawns and can't move.
Option B:
6 QB X KN then White would either 7 KP X QB or 7 KNP X QB, which would
further weaken White's position and castling on the King's side wouldn't
be feasible.
So SL4, are you playing as White or Black? Black has an advantage with
the moves so far.

at the chessboard...
Date: 07/06/2001
From: SL4ever
>I'm assuming it's White QB to KR4 then Black moves QB to >QN2,
since KB is blocked by KN's pawn, is that correct?
That is correct.
>Interesting chess game, SL4. Though as Black I wouldn't >have
moved my knight first. I would have gone with the >conventional center
pawn openings then my knights. As >White, I would have moved my bishop
and knight so that I >could castle on the King's side then move my
KR's Pawn to >KR3.
It sounds like you play a similar style to me. I love establishing
pawn structure and I tend to castle as soon as possible so that, my
King secure, I can focus on attacking. The only problem with this strategy
is that you can lose inititive, so I don't do it as often if I am White.
>As I see it, White wasted a move when QB went to attack >the
KN without any support. Now Black can easily castle >when KB moves
out of the way. After Black castles on the >King's side, it will
be harder for White to attack from >that side of the board. since
KR's Pawn has already >blocked further attack.
What you say is true, but I don't necessarily consider it a wasted
move. What this has done is make castling on the King's side more risky.
It's prefered to have the middle pawn be the extended one. In the arrangement
we have, the left pawn (KR's) is extended and is only supported by the
middle one, which is far weaker than the conventional extension and
I would rarely castle on a side arranged this way unless I had no choice.
Add to that the temporary pinning of the Knight and I don't think it's
a wasted move at all. Of course, I'm not a chess master either so there
might be something I'm missing.
>If I were Black there are these two options:
>Option A:
>This is the one I'd do
>6 KB-QK5 ch
This was an excellent call because that is exactly what Black does
next! (what White does first does not change the essential setup)
>White can either do one of the following
>7 QK-KB3 or 7 Q-Q2 to block the check
7 is the key moment. For some bizarre reason, twice in international
tournaments a strong White Grandmaster has done neither option you mention,
making the blunder that will occur in White's 7th move. The reason these
two are among my favorite tournament chess games is that in both cases
White recovered from this egregious error to draw in one case and win
in the other case. Whenever I make a huge mistake (not only in chess
but in anything) I recall these two games to remind myself that it takes
several mistakes to lose (either at chess or most other things). There
is little you can't rebound from if you don't give up. A lot of grandmasters
would have immediately resigned after their disastrous 7th move was
exploited, but neither of these men did, and neither of them lost.
Since, through my own error, I lost my last time out to SpaceTime,
I included one of these games (though they have progressed exactly the
same so far) as my reply title arc to remind myself to focus on the
rebound and not the error and to not give up. I'm one of those annoying
bastards who is so steeped in symbology that almost everything I do
in writing has some secondary meaning. Sometimes I am the only one who
could divine it, and it is for me alone, as in this case.
So this answers your last question, I consider myself Black.
I'm glad you're enjoying the game. We should play ourselves, sometime.
There are plenty of internet sites where it is possible.

SL4ever's hand>
Date: 07/06/2001
From: Blinker
You are a worthy opponent indeed, good buddy. Now, may the man with
the larger hairstyle win!
...unless he's not me.
- Blinker 7:-P

Date: 07/06/2001
From: SL4ever
No Full House references. :'-( My heart is going break if one of us
doesn't find some way to work that in.
Since only main handle posts count (unless the rules have changed)
I can say that I thought the first post was clever. But I was shocked,
SHOCKED to see you swearing! If you've done it before in some other
round I must have forgotten or not seen it. I swear privately like a
sailor on CRACK but I've tried to censor myself when on IM with you
because I wasn't sure if you did or not.
The first reply title alone answered THAT question! LOL!

shouldn't be surprised.
Date: 07/06/2001
From: SL4Beaver
I can't BELIEVE you pulled that PFKAS link out! That one sounds really
ugly. :-O LOL
Does it mitigate at all that I was talking about pussy? ROTF. I swear
that "sucking pussy" is a common term in these parts! I can't
speak for other parts of the US or the world.
>:-# I should make sure my alternate handles speak more clearly
from now on!

