Final Round (Finally!)
Date: 07/29/2001
From: Recall317
"Welcome back, ladies and gentleman, to the main event of our Tournament
of Flamey Goodness, and LOVE," cried DieselJimRoss over the screaming
throngs of fans. "Eight men and women entered in the beginning,
and many twists and turns later, we are down to the final two!"
"I can't believe it, DJR," exclaimed MissingAnnouncerJerryLawler.
"After seven long, excruciating months, this Pay Per View is almost
Before DJR could respond, the arena went dark and fireballs exploded
at the main entrance to the ring.
[Cue organ music]
"Aaaahhhh! He's here!" cried out Jerry "the King"
"Introducing first, from Canadian parts unknown, BlinKane!"
Dressed in his custom black and red outfit, BlinKane confidently strode
to the ring, his long hair sticking out from behind the mask he never
"The Big Red Machine has been unstoppable since being forced into
the tournament," said DJR.
"Yup, you could say he's "one tuft customer"! Get it,
DJR? Hahahaha!" laughed the King.
"One tuft customer?! Oh, like THAT hasn't been done," said
"Hey! At least I spared you a CRACK joke!" retorted Recall317.
o/"If you smelllllllllll what the Scream is cooking!"o/
"And his opponent, RockMScream!"
"If you smell what the Scream is cooking?" asked RMScream.
"That makes no sense!"
"No more or less sense than the Rock smelling what's he's cooking,"
muttered R317. "Will you guys leave me alone, I'm trying to write
the intros!"
"It's been an up and down tourney for the Scream," said DJR.
"He cruised through his first round battle only to run into the
man he faces tonight. He regrouped and stunned the favorite in this
tourney to make it back to this point."
"You can't count the Scream down," said the King. "He's
got heart...and great catch phrases!"
"Our two competitors are in the ring and ready to...what the hell?"
DJR was interrupted by the start of a third theme.
o/"No chance, that's what you got..."o/
"It's the Chairman and CEO of ToFGaL, Vince McRecall!"
McRecall stopped at the top of the stage leading to the ring, microphone
in hand. "When we started this little tournament, our objective
was to crown the greatest flame king on the bboard....and this is the
final we're presented with? A rematch of a third round fight between
two people who aren't even supposed to be here? Nuh-uh. No way."
"What is he saying? That BlinKane and the Scream are second rate
flamers? Has he gone insane?" exclaimed DJR.
"He's always been a little nuts if you ask me. Remember that evening
gown match between Executive and Silverguy last year? I get sick everytime
I think about it," moaned the King.
"If we're to crown a new champion," continued McRecall,"
it will take more than just a one on one battle. No, a true flame god
faces ALL COMERS at ONCE."
The crowd let out an audible gasp as McRecall flashed an evil grin.
"That's why, I'm changing this match to a FATAL FOURWAY. Gentlemen,
meet your new opponents!"
There was a sound of glass shattering and two new combatants joined
the Chairman on the platform.
"Oh my God, King! It's Stone Cold SL4ever and the SpaceTaker!!!"
"Hold on, hold on, hold on. The SPACETAKER?!?!?!?" exclaimed
"Yeah, like the Undertaker. The Undertaker is known as UT, you're
known as ST. See? It works!" answered R317.
"And on more levels than one might imagine," chuckled SL4ever.
"Hey, save that for the flame battle, Winky," shot back ST.
"Tonight, we will decide once and for all who the greatest champion
is. No tricks, no holds barred. Just mano et mano et mano et mano."
With that, Vince McRecall departed and the other two headed for the
"This is unbelievable! The SpaceTaker and that no good spider
monkey, Stone Cold SL4ever, will now join BlinKane and the Scream in
a four way brawl to end all brawls. And it's coming!"
This is it- final round! Competitors will have all of July 30th (Monday)
to beat the living hell out of each other. Remember, there are four
of you in there. To be given full marks by the judges, you will have
to try and defeat every single one of your opponents. The person who
fares the best against the most opponents takes the crown.
Winner takes all.
Good're going to need it.

I forget something? 0:-)
Date: 07/29/2001
From: Recall317
o/"No chance, that's what you got...."o/
"What is the Chairman doing back out here?" asked DieselJimRoss.
"I think we're going to find out!" exclaimed MissingAnnouncerJerry"the
Vince McRecall lifted his microphone, "There's other
thing I forgot to mention. This main event is a LUMBERJACK Match."
"A Lumberjack Match! My God, who will the lumberjacks be?"
asked DJR.
o/"Time to play the FLAME!"o/
As his music hit, Triple S made his entrance followed by five others.
"It's the cerebral assassin himself! And he's brought friends!
ReKurt317! MissingRyenneShamrock! DieselMickeyFoley! SweetLita! And
Capqueline!" exclaimed DJR.
"Just so you know-uh," said Triple S. "If any one of
you falls out of the ring-uh, we'll be there to make sure you regret
"A Lumberjack Fatal Fourway to decide the champion of ToFGaL.
It just goes to show: anything can happen in the Board Flaming Federation!
It's going to be a slobberknocker! And it's coming to you all!"

below the radio.
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
Peanut Butter Blinker, PMScream, SpunkTime,
It became apparent during my last encounter that the only way to win
is to be gayer than Richard Simmons at an all you can eat hot dog restaurant,
more disgusting than Tom Green crouched under a cow, and more retarded
than the last person off the short school bus.
Unfortunately for you three, I have learned well and I am plenty capable
of being retarded. So I’m going to change my plan of attack. I’ll
be gay. I’ll be disgusting. I’ll be retarded.
I’m sure this will make SpaceTime happier than a fag with three
assholes because he thinks he invented gay flaming. So be it. I like
SpaceTime happy. I like my bitches to grin while they suck my dick.
A fair warning to all of you, however. Don’t drop your guard
and get knocked unconscious during this combat. Because if I knock someone
out, I’m FUCKING them!
Peanut Butter, you woke the Ass Monster. You other two have him to
thank for this.

color here.
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
I’ll bet you regret picking “SpaceTime” as your handle.
I’m sure you’ve regretted it many times over the years.
There are so many fun things that can be done with this idiotic handle.
Do you ever weep in your pillow at night, sobbing with the frustration
of choosing a handle that can be morphed into any number of cutting
digs? What is most amusing is that I’m sure you picked the handle
while thinking: “I am the God of Space and Time! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!”
You’re such a sweet little clueless dork.
Anyway, you foolishly picked that one and the possibilities of distorting
it are endless. One thing your handle can be turned into is SpermTime.
That only requires moving one letter and replacing two others. It is
so easy that even a brain deprived moron like you could handle it. But
SpermCide is much more fitting. (Yes, I know it is spelled spermicide,
nutbrains.) That names fits you best because you are the biggest sperm
serial killer in the history of depravity. You’ve killed more
babies than the Dallas chapter of Masturbater’s Anonymous. You’ve
had sperm (what you call “life giving necter”) shot up your
ass, down your throat, in your ears, up your back, down your legs, up
your forearm, on your chest, in your face, and other places a heterosexual
like me can’t (and wouldn’t want to) even imagine. You have
consumed so much man’s milk in your life that your blood is sticky
white. PMScream is obsessed with being your favorite pet bitch and you’re
obsessed with killing sperm. There’s not a dick you won’t
suck, not a load you wouldn’t swallow, not a spermatozoon you
wouldn’t lick off a Kleenex in Peanut Butter Blinker’s trash
can. You are a relentless sperm miner. God help anyone foolish enough
to stand between you and a hard cock. So it’s an appropriate handle
for you.
Another good name for you is ShaftTaker. You’ve taken more shafts
than a year’s worth of rear wheel drive cars. So many people’s
shafts have traveled your Hershey Highway that it’d be more appropriate
to call yours the Hamburger Highway. Your asshole is so stretched out
that you could squat down and pick up a bowling ball with your hands
taped to your head. You’re so loose from taking so many shafts
that PMScream has to tie a board to his ass when he fucks you so that
he doesn’t fall in. Your anal grippers are so worn out that Peanut
Butter Blinker has to stuff a sleeping bag up inside your ass before
he can feel some traction. What I’m saying is that you’ve
had more dick inside you than Fruit of the Loom. What I’m also
saying is that your bun nugget has had more mileage than an Indy Car,
been stretched more than Drew Carrey’s belt, and been worn out
more than PMScream’s gag reflex. So this is also a perfect name
distortion for you.
One more thing, SpitTaster. You can whine all you like about me entering
the realm of gay insults. But I’ve already proven that I can flame
and get high numbers without resorting to gay and bathroom humor for
entire rounds. Now I am conducting a no holds barred contest. A Flame
King can only be such if he’s capable of flaming any way and under
any circumstances. I can flame with any restrictions in place or with
none in place. Each round my style has been different. I am not a one
note flamer like you. While I am always adapting and improving, you’re
still sounding the single note you’re capable of. And keep in
mind, I was hurting people’s feelings with gay insults when you
were still eating boogers and flunking kindergarten. I haven’t
used such methods before now not because I’m unable to but because
I have chosen not to.

