ToFGaL Results: SpaceTime Vs RMScream

Date: 07/14/2001
From: Recall317

"Welcome back," said ReCosell317. "After a 10 round fight, neither competitor was able to knock his opponent out. The scoring has now gone to the judges. By my side is promoter DieselDonKing. Diesel, your prediction."

"Typically, fights that go to decision end in victory for the defending champion. But this RMScream is a fighter," said DDK.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the microphone is descending and here are the results," said ReCosell.

"With 5 judges in his corner and winning by a total score of 53-51...the new HeavyWeight Champion, RMSCREAM!"

The crowd gasps in audible shock. Could it be true? Is SpaceTime defeated?!

"This is a monumental decision. The champion, SpaceTime, has lost to the young upstart. If only I didn't speak in this dreadful montone, I could convey some sense of excitement. DieselDonKing, you take over," said ReCosell.

"This is stupendous! I am absolutely flabbergasted! I don't think any of us saw this coming...everyone except me. HaHa! 375 to 1 odds, baby! The money is rolling in tonight. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Don, don't you manage SpaceTime?"

"What are you trying to say, Cosell? That I, Don King, would somehow impugn my integrity to make a few dollars? That is an insult to me, and insult to the champion and an insult to this industry...the great sport of flaming. You should be ashamed of yourself for even speculated on such a salacious scandal. Now if you'll excuse me, my limo is double-parked. Hee, money, money..."


Congratulations RMScream on a LEGITMATE victory over the self-proclaimed GOD of FLAMING, SpaceTime.

The scores:

10-9.5 RMS
8-7 RMS
10-9 RMS (assumed as no numbers were provided)
9- 7.5 SpaceTime
10-9 RMS
8-7 RMS

Space, Space, Space. Tsk...tsk...tsk...RMScream your opponent is in the next post...


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Nominated by Blinker


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