Date: 07/06/2001
From: capaqu
I *really* needed to relax this weekend! You guys have given me work!
Cappy Asako

one, mate.
Date: 07/07/2001
From: SL4ever
Blinker: Well, its in the hands of Ye Morty Judges now. :-P Today's
been a really crappy day and this was the only highlight. Nice contest!
I enjoyed it, the HeraldTribune post and the last attack were especially
clever. <shakes hands>
SpaceTime: Come ON, man! Please don't tell me that I've hurt the feelings
of a self elevated flame GOD????? If you can't take what you regularly
dish out to Informant (among others) then I suggest trying a larger
size panty. The ones you have on now are OBVIOUSLY too tight! :-*

Date: 07/07/2001
From: SpaceTime
Why would I be offended? Here we have a fight that is essentially two
of my clones reduced to the ultimate snooze-a-thon. My style plundered
like Executive's anus, my phrases duplicated. Blinker throws out enough
homosexual references to make Harvey Fierstein blush and you fall back
on referencing me every other paragraph.
Since this "battle royale" was little more than a vanilla
replica of our fight, why should I be offended? I should be glad that
while I sharpened my blade between rounds, you let it get dull and rusty
by the whetting stone. Good show, old chap!
Oh, you mean Twizzler? That ain't SpaceTime. I dunno WHAT you're getting
at, Loverboy.
If you challenge me again (are you the Don Flamenco or Bald Bull of
Flame Tournaments?), the loser buys the winner a sandwich and some tasty
pie in L.A. Sound fair?
- ST :-P

Date: 07/07/2001
From: SL4ever
Tsk, tsk, Spacey. If you're going to establish a burden for yourself
then it falls upon you to prove it. You made the statements "two
of my clones reduced to the ultimate snooze-a-thon. My style plundered
like Executive's anus, my phrases duplicated." You proved that
Blinker did so by pointing out "Blinker throws out enough homosexual
references to make Harvey Fierstein blush" but your only proof
that I did the same was "and you fall back on referencing me every
other paragraph."
Referring to you is cloning you? <takes a hit of CRACK> Nope,
sorry, it still doesn't make sense. Pry yourself away from a mirror
for a second and explain to me how I plundered your style. When did
you ever trace someone's family line, do a dollar auction skit, write
commericals about them, songs that they performed, etc. I even purposely
avoided using all caps more than a couple times, if at all.
Oh, and the PIE meeting is going to have to happen before our contest.
By this time tomorrow I'll be in LA, so if I win I can't fight until
I get back in two weeks. But if you swear to not immediately throw yourself
on the restaurant table and offer me a shot of ass, I'll meet you for
PIE. I'll even pay for it. But I'm telling you ahead of time you're
not getting any dick, just PIE. Sorry, but your manlove needs will have
to be gratified elsewhere.
My traveling email address is

View from the Gallery
Date: 07/07/2001
From: Blinker
[collapses into armchair]
Way to go, PIE-boy! 7:-P You sure put the "savage" into "Walter
Savage Landor." Thanks for being the first remotely qualified opponent
whom I've ever had more than five minutes to tear limb from limb. 7:-D
Any guesses on what I would've revealed your identity to be given another
post? 7>:-P
- Blinker 7:-/
P.S.: The point of ripping off your genealogy idea was just to show
up what a pansy you were being with it. 7:-D

I need help here (again)
Date: 07/07/2001
From: MiserableWench
I'm the "newest" judge. I don't know the rulesssssssssss!
First, Blinker (again!!!) had a late post. Does it count????
Second, *what* rules?????
Answers, please, or I may give the entire contest to my creator ~~~~
aka cappy

vote is to allow his late post...
Date: 07/07/2001
From: SL4ever
...mainly because I believe him when he says he wrote it beforehand
and would have posted it had he been able to. Oh, the joys of his slow
assed Wang. :-P
I don't have a problem with allowing his late post so hopefully the
judges will allow it.

Date: 07/07/2001
From: Recall317
The Chairman proclaims:
Judges will be allowed to consider the late post, as the opponent has
no objections.
To the judges: Score each contestant on a scale of 1-10, 10 being flamtastic,
1 being a dull candle. As this was a themed battle, please add bonus
consideration to any MSTie attacks. (The Chairman apologizes, but he
has been unable to get to the battle due to a protracted fight with
his internet provider.)

Quality of Mercy
Date: 07/07/2001
From: Blinker
Gracious doesn't quite cover it. Thanks, guys -- that means a lot.
- Blinker 7:-/

Date: 07/09/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:If the TIP were a judge the TIP would score it 3-3: 3 TIP references
to 3 TIP references (1 reference mentioning the TIP 3 times . . . Judge
TIP will allow it)!!!!!!!
Bonust TIP:The TIP’s cousin ZIP also got a mention!!!!!

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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