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
Bent over the medical gurney now for our examination is PMScream’s
mind. This is not going to be pretty, folks. In fact, I suggest donning
Haz Mat suits because to fully understand how he thinks I’m going
have to explore the dankest, darkest corners and pull out the most nasty
things for closer inspection.
How much ordered thought is our patient capable of? We don’t
have to travel far back in time to find a good example of PMScream’s
“logic.” We only have to go back to his replies to SpunkTime’s
“Bob Weiss fed up?” post. Everyone knows that the two are
butt buddies and so will rush to each other’s defense. In fact,
PMScream’s dogged defense of every imagined slight committed against
SpunkTime surpasses the most ardent lover’s commitment to such
an extent that it makes even a bitter cynic like myself believe that
there might be romance left in this world after all. PMScream’s
ardent devotion to his hero warms my heart.
But PMScream’s humiliating SpunkTime Defense Patrols of the board
are well known so I won’t dwell on them here. Instead I’ll
examine what he says for insights into his reasoning abilities.
In fact, his first reply to that thread is so moronic that I can only
do justice to it by MSTing it.
>That's right. The entire chat with the screenwriter and >the
IM with RK Weiss was all from the Imagination of >SpaceTime. I was
in the chat too, but because Matt posted >this it definitely must've
been a pigment of my >imagination!
So you’re saying that YOU, the biggest suckass second banana
in history, dwarfing even Ed McMahon in your ability to weld your lips
to your hero’s anal orifice, should be taken seriously when you
rubberstamp something SpunkTime says??? I’d be more willing to
believe Bill Clinton when he’s talking about pussy than you when
you’re talking about something SpunkTime said.
>How could I have been so stupid!
That’s easy, you’re the best at it! Your single-minded
determination to be the most idiotic mouthbreather to ever curse this
planet has made it easy for you to be so stupid.
>I wish someone "trustworthy" could have been there so
I >didn't have to be SO SKEPTICAL! Thanks for clearing the >air,
I think that someone who spends so much time with his entire mouth
inside someone else’s ass should avoid talking about clearing
air. Your breath has to smell worse than Shaq’s feet.
>I love it how certain people bash everything SpaceTime >posts.
Oh yeah. You love it so much that you got your panties in a knot and
spent all day replying to this thread.
>He's just trying to give people some information on the >events
that happened tonight(or did they?). He is SUCH a >terrible influence
on the Sliders community. It is his >fault the show was cancelled.
It's his fault Charlie >O'Connell can't act. Matt is the reason that
the Sliders >movie will most likely never be made.
I hope you don’t try these specious arguments with your boyfriends
during lover’s spats. I can see you now:
Boy George Michael: PMScream, when are you going to cough up your half
of the rent? We’re a week late already!
PMS: Oh sure! All the worlds money problems are my fault! It’s
my fault the DOW is down! It’s my fault that gas is $2 a gallon!
If I don’t give you the rent today this building is going to go
> Blame it all on him. Matt really "fucked over" the >sliders
community with his awesome and >travelogue. I think
he should be shot.
For future reference, if you’re going to go an on sarcastic rant,
don’t break character and call his site awesome. I understand
though, you can never pass up a chance to bury your lips between his
ass cheeks.
>Just because this information came from Matt, it OBVIOUSLY >must
must treat him like a lower level >citizen because he is clearly
“lower level citizen” ?? The phrase is “second rate
citizen.” If you’re just trying to be nonconformist you
had better stop before you hurt yourself.
> </sarcasm>
</Oh /really? /I’m /sure /no /one /could /tell.>
>TF, I have nothing personal against you, in fact you seem >like
a nice enough guy, but this kind of thing bothers >me. I have befriended
Matt over the past year
NO WAY!!! Really???? Although, I would call the disgrace you’ve
become much more than friendship. SpunkTime should be wearing a condom
for what you’ve allowed him to do to your reputation.
>and he has been nothing but a good friend in return.
Nor am I surprised. An egomaniac like him loves to have ass osculaters
like you around to counterattack detractors with the tenacity of rabid
>He is one of my closest friends from the b-board. In fact, >he's
the one who brought me here.
God, we GET IT! You love him. More power to you. Do you have to go
into graphic detail about which of you spoons on the outside every night?
>I don't like the personal attacks against him everytime he >posts.
Then tell us, o worshipful one, how do you feel about his relentless
personal attacks against other people?
>Can't you just let what happened in the past STAY IN THE >PAST?
Let bygones be bygones, for Christ's sake.
This is such an intellectually constipated statement that Temp talked
about it at length. We’re talking about SpunkTime here! The person
behind the most outrageous and harmful hoax in Sliders Bboard history!
A hoax that is very similar to the subject matter of the post you were
replying to and you’re saying “let what happened in the
past stay in the past” ????? What the FUCK? That’s like
saying don’t bring up the fact that the defendant murdered someone
with a lead pipe ten years ago when he is on trial today for murdering
someone with a lead pipe!
After the atrocious “joke” he played on the board the question
is not why are people skeptical of what SpunkTime says but rather why
should anyone ever believe something he says again!
By your logic you would stay with a man no matter how many times he
cheated on you because the past is in the past. And, apparently, you
will continue to kiss SpunkTime’s ass no matter how many times
he farts in your mouth. You’re a sweet child, PMScream, and it’s
okay if you forgive your man for whatever he does. But don’t expect
the rest of us to share your enthusiasm for that lying sack of shit.
Let us linger over your thought processes just a little while longer
to marvel at your utter stupidity. One other thing that stuck out when
I forced myself to read this drivel:
Your philosophy is 'We’re friends because he treats me well.'
Well, whoop de shit! Is that your definition of friendship? Anybody
can listen and not say out loud that they despise you and only make
fun of you behind your back. Don’t you see the joke you have become
on this board? You have no identity beyond being SpunkTime’s bitch.
When people think of you, which they rarely do, it is only in connection
to him and how you rush to his defense like a protective mother wielding
a broom. Ask yourself this question, if you really believed in your
heart that SpunkTime liked you as a friend, would you feel it necessary
to defend him as much as you do? You do it because you feel like you
have to prove you’re his friend and to curry favor with him. Not
only is that sick, it’s sad. Very sad.

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
His penis is three inches long.
His ass weighs 30 tons.
His gay love is real.
But he’s a snot.
Gay Eye
“Peanut Butter Blinker, where are we going?” Harry Nutts
wanted to know. He was a 30 inch tall robotic cock and had been Peanut
Butter Blinker’s companion since the banishment.
Peanut Butter Blinker rubbed his eyes and stifled a tear. “We
need to find the Dick Fairy. He’ll make me a real good gay slave
and then SpunkTime will love me and take me back in.”
“But the Dick Fairy is just a fantasy. Something to put little
gay boys to sleep with at night. He if he was real then Don Johnson
would still be getting movie roles.” Harry Nutts protested.
“I’ll never stop looking for Him.” Peanut Butter
Blinker insisted. “I’ve been looking for one form of dick
or another all my life, so this is just a natural extension. When I
was young I looked for dog dicks. Later it was horse dicks. Then I progressed
to Yak dicks. Mmm Mmmm MMMM! But the tiniest, cutest little wee wee
I could find was SpunkTime’s. That’s why I adore him and
will do anything to get him back.”
“Next time don’t try to drown his real boy, PMScream, with
your cum and maybe he won’t banish you.”
“I couldn’t help it, the bitch was just so sexy in his
sailor cap! 7:-P~~~~~~”
They were surrounded suddenly by 50 soldiers, who appear from behind
trees and bushes. “No one may pass without giving up a shot of
ass.” The leader proclaims.
Peanut Butter Blinker glanced at his companion. “Don’t
look at me!” Harry Nutts shouted. “I’m all dick, baby!
No brown eye here!”
Peanut Butter Blinker faced the leader entreatingly.
“Please. Don’t ask me for the bun nugget! Where everyone
else has a brown eye I have a golden eye! It is a special gay eye that
only my beloved SpunkTime may partake in. I’ll do anything else!
But don’t ask that of me!”
The leader shrugs. “Are you any good at blow jobs?”
Harry Nutts giggled. “Are you kidding? He can pull a fully loaded
18 wheeler by sucking on the bumper! He can suck the gray out of Bob
Barker’s hair! He can suck the porcelain off a sink! While he’s
sucking your dick you need to keep everyone 20 feet back away from your
asshole. He once sucked PMScream up into SpunkTime’s ass because
PMScream got too close. His middle name is not Vampire for nothing!
He’s sucked the LIFE out of two people!”
The leader grins. “All right! Blow all of us and we’ll
let you go.”
Peanut Butter Vampire Blinker glances around. “It looks like
there’s about fifty of you. Cool. This won’t take long.”
“Fifty?” The leader laughs and the others follow suit.
“There’s another 200 in the trees behind us.”
Peanut Butter Blinker shrugs and gets on his knees. “Who’s
Harry Nutts sighs. “We’ll never find the Dick Fairy at
this rate!”

I'm not gay. :(
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SpaceTime
In fact, I'm more than a little insulted and just a little hurt that
you'd attempt to debase me simply on the merits of my sexuality.
Wait, scratch that. I'M MORTIFIED.
Mortified, you say? By SL4Ever's words? Lord, no. From this:
See, I took SL4Ever's pointed barbs the first time around. I returned
them and I annihilated. But in the interim between then and now, I stumbled
across SL's ATROCITY of a page. I was ill-prepared for what I saw.
Tinkerbell, I'll overlook the picture. That's outside the realm of
my interests. Sure, I've made fun of QBall's male-pattern baldness,
Darkslider's microphallus and a variety of other disgraces on the BBoard
Gallery, but I mean, really, what's to say about that picture that isn't
immediately conjured in everyone's mind? The shirt? The aviator glasses?
The Pose of Love™? All those things widen eyes, but what truly
boggles is that you ADVERTISE that your computer wholesaler of choice
Short-Round, what were you thinking? Don't you understand that their
computers are shoddy, poorly made and even more poorly packaged with
software made only to frustrate and annoy?
Enough balderdash. I wish to focus on two things:
- The background color.
I know you're usually busy stuffing pie into your face, but what astigmatism
in your eye figured that BRIGHT, UNRULY cyan was your optimal background
color? Did you say, "Hmmm, I really feel like BLINDING the four
people that visit my site with the Executive of colors? Or were you
too busy trying to get your G-D HP compact disc drive to work so you
burn the "Main Street Electrical Parade" for your road trip
out to L.A. that it skipped your mind?
#00FFFF is to computer monitors what Oprah is to the planet - a travesty
of the senses. Although #00FFFF does have the distinct advantage of
not weighing a metric ton.
Now, brushing past Rembrandt's foray into law enforcement and links
to several unpublished "novels," we come across the links
section. I'll forgive the BLATANT refusal to place the EP.COM banner
up and enjoy a symbiotic link to the Sliders Site of Love™ and
instead beg the immortal question - "THUNDER ARRIVING?!"
Look, Chestnut, I know you appreciate sailors with your apropo decision
to admit your flagrant homosexuality, but the sweet allure of "Bong-Bong"
is something only hard-pressed military men like Darkslider listen to.
The ravages of Vietnam wear on him like any man trapped in a tiger cage
for 19 months, but still...
Click on this for a larger picture of a picture that is already 8 TIMES
to see what's next pays off - and a MIDI file BLASTS out of my speakers
while the picture scrolls by courtesy of some Java Applet from SATAN.
Picture after picture flood my eyes. Instead of them welling up from
patriotism, I'm befuddled at the webmaster's insistence to SCAN BELOW
5 DPI.
The awards are like those on SliderCentral's site - numerous but overall
without meaning.
Thunder Duck, however, is a GOD and I will be proud to host his pictures
So, while I'm puzzled, that you would debase me, this BBoard AND this
fine nation with abstract and chuckle-free bigotry, rest easy tonight
that my eyes are useless thanks to your world-famous color schemes,
and my ears blown from the over-amped MIDIs you crave.
- ST

Bye Y'all!
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SpaceTime
SL4Ever may be the master of pushing the limits of post lengths with
his tome-length snorefests formally known as "The Way It Wuz...
Talked About!" But while exceeding these boundaries only tops his
ability to "push the limits" of his Depends, it would only
be a matter of time before the strain of posting so much nonsensical
drivel (not to be confused with my inane ramblings - at least they're
coherent) got to him.
Such strain burst the dam in February, 1999, when SL4Ever posted a
little missive I like to call "Bye Y'All" (seeing as it *is*
the title).
Fuming not only from his inability to discern that Twizzler, the NO
HOLDS BARRED GOD OF FLAMES, was indeed me, SL4Ever's ass blasted gallons
of noxious fumes onto his T-Square and X-Acto over the cancellation
of Mystery Science Theater 3000, a decision that even hard-core fans
will admit was putting the show OUT OF ITS MISERY.
The above post relates not only SL4Ever's growing dissatisfaction with
the pickle's DEMANDS that he eat the mustard first but his Rage™
over SciFi's programming schedule. While such hatred is UNIVERSAL, it
drives poor Dexx into a paroxyism of AntiSass™, gurgling maniacally
and doing the one thing, the one true DEFINABLE THING that made his
life acceptable.
Chad, it's one thing to spaz like Mychand and bolt whenever someone
treats her like anything less than a goddess. It's one thing to wait
until 2001 and announce you're leaving, where your derisively cliché
proclamation will elicit the guffaws and Executive clones it so rightfully
deserves. But you left in 1999! Back when it wasn't gauche! BECAUSE
"I have made many great friends ... and really enjoyed my six
months on this board," you wail to whoever will hear you, unaware
that you will sheepishly return quicker than QBall's hair receeds up
his scalp!
Villalobos, leaving is one thing. Posting you're leaving is another.
ONESELF is little more than a true reflection of how you behave.
I could raze you for your childish attempt to goof on RMScream (hosting
a TF "day" has already been done on this board - last year
- and it wasn't planned), I could goof on your PAINFULLY REPETITIVE
and derivative attempts to write Blinker into a story (I did it, Sabre
did it, Jorge did it, Blinker did it, EVERYONE'S DONE IT, and far better
I might add). But why bother?
You posted a "farewell" post and came back, thus robbing
you of all power.
Any barb tossed at any of us is deflected because of such nonsense.
You have no weapons.
You have only the childish toss of a "gay" joke. Something
also done, with great aplomb, by people better than you.
If *I* may quote a board friend of mine who is long gone:
Eat a fat, fat dick.
- ST

Date: 07/30/2001
From: Recall317
o/Come on!...You know I gotcha...BREAK THE WALL DOWN o/
"It's a run-in by RecallY2J! And he's got a microphone!"
exclaimed DieselJimRoss.
" ToFGaL is RECALL. Before this little toruney continues,
I've got just one thing I'd like to say to SL4ever. Would you please...[audience
joins in] SHUT...THE HELL...UP!
You whine and you moan about how you're not gay enough to win a flame
war. It's not your sexual orientation that you have to worry about.
I'd be more concerned about how GODDAMN BORING YOU ARE. You go on and
on and on...just get to the freaking point, SL4ASS!
Speaking of ass, hey Space, how's it going? You know, we're holding
a women's flame tournament over at the JOC Board. Maybe there you finally
can get some ass. Oh wait...what I meant to say was, GET YOUR ASS HANDED
TO YOU. You think you can win with those last two posts? I mean, you've
resorted to attacking his screen color. [laughs] How lame is that?
RMScream...nah...too easy.
Blinker, you may be the only competitor that the legions of Recallaholics
can cheer for. Of course for them to do that, you might want to POST
You guys can do better than this. Give us something to make this a
tourney the fans will forget!

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
And now, we’re pleased to bring you the exciting new bboard soap
opera “All My Dead Babies.” Let’s watch...
There is a knock of the bedroom door. “Come on, you two! Time
to go to work!”
Two forms stir on the bed. The sheets, stiff with dried cum and shit,
slid off the bed and hit the floor with a crackling noise that sounds
like peanut brittle shattering. PMScream rolled over and kisses Spunktime.
“Morning, baby.”
“Brush your fucking teeth!” Spunktime snaped irritably.
“You never did after I dropped a gallon of cum down your throat!
You’ve still got dead babies in your mouth. I can see them clinging
to your teeth and crying out in horror.”
PMScream sniffled, hurt. “Well your breath smells like Marge
Schott’s cunt.”
“How would you know?”
PMScream grined fondly. “Don’t you remember the time I
cleaned her up with my tongue after you fucked her?”
SpunkTime brightened. “Oh yeah. Best ten bucks we ever earned,
buddy!” He slaped PMScream’s naked ass cheeks. “Ain’t
no joy like a big butt boy!” He exclaimed gleefully.
PMScream got out of bed, revealing his back. 40DD tits were tattoed
on his back. Dried blood streaked down from his gaping anus and down
his legs, intermixing with the shit stains on both butt cheeks. “Boy
am I glad you got back last night! I can’t shit right if I don’t
get fucked every couple days. My asshole was tightening up.” He
sat on the toilet. There was a sound like a water hose gushing into
the toilet bowl, it lasted several minutes. “Man! I didn’t
realize how much cum you shot up in me last night.” Then there
is a more solid sound. PMScream gets up, not pausing to wipe. “Ahhhh,
now that’s more like it! The shit cums right out when you stretch
me out like that!”
SpunkTime gets out of bed, prompting hysterical laughter from his lover.
“What is it?” SpunkTime snapped.
“You fell asleep and left the elephant dildo in your ass again!”
SpunkTime craned around and saw the two foot handle protruding from
his ass cheeks. “Hee hee. I’m always forgetting it’s
in there! Remember the time I dressed without noticing and DungSlider
went to fuck me and got mad because the dildo beat him to it? HHHH!!
Boy, he beat me with this dildo like a red headed stepchild!”
SpunkTime caresses the dildo fondly for a moment. Then he took a minute
to pull the entire 17 feet out of his ass. He tosses it aside, it hit
the wall and stuck there.
SpunkTime slid on a pair of lace panties and then cursed.
“What’s wrong, fluffy?” PMScream inquired as he applied
his neon yellow lipstick.
“I’m on my fucking period again! Third time this week my
ass is bleeding! I have to do something about this.”
“Maybe you could stop begging me to fist you with our Michael
Clarke Duncan hand replica.”
SpunkTime rushed over to PMScream and slapped him. PMScream cried out,
sounding like Celon Dion hitting a high note. “I’m sorry,
baby. I was just trying to make a joke.”
“Don’t even JOKE about that!” SpunkTime whined as
he pulled a tampon out of the economy sized box next to the bed and
inserted it. “What I meant was I need to start using the Ass Master
again to tighten my buns.” He caressed his bulbous ass. “These
darlings are my pride and joy! Look at them now! You used to be able
to set a two liter bottle on this ass and it wouldn’t fall! I
used to be able to grip a flagpole between my cheeks and carry it a
mile! Now I couldn’t carry a straw to the bed and I’m bleeding
three times a week! I’m a disgrace to fudgepackers everywhere.
I was on the cover of ‘Flaming Ass’ THREE TIMES in a row!”
“You’re still my favorite ass.” PMScream replied
SpunkTime snorted. “Of course I am. I broke you in. You were
a virgin before I fucked you. And I was the first shot of ass you ever
had. Mine is the only ass you’ve ever had. So of course you love
PMScream hesitated.
“Mine is the only ass you’ve ever had. RIGHT?”
“Um, sure! Of course!”
SpunkTime is enraged. “You’re lying!” He rushed over
to the bed and pulled a paddle from underneath the mattress. “Tell
me the truth or I swear to the Dick Fairy that I’ll throw away
this paddle and NEVER spank you again!!!”
“Well ... I fucked Peanut Butter while you were gone.”
“You fucked Peanut Butter Blinker???” SpunkTime shouts.
“I can’t believe this! I’VE been working him for two
years trying to get a shot of ass so I can find out why everyone who’s
had him calls him ‘Peanut Butter’ and he lifts his shorts
for you! This is outrageous!”
PMScream bit his lip coquettishly. “Well, if you stop being mad
I’ll tell you why everyone calls him Peanut Butter Blinker.”
SpunkTime grinned, revealing brown and yellow teeth. “Deal.”
“It’s because that’s what his shit looks like all
over his back after you fuck him. Just like crunchy peanut butter.”
“HHHHH!! In that case, I should call you Beef Stew PMScream!

Due to popular demand...
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
... I now bring you briefer flames.
SpunkTime sucks.
PMScream blows.
Peanut Butter Blinker stinks.
I now return you to our regularly scheduled grandiloquent flames.

I Think of Love
Date: 07/30/2001
From: Blinker
(Recording courtesy of Chuck Berry, SordidLyrics4ever, and "Rigor
Mortis :-P~~~" Records)
[music gears up]
I was strollin' through Vienna and I needed a dead body to play
I'm a horny necrophiliac who's finally admitted he's gay
Roll over Beethoven, gonna fuck you again today!
Your temperature's freezin', yet your tongue it sure is "blowin'"
my "fuse"
Your heart isn't beatin', but I'll give your aorta its dues
Roll over Beethoven, I've still got your lungs to abuse
I got the asshole pneumonia,
I need a shot of burning hot wang
Yet all I can think of, is my (de)composer's icy thang
Roll over Beethoven, you're one sexy corpse to bang
Well if you'd like to try this,
Go dig up Schubert and STRIP his BODY
Roll it over and MOVE on up now,
Go for cover and REEL and ROCK it
Roll it over,
I love my Beethoven, cuz he keeps my dick amused
[instrumental break]
Early in the mornin' I'm a givin' you the warnin',
Don't you gimme no Judgmentalist Blues
Hey diddle diddle I was "playin' my fiddle"
Didn't got nutt'n to lose
Roll over Beethoven, Tchaikovsky's the next one to use
Encircling his "glow worm"'s the fro of a Spinning Topp
He's one crazy partner, man you oughta see his gangrenous cock
Until that falls apart, the LOVIN' will never stop.
Roll over Beethoven...
Roll over Beethoven...
Roll over Beethoven...
Roll over Beethoven...
Roll over Beethoven,
And fuck me from my head to my shoes --
[instrumental playout]
- Blinker 7:-P

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
<Smart assed Peanut Butter Blinker broke my previous reply title
code. Okay, borg boy, let's see you discover which album I'm using NOW!
The Dicks of our Lives
“I have something to tell you.” PMScream sniffled fearfully.
“For the love of the Dick Fairy, what is it NOW?” SpunkTime
“I’m pregnant.”
SpunkTime grinned broadly and jumped up to hug his sweetie. “We’re
going to have an ass baby! Woo Hoo!!! I love you! :-* :-* :-*”
PMScream giggled. “Tee hee! That tickles!”
“Hey, wait a minute!” SpunkTime drew back as he remembered
something. “I have balls the size of George Bush’s brain!
I’m impotent. How did you get pregnant?”
“Oh, I forgot about that.” PMScream whimpered and took
a step back.
SpunkTime growled, “tell me or I’ll make you stop shaving
my back!”
“But, but I’ll get a rash when I fuck you!”
“That’s your problem.”
PMScream relented. “Do you remember when your mother visited
a couple weeks ago?”
“Yeah, so?” SpunkTime sat heavily, not liking where this
is going.
“Well, I called her an old biddy so she slapped me down, grabbed
our John Holmes strap-on replica, and dryfucked me. No lubrication,
not even some melted chocolate or something. Sniff.”
SpunkTime sighed. “You moron, a strap-on dildo can’t get
you pregnant!”
“It can’t?” PMScream nibbled his lip hesitantly.
“Who else has fucked you recently?”
PMScream shuddered. “Well, there was the time last week that
the dog next door, Buffy the Tire Sprayer, chased me down and fucked
me because I called him a Blinker and he got pissed off at the insult.”
“If you weren't such a good swallower I’d put you out my
misery, you numskull! DOGS CAN’T GET YOU PREGNANT EITHER!!”
“Oh.” PMScream gave up. “Okay, I think I know who
the father is. Remember when I went out to buy those thick Italian sausages,
cucumbers, carrots, and watermelons? I got the sausages at the butcher
shoppe and Matt the Butcher gave me a beef injection while I was waiting.”
SpunkTime grimaced. “You cumbucket.”
“Oh, wait a minute, it was an oral beef injection. Even I know
you can’t get pregnant that way! Hee hee.”
“You slut.”
“I know who it is.” PMScream remembered. “It’s
Peanut Butter Blinker. Last week he was looking all sexy in that LEXX
outfit of his and I couldn’t help it! I knocked him down, ripped
off his clothes, and TOOK the dick! He didn’t want to fuck me
but I HAD to have it so I TOOK it! It must have been him.”
SpunkTime reached for the phone. “You might as well face it,
you’re addicted to dick. You have a serious problem. I’m
going to have you admitted into a decocks center. You need help, you
PMScream nodded sadly. He felt a rumble in his intestines and went
to the bathroom. A minute later there is a operatic scream, the sound
of anal ripping, and then a splash that sounds heavy enough to have
been caused by an anvil. After a minute, PMScream has recovered enough
to speak. “I’m not pregnant! It was just a false alarm!
All this getting fucked must have packed my shit tightly up inside me
and made me think I was preggers! Giggle!”

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
Thanks for the free advertising of my website. :-* (Don’t get
too excited, I was just kissing the back of your neck.) Especially the
link. Lord knows my humble little site needs all advertisement it can
get. It warms my heart to know that you’ve been to my website.
Especially since wild horses could never drag me to your site. I will
NEVER visit your website. You couldn’t make me visit that piece
of shit with a shotgun. From what I’ve been told it reeks like
your ass so it would be a gold mine to ridicule. But I’ll never
know because I’ll never visit it and I’ll talk about it
no further lest I encourage someone else to visit it. And furnish a
link, as you so thoughtfully did? Please. You’re the tool here,
and you played your part very well with the free advertising. Thanks!
Oh. What is this? You’re not gay? It’s too late to crawl
back into the closet now, cumbreath. Just stay in bed with your Plain
looking roommate, keep Animal Planet on the TV 24 hours a day, and stay
openly gay. If you try to deny what you are, after so many years of
male love obsession, you’ll just look like a damned fool. We wouldn’t
want that, would we? Speak for yourself!
I just have one word for the rest of your soggy jabs so far. YAWN!!!!!!!
Wake me up when you show up for real, Flame Nurse.

Date: 07/30/2001
From: RMScream
Excellent job in your posts, SL4ManAss. I expected this from you. You
should be given some kind of award.
If there were an award for writing the most posts and being totally
unfunny in all of them, you would win it. You can post all you want,
but fifty thousand posts doesn't equal funny. I've seen funnier things
come from the asshole of an anally raped bull.
You win the Fans of Dave Coulier award for "most loyal member".
When he was down in the dumps after Full House was cancelled, you made
him feel all better, boosting his self esteem by reciting his bad jokes
and playing old reruns of "America's Funniest People." You
especially made him feel better with your...Wood. You certainly made
his house a full house.
For some reason, you think this is a competition on who is the gayest.
Though you would CLEARLY win that, this is NOT the object of flaming
(well, not THIS kind of flaming). The object is to actually be FUNNY.
A crosseyed llama with four left feet and a case of tourettes could
come up with such wonderful insults as "You put it in your butt"
and "You like to eat men boners. HAHAHAHAHA." Get with it,
Gargamelle, you have to have FUNNY homosexual references.
Try to become funny or don't bother posting anymore. Please spare all
of the judges from reading your uninspired drivel.

Date: 07/30/2001
From: Recall317
[Hit patriotic music. Red, white and blue fireworks explode as ReKurt317
heads for the ring.]
In my time, I've competed in my share of tournaments, including one
very big tournament. You may have heard it. It's called the Olympic
Games. And let me tell you- ToFGaL is no Olympic games.
Oh, it's true. It's true.
For starters, the Olympic games are named after the home of the Gods.
Despite your delusional yammerings, I don't see any gods here. I don't
even see any winners. Which I guess is to be expected when you've got
Canadians like Blinker in here. Hey, here's a little tip for you: Before
you ask to host the Olympic games, why don't you try winning one first?
Now I pride myself on my three "I"s. Intensity, Integrity
and Intelligence. But I have three "R"s for SL4ever.
Redundant, Rehashed, Revolting
I am literally cringing while reading your attacks. Man, your spiel
is getting even older than SpaceTime's.
Speaking of SpaceTime, what the hell happened to you? I've seen Charlie
O'Connell show more emotion than you have in this tournament. I mean,
you got beat by RMScream for cryin' out loud!, I don't even want to waste a paragraph on you. Why
don't you go back to the lightweight division and fight Brand_S and
Recall317, two guys so pathetic that they can't even compete in their
own tournaments.
It's a sad, sad day when this is what qualifies as superior flaming.
And that's true.
It's damn true.

+ 22292 = 26413/11
Date: 07/30/2001
From: Blinker
But /12? Ya got me. Ask RMScream; he's the self-styled expert on music
that everyone despises.
"Good're going to need it."
With those words from Recall317, the flag was dropped and the championship
round was ON. Within nineteen seconds, an eager SL4ever had shot off
his first four loads... and clicked the 'reply' link to get started
on his flames.
Thrilled by the prospect of "facing" all "comers"
at once, Space hurried to SL4's web site in the hopes of scoring some
quick riffs.
What greeted him was a veritable CORNUCOPIA of potential flame fodder.
There was the address itself. "ZippyMan." It inexplicably
gave ST the image of an overcaffeinated Nintendo character with his
schlong caught in his fly.
Space smiled. Pleasure.
There was the T-SHIRT, which, despite an inopportune fold obscuring
half of the "Y" (and a semen stain cutting a swath through
the neighbouring "A"'s right leg), Space could SWEAR spelled
This explained a *lot* about the nature of SL's "campaign contributions"
to John McCain.
There was the HAIR, which gave '4ever the look of Mr. Rogers' flamboyant
cousin after being liberally slathered in wood varnish and twenty bottles'
worth of Vidal Sasslessoon.
There was the fact, FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, that the man was posed FULLY
Space briefly pulled his soiled #FF88EEy from his ass in order to place
it in his mouth, Dr. Evil style. No, none of this would do. None of
these obvious, frontal attacks would suffice.
Space never did ANYTHING frontally.
Instead, cackling maniacally at his own sublime cleverness, he pounded
out a couple desultory paragraphs lampooning THE HEWLETT-PACKARD CORPORATION
"Now, what else?" pondered ST, pausing briefly to sensually
lick more of the Green Gooey GLORY from his finger. "These stories,
maybe. Isn't there supposed to be one about an insane, hallucinating
murderer with half of his brain sliced out by a knife sucking down water
from a filthy backyard spigot? Maybe I could masturbate to it before
I write any more."
He clicked. But something was wrong. DREADFULLY wrong.
Two things, actually.
(1) The novella he'd randomly chosen, "Gateway to the God Machine,"
contained almost a dozen words of more than three letters.
(2) There were only two illustrations, and in no way did *either* depict
the penetration of a yak. The fact that SL4ever *thought* they did when
he selected them is irrelevant.
In other words, the story was NOT one of the instructional magazines
that ST received every other month. It *did* have several elements in
common, including the "bee scene" and the bald men with brightly
painted lips, but these were not NEARLY enough...
"GHAAAAK!" screamed Space. "It's PONDEROUS, man, fuckin'
PONDEROUS!" he raved, unknowingly aping Casey Kasem. ST clawed
at his eyes, terrified by the impenetrably arcane world that yawned
before him.
Time to cut his losses.
He made a brief, token attempt to parse the story snippet on the front
"Off... Ice... Officer... Remb-b-b-brandt... Bruh... Bruhhhhh..."
No go. He chalked it up to "Rembrandt's foray into law enforcement,"
and sank faster than the decline of "The Simpsons" to the
bottom of the page. Safely delivered from the POLYSYLLABLES OF UNHOLY
TERROR, Space clicked the first link he saw and found himself deposited
on SL4's father's page.
At last, SALVATION. "Dex Senior has the same name, right?"
he quavered. "So if I flame *him* instead, the judges'll still
count it...... right?"
ST took a moment to wipe his brow, which was as flushed as the last
of his prized "She-Ra" toilet paper.
"Man, that was close. At least I've still got Fo-Evah's 'Bye,
y'all' post to dissect. Maybe he'll be off-balance enough from my failure
to deliver ANY ATTACK WHATSOEVER thus far that he'll fail to *remember*
slamming me NOT for announcing I was leaving, but for ATTACKING OTHERS
"...nah, even SL4EVER couldn't be THAT moronic."
- Blinker 7:-#

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SpaceTime
Wow, get a regular night's rest and, sure enough, SL4Ever's managed
to use his Grand Moll Seizures to an advantage by THROTTLING NONSENSE
from his keyboard, Blinker's posted a parody of a song only RDWebster
has any familiarity with AS IT IS OLDER THAN TIME and RMScream tosses
a lukewarm entry into the mix, relatively funny but still not reaching
for that all-special Rage™.
Ryan, I saw more Rage™ when Dexx here realized that Tom Servo
would no longer grace his TV screen. Drink a bottle of tequila, BITE
THE WORM and reapproach with your new "attitude."
Damn, SL, I know your "usage" of Sabrina's eighth grade pictures
(thanks go out to Eustislider for that) is partially responsible for
your ability to type 4000 words of gibberish a minute, but Christ. ENOUGH
IS ENOUGH. The whole "gay" thing? IT WAS PLAYED OUT IN THE
LAST TOURNAMENT. I know you're always two steps behind, what with it
taking you five minutes to extract yourself from the Porn Chair of Lust™
and another ten to stop by the fridge and rearrange your "magnetic
are more properly developed, but even a lobotomized Slider120, who knows
NOTHING of writing except that hitting his head against his desk produces
"funny letter patterns" on the screen would tell you that
you're not only BEATING A DEAD HORSE, you're apparently trying to FUCK
A wise man once said that an idiot with a degree is still an idiot.
I'd pose to you that a redundant douche who changes the topic he writes
on is still a redundant douche.
In truth, you could have written just the ONE POST proclaiming our
"funny new names" (HEE! HEE! I GET THE SWINGS NEXT, BOBBY!)
and nothing else and left it at that. EVERYTHING ELSE IS USELESS, RECYCLED
SWILL THAT BORES. I try to make it through your obtuse text and your
even more obtuse sexual shenanigans and fail, because my mind goes limp
and my eyes droop at the HIGH LEVEL OF RETARDATION presented. And yes,
RMScream is as gay as the day is long, but hell, pointing that out is
about as eye-opening as proclaiming that you worship at the Altar of
the Tufted One. No surprise is elicited. No strength gained from the
THAT is why you fail. Again and again. You lost to me once, you lost
to Blinker, and now you will lose to ALL. Your Gods have proven themselves
their betters of you. I'll give you an "A" for effort, Jughead,
but I've said it before and I'll say it again: quantity does NOT equal
quality. Maybe if you'd thrown all caution to the wind in the last round
and become the SUPER GAYGAY LOVETOY I know you've always projected inwardly,
Well, in this case, a paving of more recycled material.
Personally, I look forward to Chapters 19-415 of the SL4Ever "saga"
where RMScream and I are... *gasp* homos! Doing funny, silly homo things
like fuck each other in the ass! HAHAHAHAHA! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Wait,
SL, are you gonna try and teach any of us how to flame next?
NO. BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW AND NEVER WILL. Even your clam of a brain
has given up on that approach.
Blinker may feel the need to reveal what was swimming in the mind of
every BBoard poster who read my first salvo because he feels we're all
too friggin' stupid to realize THAT THE PICTURE IS AS MUCH OF A MESS
AS YOU ARE. I will continue to laugh not at your looks, but at your
Writer. Novelist. Author.
You are all and none at the same time.
I'm gonna "borrow" something Chaser once said:
Here's how it's going to go:
Step 1: One of the players will post 8 times in 5 seconds, thus proving
Step 2: An alternate member fo [sic] the opposite group will respond.
Step 3: Either that response will be backed up by said rambling loon
or SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYED by those who oppose him.
Step 4: The cycle will continue. Blinker will use the skills he learned
while training at the School of Sass™ and dribble something from
his mouth onto the page. RM will fade in and out with the Ambivalence
only shown by one other... and SpaceTime will bitch and moan and bitch
and moan AND BITCH AND MOAN about how this is all a derivative mess
worthy of SL's web page.
Step 5: Chris Deaver gets tired of the bullshit and goes to eat a snack,
spend time with his fiance` and enjoy day to day life.
Step 6: A new post/attack will appear and we go back to Step 2.
Why not?
- ST

Date: 07/30/2001
From: RMScream
I could deal with SL4Ever's idiotic rantings. That is expected of him.
The chances of him winning this are as good as Mario Van Peebles taking
home an Oscar. It is pretty much a three way contest. I can even deal
with SpaceTime's holyier than thou antics, with the posting of an unbearable
"Pattern." One that is almost as unbearable as the pattern
of his sexual behaviour. One that includes a tri-weekly rotation of
his Brother, a bananna, and a life sized cardboard cut out of Ian Zering
with a hole poked through its crotch.
Let's be honest. These two shouldn't even be here. I mean, if you LOSE,
you are supposed to be OUT. They have taken advantage of Recall's generosity,
just as ST has taken advantage of rabbit's holes in his grandparent's
back yard, and SL4Ever has used the opening of a soda can to HIS advantage
(those cuts hurt, don't they?). If one of you win, well if ST wins,
everyone knows SL4ever is just her out of pity, it won't be a deserved
Now, Blinker, someone who actually WON last round (*SHOCK* A winner
in the final round!? Who would've thunk it?), seems to have run out
of ideas. His admiration of me has taken its toll on his flaming abilities.
He's old, trite, worn out, and now must use a style that I have perfected
and became the KING of. The rhymed word/song/lyrical insult. They say
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Yes, I am flattered, much
like Blinker's buck-toothed second cousin when attempts to seduce her
at the family reunion ("Hey, just cause we don't LIVE in the mountains
of West Virginia doesn't mean we can't go by their rules of conduct!").
Flattery and making a play for another man, however, do not win flaming
competitions. That might win a "flaming contest" down in the
South Beach of Miami, but not HERE. In this contest, you must have style.
Copying MY STYLE is not original. You showed similar originality during
your stint as a goateed regular at the "Java 'n' Jazz" coffee
house. Your "everyone-else-is-doing-it-so-why-can't-I?" outlook
is as bright as the old bare bulb that dangles in your walk-in closet
of "Hollywood Collectables." A closet which includes "gems"
like strands of hair from Eugene Levy's Unibrow, a sample of faded pop
singer Jeremy Jordan's seman (from the night of Lovin' you had back
in '93), the residue of Frank Stallone's hocker caught in a napkin,
and Tom Green's cancerous, shredded, testicle. It is sad to see you
stoop this low. What was once a formidable and great flamer has been
reduced to second-rate, carbon copies of my work. A sad day here, folks.
It truly sickens me to see this happen. With things changing like this,
what's next? SL4ever posting something that is actually funny? SpaceTime
deciding his status as a GOD is getting old and deciding to become the
poster child for the "New and Improved VD handbook, est. 2001?"

banishing of the ASS.
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
<Nope, not SpaceTime>
SL4ever: Get back in the cage! You’ve proven that you are the
GOD of gay flaming, but SpunkTime is getting too turned on! Get back
in the cage and stay there!
SL4ASS: Hee hee. I rock! I surpassed the greatest gay flames in history
and had people cringing in their seats.
SL4ever: We’re not trying to make someone throw up. Jesus, why
did Blinker wake you? It’s all his fault! Now stay in the cage!
SL4ASS: Sniff. I just wanted to help you win. “decocks”
center for the dick addicted. Hee hee!
SL4ever: Anyway, back to the show.
Wow. You other three have actually attacked someone besides me. I expected
that you’d devote most of your attention on me because you recognize
me as the greatest threat and I was not disappointed. You both dismiss
me as an unimportant and weak flamer, yet you’ve devoted 95% of
your time and energy to attacking me. And you can't even get attacking
each other right. Even when you do attack each other it is mostly in
defense of me. I'm flattered.
Sniff, sniff. What is this I smell? Fear. The fear of false gods worried
if they’ve done enough to topple their biggest threat. You’re
doing the right thing. Just worry about attacking me. Your other opponents
are inconsequential, I’m the one you must worry about.
Thanks for defending me against Blinker but I don’t need your
help against machine memory boy. That’s twice today that you’ve
done me a favor. Are you aware that you’re supposed to be flaming
me, not helping me every time you turn around?
It’s interesting that someone who continuously cries like a colicky
infant about how redundant and repetitive I am still finds using the
trademark symbol behind every third word amusing. I’ll let you
in on a little secret, Spacey. There was time, back before your iguana
brain transplant, that using that symbol behind a word was mildly amusing.
Not laugh out loud amusing (unlike your self delusions) but it could
induce a smile if not overused. But that was a long time ago in a place
far away. Please, for the love of God, spare us that tedious bullshit™
from now on.
Spare us also your rehash of the anti gay flames I used against Blinker
last round.
It’s also interesting that someone who openly despises and flames
Chaser finds himself so impoverished of imagination that he has to resort
to quoting the man. Since you’ve sold out you might as well go
ahead and quote Temporalflux and Executive next the next time you need
I agree with what everyone else has said. That first reply (I won't
justify it with the word "attack") was really weak, man. You
sounded whiny and hurt. I didn’t hurt your feelings, did I? Poor
baby. I guess your Daddy SpaceTime hugged you and made it better. Because
I was starting to worry that you were going to cringe under your bed
the rest of the night and wouldn't be back.
What are you doing in this tournament? Your first contribution was
235 whiny words where you beg me to bow out before I hurt you some more,
plead to the judges that I’m not amusing (why would you think
I was? I’m tearing you a new asshole! Of course you don't think
that's funny!), and complain about my style while doing the same thing
yourself. (anally raped bull? Oh, and speaking of redundant, how else
would a bull BE raped? They are male, moron.) You also conveniently
ignored my first attack since that didn’t fit what you were whining
about. The first attack against you was not a gay flame but instead
focused on your inability to think coherently.
As for the twaddle you just posted, let me first say thank you as well
for defending me against Blinker. It seems that it is like Father, like
Son. Like SpaceTime, you can’t comprehend that when you attack
what someone has said about me you’re helping my cause. Idiot.
Other than that, I was especially interested in these comments: “Let's
be honest. These two shouldn't even be here. I mean, if you LOSE, you
are supposed to be OUT. They have taken advantage of Recall's generosity,”
Excuse me? Blinker can logically make this argument but for you to
do so once again demonstrates that you have the brain of a retarded
flea. Blinker beat you like a rented mule when you face him before.
He. Beat. Your Ass. Which, for someone as dimwitted as you, means you
lost! This is not a difficult concept for most people to understand,
PMScream. You were only allowed back into the tourney through the same
generosity you just complained about! And because you were beaten so
badly last time, what makes you think that the result would have been
any different this time? If it had been just you and Blinker it would
have been a match against someone who didn’t even participate
in the first round against someone who lost already to that very person!
What’s the difference between that and three people who’ve
lost already against someone who skipped the first round?
In addition to what you said not making any sense, you knew the setup
of this final round in advance and you could have bitched out. You didn’t.
But since you didn’t get out while you could, shut the fuck up
about the rules and how we all got here. You have no room to talk. Not
even SpaceTime, the biggest complaining board bitch of all, has complained
about rules and setups he knew about in advance. The fact that you complain
about us when you’ve taken advantage of the same generosity SpaceTime
and I have proves that you are both a moron and a hypocrite.
That’s enough for the replies, now, back to the offensive.

is cool!
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
It’s true! He’s cool!
PMScream: I wanna be as cool as SpaceTime when I grow up!
Unfortunately, SpaceTime is a store bought cool person. He is fast
food cool. He is flavor of the month, sit at my feet and be amused at
how much of an asshole I can be cool. His fabricated style is to be
discarded as soon as the herd starts in another direction.
Did you know you can always tell a cool person by his CD collection?
It's true! Well, at least it's true for those cool people who aren't
so cool they've eschewed purchasing music altogether in favor of partaking
in the mass digital discount.
First of all, you have to understand the concept of exposure-control
CD storage. Different levels of coolness get stored in different ways.
The highest level of storage is that which allows for maximum visibility
of those CDs in your collection that will let everybody know how "with
it" and cool you are. Usually, this takes the form of a slotted
CD monolith display. SpaceTime's monolith is affixed to the wall next
to where he keeps his urine bong so that his guests are sure to have
every opportunity to notice it. This is where SpaceTime keeps his flavor
of the month CDs so every crack whore, reprobate, and scuzzbucket he
invites over to his house can see how cool he is.
The second level of CD storage is reserved for those passing fancies
and one-hit-wonder CDs that SpaceTime HAD to buy at the time, but which
now are generally considered passé. Seeing as SpaceTime never
really liked this music anyway, usually these CDs wind up in a box at
the back of the closet, never to be listened to again as their due-date
has come and gone. Spin Doctors? Are you out there? Hello? Bad Religion?
The third level of CD storage is the Embarrassment (aka Danger) level.
There are certain albums that are so unhip, so utterly uncool, that
if SpaceTime were ever to be caught with these CDs in his possession,
he would be stripped of his Cool Personhood for eternity. I’m
talking about albums so heinously uncool that even PMScream would rend
his garments and banish himself forever from SpaceTime’s presence.
This includes such varied groups and artists as Cinderella, Vanilla
Ice, MC Hammer, Journey, John Hughes movie soundtracks, Air Supply,
Taylor Dane, certain Prince albums, Wham/George Michael (SpaceTime did
actually like these and would still listen to them if the cost of being
caught doing so were not so high) and so on. These CDs are hidden under
SpaceTime’s rat infested “crash” futon, and in his
crawlspace along with his Green Lantern comic books and Airwolf videos.
Hey PMScream, the next time you’re over at Spacey’s apartment
how about (if you can stand the stench) looking under his futon and
seeing for yourself that I know what I’m talking about?
I can hear SpaceTime now. “This isn’t true! I burned my
Vanilla Ice CD!”

Date: 07/30/2001
From: Blinker
Since I haven't spared a word for him yet, I'll deal with Random's Mom's
Cream first...
Tennille, could there be ANYTHING more ridiculous than your attempt
to claim a patent on use of "the rhymed word/song/lyrical insult"?!
Just because you parlayed something autobiographically titled "Chester
the Molester" into a ONE-SIDED ROUT AT MY HANDS can't erase the
fact that I was spinning golden oldies into COMEDIC BRILLIANCE *aeons*
before SpaceTime dumped you here like the sack of shit you are.
Oh, wait: I forgot the shinoli.
Here's an example from two years and 15,000 posts ago, RIMBAUD:
> In this contest, you must have style.
> Copying MY STYLE is not original.
But poorly imitating the style perfected by ST, dark, DMD, myself,
and practically everyone else on this board *is*? Oh. Well in that case,
> You showed similar originality during your stint as a
> goateed regular at the "Java 'n' Jazz" coffee house.
Huh? What the fuck kind of insult is that? "You're unoriginal
because you have a goatee and drink coffee at a coffee house?"
And WHOA... exactly how many brain cells did it take to devise that
clever, darkly twisted name "Java 'n' Jazz"?
If you managed the feat with less than two, stand proud.
> SpaceTime deciding his status as a GOD is getting
> old and deciding to become the poster child for the
> "New and Improved VD handbook, est. 2001?"
Could well be. It'll contain information on picking a better password
for your two dozen alternate prank handles than "SlIDE."
So anyway, Verlaine: what were you spending your time on *before* that
woeful day you befell us, pray tell? Maybe your resumé'll shed
light on the tale...
1994: i was bornne in the anus of a sea cucmber. it waz warm nn co-Z
inside but my BIG DADDEY SPANNKTHYME sez the worlld needzed 1 more 3rd
rate flammer 2 playg you all wit liek, baceless arrowgance. so here
i am! luv me
1995: workkd as mcdonalds guy. held mpyself bak as advysd and didnt
spit n onyon rings. only pee'd. termnashun was amicabble. onest.
i hav barnaclez on miy legs!
1996: tere waz no 1996 it was a leep yearr
1997: ths year i wurked az a personal hoe to rozee odanonnel. i was
also secaturz wen she was feelin kinqy. rosey's "gardens"
wer shal we say "well watured" by yorz truly
1998: im a cashyear at gross'ry stor. u know, puttn stuf in platsic
bags. 1 day i ran out and substuted uzed condomm from my pawket. managment
& i mewchually agreed it wuz time 4 me 2 muv on 2 othur projex.
1998 1/2: legz r amputayt'd after fayld attempt 2 copulate wif elevatur
shaft (WEL WY R THEY CALLD SHAFTS THEN, DAMMMIT!?!) unbowd, i use dayly
vuwings of debby doz the 3 tenorz to n-larj my peniss into 6 inch wyde,
3 ft tall pogo stick. ambulashun restor'd!
hartwarming huh
1999: c 1996
2000: sliderz borde hird me t2 be spaztim's premyur lacky. ther gonna
B payng me soon. spays-daddy swor it by the tranzlusent pink callus's
on my foot. haha tho its also a hed get it? meentime im gonna waste
da frunt page by postin shiznit like dis one:
RYNANANnNnN <---- signature in smeared fecal matter
R. M. Scream
Uh, folks: the next time I decide to take a look at this guy's past...
somebody put me out of my misery.
- Blinker 7:-O

Date: 07/30/2001
From: RMScream
Good Ole SL4Ever has given us two more Nuggets of GOODNESS. Ripping
on me and ST. I can see why you would rip on Papa Space. With his constant
attitude problem, seemingly having a stick in his ass, and he has been
seen running around the streets crying out "My Lord, please find
my oodles of noodles so I can place them in the holy banister of justice
and apathy to complete the task of taking over New Brunswick and claiming
what is rightfully mine, the green can of goobledegook supreme! I must
exercise the GLORY!" whatever that means.
Insanity like that actually makes ST sound minutely NORMAL compared
to what he is like in real life.
Insane drivle like this makes me wish there was an IQ minimum for people
that want to reproduce. People like ST surely would have never been
born if my dream were to come true.
I must now quoth the great SL4Ever:
>>Blinker beat you like a rented mule when you face him >>before.
He. Beat. Your Ass.
Hmm... He did, huh? Why don't we take a look at the scores for our
RMScream: 9.5 - 8 - 4 - 10 - 10
Blinker: 9 - 10 - 8 - 10 - 8
RMScream = 8.3
Blinker = 9
Now, If the score were, say, 10-2 in favor of Blinker, then you could
say he Killed me. BUT, some LOON decided to give me a 4 instead of a
decent score. A score of 7.5 by that judge would have given me the victory.
Get your facts straight, you glue-sniffing waste of sperm.
As far as us flaming you the most because you are the hardest competition,
that is even more of a misconception than the time that Martha, the
AT&T phone solicitor, called and you took her asking you if you
wanted to change companies as her asking you out on a date. You will
never feel the touch of a woman, hoss. Call me stupid all you want,
but the fact of the matter is that I hump women, you hump telephone
poles. I have a brain, you have a lump of ground chuck that you call
your "Ground Round of Greatness."
The truth is, The three of us are ALL BETTER THAN YOU, SL4Ever. Both
ST and Blinker defeated you handily, and I defeated ST, something you
could NEVER, EVER DO. You say you are "stooping to our level"
with Gay insults. Another false statement. You are actually raising
your personal bar in a lackadasical attempt to mimic our GLORY. Nothing
more, nothing less. You are clearly doing a horrible job of it, though.
It takes you 20 posts to say what takes me 2 posts. That is because
I am SMARTER THAN YOU. Of course that isn't saying much, as Billy, the
45 year old retarded man down the street has more intelligence in the
drool that emanates from his mouth than what you have in YOUR ENTIRE
BODY. Quit while you're ahead.

Date: 07/30/2001
From: capaqu
Ho hum. <yawn>
Boys, boys, boys… WHAT A BUNCH OF WIMPS!
You call this FLAMING??? You consider these flimsy barbs to be ATTACKS?????
Name calling??? Gay themes???? Fecal references?????
With *so much* ammunition out there for each of you to use against
the others...
*THIS* is what we are dealt???
Your *best* attacks are actually defensive moves. I want to see offense!
ADULT offense.
Come on, now... KICK some ass. Notice I did not say *kiss* ass! Much
too much of that already. Such a fixation you all have!
You are sounding a bit juvenile. But then, boys *will* be boys.
Capqueline demands satisfaction!

Date: 07/30/2001
From: Blinker
Before I launch back into SpaceTime (no, not in the way that he LONGS
FOR), some quick asides to the other wretched excuses for skinbags populating
this tournament:
SL4ever: I never thought you could sink lower than the one-note "gay"
manifesto that made up your first 300 or so replies in this round. Clearly,
I was wrong. "SpaceTime is cool" is in fact exactly what the
wannabe-ironic title promises: a post bearing NO VITRIOL. You could
feed the damn thing to TWIGGY and her system'd hold up.
Please. Slide back into HoMode. Then give it up AGAIN. In and out...
in and out... that's right.
AS FOR the Never-Ending Manifesto, the only response worth making is
"DO NOT DARE to diss the LEXX costume. It makes me Stanley H. Tweedle.
RMScream: As giggly as it is to watch you and Dexy the "Midnight
Runner" tear each other to shreds over which of you I destroyed
with greater ease, the fact is: I slaughtered BOTH of you. Get over
it already.
> BUT, some LOON decided to give me a 4 instead
> of a decent score.
ROTFL! Now THAT is the funniest thing I've read so far. Man, I sure
hope that "loon" has a vindictive streak. 7:-D
But onward. Ever onward.
[ The following was inexplicably posted by SpaceTime at
I can only assume that he thought it would bolster his "calm and
rational" gentleman's debate with Tf, what with pointing and laughing
at the man's WZard profile having gone nowhere.
WRONG, Ichabod.
Note that the following links were almost entirely pulled from the
Hall of Fame (thanks, Eusti -- see, ST, when I suck up to judges THERE'S
CALL FOR IT.) I frankly don't have time to dig further... though come
to think of it, the fact that such a miniscule selection of posts proves
the following points so readily rather speaks for itself. ]
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for
admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present
in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
1) A grandiose sense of self-importance -- exaggerates achievements
and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate
"I'm a BBoard GOD" - SpaceTime,
2) Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance,
beauty or ideal love.
Well, seeing as ST apparently counts becoming some sort of futuristic
megalomaniac as 'unlimited success and power' and cheap sex on a stuffed
yak to be 'ideal love,' I'm guessing BvE can quite handily be slotted
in here. Don't ask me for further details; I only ever replied to the
fucking things to encourage the bastard to leave, A BLESSED EVENT WHICH
3) Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can
only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status
people or institutions.
"I can count on two hands the number of people on this board whose
opinions matter." - SpaceTime,
4) Requires excessive admiration.
"That's horseshit. Darkslider and I have put way too much time
and effort into this story - a story that involves YOU people on an
epic scale - and no one replies? What the fuck is that?" - SpaceTime
about FUCKING RERUNS of B v. E,
5) A sense of entitlement -- unreasonable expectations of especially
favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations.
"Is it so fucking difficult to post "HAHAHAHAHA! [end]"?
Nope. So why not do it so people don't have to listen to me beg for
attention?" - SpaceTime,
6) Interpersonally exploitative -- takes advantage of others to achieve
his or her own ends.
"You recently told me you have a chance to pitch for X-Files (which can I believe?)...what was the first thing you asked after
that? You asked ME if I had any ideas for something you could pitch!!!
ROTFLMAO!!!" - TemporalFlux,
"QBall could have pressed the Cleavant CDs with his ASS, for all
I care." - SpaceTime,
7) Lacks empathy -- is unwilling to recognize or identify with the
feelings and needs of others.
"I, on the other hand, see [the BBoard] as a place where when
the kid falls off the swings and cries and everyone else laughs at him."
- SpaceTime,
8) Often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him
or her.
"Are you just jealous that everyone genuinly likes Qball, Blinker
and TF so you had to make them look bad? I can't think of any other
reason for doing this." - Mychand,
9) Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
"You deserve my respect? Why?" - SpaceTime to COMPSLIDER,
But please, Piet. *Do* continue focusing more on your Chaser9 vendetta
than on ANY OF YOUR ACTUAL OPPONENTS. It's sure to GUARANTEE your victory!
- Blinker 7>:-#
"My patience is wearing thing. [sic]" - SpaceTime,

holy logic and one fine idiot
Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
* no text *

Date: 07/30/2001
From: Blinker
* no text *

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
* no text *

the music…
Date: 07/30/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan
* no text *

Date: 07/30/2001
From: SL4ever
* no text *

the music......
Date: 07/31/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan
[Note: This has been eaten once before on this thread and on the next
one. Lucky number 3?]
o/` Here comes the money. Money, money, money, money, moooneeyyy o/`
Shane O’Mac makes his way to the runway in front of the TOFGAL
sign, raising his hands and turning around, modeling his trademark black
“What the hell is he doing here?” demands DJR. “The
owner of the WCW is here to stir up trouble once again.”
"Oh yeah," added King.
Shane lifted the mike and announced, "Fans of the BBF, don't you
think you've had enough of this? I think we need a change. Hit the music..."
[ECW theme song plays]
Stephanie, the Billionaire Princess, sashays her way to the runway
in a black tank top and short short black miniskirt. She waves to the
crowd as she takes her place next to her brother.
"Now what does she want?" King asked.
"Whatever the Princess wants she gets," DJR answered.
Stephanie flashed her trademark smile, pointing to the crowd. "All
of you have seen these four as adults, but have you seen them as children?
Roll the film."
[Old video starts to roll as a female begins a voice over]
"GRP Observational Study #1269."
[Scene of four 5 year olds in a playroom.]
"As we can see, the one called RMScream is cowering in the corner
of the room, clutching a terry towel and rocking back and forth. It
was brought to my attention that this child has been nicknamed Random
Screaming for his seemingly random outbursts. The child was found abandoned
in a run down orphanage and had been there for at least two years without
the comfort of an adult. See the characteristic rocking behavior of
the child. The same has been seen in rhesus monkeys in early studies
of separation of babies from any adult monkeys. Sad case."
[Scene of RMScream crying underneath a low table]
"This child crawled underneath this table after the one called
SpaceTime ripped the towel from his hands and threw it under this table.
RMS, being unaccustomed to this new experience, began his wailing when
he became stuck. The other boys taunting him for an hour until they
became bored with his high pitch screaming."
[Scene of SL4ever playing with crayons and talking to one of the caretakers]
"SL4ever has been insistent for the last two hours in trying to
get what he wants. Substituting colors into the sentence, "I want
a [insert color] ice cream." I’m amazed that the caregiver
hasn’t smacked the shit out of him yet. But then again it might
be that this is that deaf caretaker they hired just for him. Too bad
SL4 doesn’t know that. I don’t think it would have mattered
since this child has been shown to be obsessive-compulsive."
[SL4ever is talking to the teddy bear Teddy Ruxpin]
"SL4 has been transfixed by the mouth on this bear. He sits for
hours staring at it whether it moves or not. The amount of batteries
used has been tremendous. The caregivers believe that this child will
never be able to shut his mouth when he starts talking and won't quit
until he gets his way. As I see it, he's going to be die young if he
talks like that to the wrong person."
[Scene of SpaceTime coloring drawings]
"This one called SpaceTime is interesting. He behaves one way
when someone is watching but reverts back to his natural state of chaos.
If you notice, he wails in disgust when one of the caretakers corrects
him and tells him to color within the lines. SpaceTime has ripped up
his drawings almost all the time after telling the caretaker that he
likes them."
[Scene of SpaceTime standing on the table]
"Here SpaceTime is spreading his message of loving his fellow
children all the while berating them for their ignorance and other petty
[Scene of Blinker running around]
"This child named Blinker has been a pleasure to watch. Alfalfa
here reminds me of Mary and that special gel from "Something about
Mary." At this point, he's ripped off his clothes and thrown blue
paint over himself. See the various imprints on the wall. He's slammed
into the walls several times seeing if he can make a border of himself
around the room. Amazing, there hasn't been brain damage. Stupid but
[Scene of broken glass and a crying Blinker]
"Didn't I say stupid earlier? Well, this proves my point. Blinker
ran through the glass door leading to the hallway once again. It's got
to be his hair that sucked all the intelligence out. Most children would
learn by operant conditioning that running at a glass door has the consequence
of getting badly injured. Well, at least the hair can be made to fall
on his scarred face if it needs to be.
This is Cassie Ryan, GRP Director."
[End video]
"Well, you've seen them as they were younger and you can see why
they turned out the way they did," Stephanie proclaimed.
"By the way GRP means Group Retardation Program," Shane sarcastically
The two left to Shane’s music.

Date: 07/31/2001
From: Recall317
"What happenned to the lights, King?" asked DieselJimRoss.
"It's like someone cut the power!"
"Oh no! What will happen to the final posts????"
o/ No chance that's what ya got... o/
"I hereby declare that posts 25-29 may be reposted as to be counted
in the final tally. I also declare the missing posts 31-33 (one of them
by me) also eligible. I know others tried to post after and absolutely
nothing happened. I will take you gentlemen at your word, and allow
you to repost anything that completely disappeared," announced
Vince McRecall.
"That's the final word from the CEO himself! Get reposting! It
just goes to show: anything can happen in the BFF!"
Ugh...damn you board! DAMN YOU!

Date: 07/31/2001
From: RMScream
I had a run in the other day that I think reminds me of my opponents.
Two men and a "woman" graced their presence at my place of
employment the other day. They walked hand in hand in hand, clearly
a threesome. One of the guys had long blonde hair pulled in a pony tail.
Bloody craters where enormous blackheads once resided were on his nose.
The other guy wasn't much better. Smiling at me with his three green
teeth, he talked with a lisp. He had long, greasy black hair. Then there
was the woman. Jet black hair, and a tattoo of an eagle on her chest,
she was the perfect example of a grungy whore. The three of them had
a simple, happy existence together. Outsiders look upon them with shame
and disgust, but the three of them share a bond. A bond of being three
strange, strange people who have sex with each other.
I liken you three to them. SL4Ever is the grungy bitch, who is tagteamed
by ST, the three toothed hillbilly with a heart of gold and a crab infested
penis. Blinker fits the blonde grease ball. He is refined and dignified
as a crack whore in a torn evening gown.
A sickening visual has entered my head. The two men tag-teaming the
grunge goddess. She enjoys it as much if not more than the two guys.
Though Blinker secretly wishes to screw his male counterpart. His black
hair and bacteria infested mouth turn him on in ways you can't imagine.
The three of them are so happy together.
Why did I make this compairson? Because it is the closest thing imaginable
to the truth. These three tarnish the name of every human being on the
planet, including, surprisingly, Danny Bonaduce. Even HE looks good
compared to them. It is truly sad.
In closing, I am the ONLY choice for the victor of this tournament.
My opponents are all poor excuses for flamers and human beings. The
only way to do justice to the name of ToFGaL is if I am the winner.
These three have had the insult abilities of an unconcious dung beetle.
I am without a doubt the BEST. BOW DOWN TO THE NEW FLAMING GOD!

Date: 07/31/2001
From: Blinker
So, SpaceTime... I'm still here. 11:22 PM. Must be a record on par with
your twenty-five cattle milkings in one HOUR. Too bad they were BULLS...
Well, Maura, seeing as how you've always been so big on lists for organization...
let's tackle a doozy from part of your incessant bitch-tirade against
> Most of EarthPrime's content is not Matt Hutaff.
- 40 episode capsules
- 13 reviews
- 60 alt-worlds written up in the travelogue
- all the art&design
- the bulk of E211 (I'll give Tf his due; he helped me out with the
story for 2 S6 episodes, I even named the ep "Flux" after
- The Travelogue itself
- Cleavant interview
- Comic scans
- Dominion Hotel photographs.
Now first off, I feel it would be helpful to establish just what this
list represents. From the first couple entries, which count only direct
contributions to the site by you yourself, I would think it's fair to
say that we're enumerating......... direct contributions to the site
by you yourself. After all, this WOULD best serve to rebut Tf's claim
that "most of EarthPrime's content is not Matt Hutaff," right?
the next paragraph, you even ADMIT they don't represent your work (since
then you'd have to count the identical project by vortex62 WHICH YOU
COUNTING the dozens of script outtake pages Tf has typed in, WHICH YOU
I'm not done yet.
- 60 alt-worlds written up in the travelogue
- all the art&design
- The Travelogue itself
Could someone tell me just WHAT *this* little troika represents? Take
away the write-ups and the design, and what is there LEFT of the Travelogue?!
The fucking INTRODUCTION?!?
Yeah, yeah, I know. Just another excuse to pad the list of your "contributions."
- Dominion Hotel photographs.
Matt. The damn things were DROPPED INTO YOUR MAILBOX.
But no credit for Jorge and Yeontoo? "...I stubbornly held the
opinion that I didn't need a team to flesh out the story. I was wrong,
and what you see beneath is the sum of our efforts."
- 40 episode capsules
- 13 reviews
Right. Compare to Expert's *48* capsules and Recall's *17* reviews.
On these critical sections, Tf's comment about MOST of your site stands
quite firm.
NOW I'm done.
Oh, ST: don't even THINK about countering that most of *my* site was
contributed by others. Firstly, I never claimed otherwise. And SECONDLY,
I am PROUD to archive the efforts of the board's fanfiction authors
and cappers... but I ACTUALLY GIVE THEM PROMINENT CREDIT. *YOU* go from
> Look, I've never made a claim that my site is a
> bastion of originality. I have given a shout-out
> to every contributor to my site on the "About EP"
> page since its inception.
> I took [Tf] off my "Special Thanks" section
> on a page I doubt anybody reads.
...thus proving that your vaunted "shout-out" policy is as
much bull as anything Executive has ever written.
Oh, wait. You ALSO claim in that above post that EP *IS* a bastion
of originality!!!
> With the exception of the comics, all of that
> stuff is ORIGINAL work.
Ugh. Before I sign off to enjoy the SLEEP OF THE RIGHTEOUS, I figured
it'd be fun to leave y'all with a couple snippets from the "Ben
Folds Five" mailing list.
The Joke was a one-time thing? Right.
Some things NEVER change.
Hey guys,
While I was at the HORDE festival in Columbus, Ohio, I got a chance
to see Ben Folds with my second favorite artist Neil Young! It was awesome.
Especially when I got to meet BF5 and go backstage with them.
I love "Brick" and "Cigarette," especially the
way they make you depressed. Quintuple AWESOME.
When I got backstage, Ben was lighting up a crack pipe! YEAH! I KNEW
Ben did crack because where else does those songs come from? Anyways,
he passed the pipe around and got to smoke CRACK WITH BEN FOLDS!
BF5 is the COOLEST band I've ever seen. ROCK ON BEN! ROCK ON!
Jim Masterson
Hey guys,
I've been a lurker on the armchair for quite a while now, and with
all this news about Ben possibly being gay, I have to come forward.
Guys, Ben is gay, or at least experimented. I know this because, well,
I've been with him. It was a couple of years ago, before they started
reaching mainstream popularity. I figured I could let the Armchair know
because we're all fans of BF5. Ben doesn't particularly hide the fact
(I've seen him with guys at a couple shows), but it's pretty low-key
and he doesn't like it publicized.
Why tell the group? Because we're the big fans, and I know the secret
is safe with us.
- -tf
[TF, eh? Matt did indeed know Tf from the Netforum during this period,
in case you're wondering.]
Subject: the prankster revealed
Remember those nasty rumors about Ben that were started a few weeks
ago? Remember the stir that was caused when it was rumored that Ben
was caught kissing another man backstage at one of his shows? Remember
how ludicrous it seemed that a fellow fan was able to go backstage and
smoke crack with Ben? Well, the perpetrator of these elaborate hoaxes
is a fellow by the name of Matt Hutaff. His email address is:
I think everyone on the Armchair should send Matt an email (short or
long, it doesn't really matter) and let him know just how much we appreciated
his clever use of humor at our expense.
Brant Jones
- Blinker 7>:-#~~~~~
"Darkslider and I look down from our perch at Sassacello and smile.
You have done well. You reply to posts and those replies are heard.
The GODS are pleased." - SpaceTime,
What was that about narcissistic tendencies again?

Checklist Repost
Date: 07/31/2001
From: SL4ever
SpaceTime’s buttbuddy: Check.
Gay flamer revenge: Check. (big time)
No separate identity: Check.
Abject moron: Check.
Defense against lame attacks: Check.
Gay flamer revenge: Check. (big time)
Pseudo Coolness: Check.
Defense against lame attacks: Check.
Gay Flamer revenge: Check.
Abject moron: Check.
Defense against lame attacks: Check.
Hmmmm. Looks like I achieved all my goals! Not a bad day’s work.
All in all I’d have to say that Blinker came the closest to achieving
my level of excellence. SpaceTime was behind him (watch your back, Blinker!)
and PMScream started very weakly and come on a little as the day wore
on but was too far behind the rest of us. Everyone started off obsessed
with me, which is wise because I was your greatest threat. You knew
that and you acted accordingly, no matter what lip service you gave
me otherwise.
It was a wise strategy and now we’ll discover if it was an effective
Thank you for being my hapless punching bags. Thanks also to all three
of your for the unnecessary help in defending me against each other,
and a special thanks and :-* to SpaceTime for the free advertising of
my website with the additionally helpful link. You’re my favorite
tool, a tool which I seem to keep finding new uses for. Are you any
good at ironing?
See you in your nightmares!

Date: 07/31/2001
From: Recall317
SL4ever- do you wish to repost #25 and 27? Or are you finished? If so...
JUDGES- please send me your scores. Order them by rank and give me
a number value from 0-10 (10 being highest) for each competitor in case
of a tie breaker. I know there's a lot to read through, but the sooner
we get this done, the sooner we get this done. :)
Once I've got the final tallies, I will make the final post crowning
the victor (and give the full play by play, of course.)

all done.
Date: 08/01/2001
From: SL4ever
I didn't realize what had happened in time to save those other two posts
so I don't have a copy to repost.

Date: 08/01/2001
From: SpaceTime
How do you really feel?
- ST

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Nominated by Blinker
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