I: Jorge vs. Prime2099
Date: 6/28/2000
From: darkslider
Good luck man. I've seen what you can do, and I know that for all that
easygoing nature you show, there lies A HUGE RABID BEAR within looking
to KILL.
Sorry that I know little of you, my friend. Which gives you an advantage.
The element of surprise is a good one! Good Luck!
You have one day to flame each other. At the end of today, the flamin
stops, and I declare a winner.....

get started.
Date: 6/28/2000
From: JorgeCis
Hey numbskull,
Like the Tootsie Roll you call a dick, I hope you are ready for the
beating of your life.
I'm really sorry that things had to turn out the way it did for you,
my friend, but there is hope. Keep on watching the X-Men and maybe one
day, Professor Xavier will be right: humans and mutants will one day
be able to live together in peace. And when that day comes, you can
become an integral part of society. Until then, at least you can consider
full-time job in a circus sideshow. But don't worry: take heart in the
fact that you were able to prove that humans and goats CAN have children
It pains me to know that incest is still alive and well. I mean, come
on: your dad is not a proctologist, so why does he keep putting that
"pole" up your ass? And yes: it IS only you who gets these
checkups every night. And would you please stop cleaning it afterwards
by sucking on it?
That white stuff is not Twinkie filling.
But just remember, every Christmas when all the old men yell, "Ho
ho ho!" in thier Santa suits, they really ARE talking about your
mother. But try not to offend these men to much: after all, you wouldn't
be making your living at the local strip club if it weren't for them.

that's not right at all
Date: 6/28/2000
From: Prime2099
Why don't you just shut your big mouth and stop talking about your
life? Like we really want to know what you do in your spare time, i
mean come on that's nasty!!! It seems to me that since you screw your
mom every night makes you think backwards, and confuse everything, and
make it so that people believe you aren't as sick and twisted as you
really are. Okay puke-breath? Why don't you just take your lame-half-brain-excuse-for
monkey dung, and leave? You half-ass message means diddly to me. Because
it seems to me that you like "bragging" on how great YOU got
it when all that shit's nasty and you keep saying how you like it. Man
you got problems e-mailing em telling me to make a porn site for you,
i would never do that! Just goes to show you that your sick and twisted
mind isn't wanted here and i think everyone would agree with me that
you and your pin do NOT belong here! So just leave!!!

Date: 6/28/2000
From: JorgeCis
You mean to tell me that you wouldn't consider making a porn site for
me when you made all those porn videos for the men at the strip club?
I mean, they were all talking about how they loved your "XXX-Mas"
special with you fiddling around with Santa's South Pole. I'm sure your
mouth had a White Christmas...but honestly, I don't think that's what
it means.
In any case, pal, you can't throw mud nearly as well as you do your
underwear during your nightly shows. I suggest you quit while you're
behind. Otherwise I'll be sticking my foot to the same place your high
school gym teacher liked to shove his cock: right up your ass.

Date: 6/28/2000
From: Prime2099
Me being in a porn movie is better than seeing your ugly Hybrid rear
in one. (See Slide of Paradise hehe) I was in a porn movie BUT, it wasn't
as the main star, i was delivering the pizza to the couple's room. And
how come you can't actually come up with CREATIVE comebacks???? We've
heard these all the time!!!! Come on at lest give me something good!!!
At least i don't screw my momma and butt-F*** my dad everynight like
you!!!!!! Oh wait i forgot, you can't really screw your momma because
she is a HE!!!! you were adopted and your real parents were a Bear and
a man who couldn't get any, that's where you came in. Oh, also a couple
weeks ago on the news someone going by the name Cis, was claiming he
was a "slider" I laughed at the thought, and what i said to
myself was this guy isn't right in the head, he needed some serious
pychiatric help! The man also claimed that he was friends of the actual
sliders from the real show! So i e-mailed the guy because he stupidly
gave out his e-mail, and asked him what a fucked-up nut he is. I also
came into contact with one of his old girl- er boyfriends and he said
that he had the dick the size of a pin, exactly the same size and all!
I also found out that he was different. He er she or he or it is actually
a She-male!!!!!!

Date: 6/28/2000
From: JorgeCis
It seems that years of Prime's sexual repression have finally reared
its ugly head, and he now feels the need to extend his Tootsie roll
onto other people's affairs. Ever since that accident where his mom
bit him a bit too hard down there, he hasn't been the same since.
Please understand, Prime, that that little problem of yours will not
go away. No matter how much you say, "I think I can, I think I
can, I think I can...", it will always be the stubble that it is.
Don't blame me for that...blame your mom.
Oh, I'm glad you care so much to censor yourself by using *'s, though.
I'm glad you care so much about "foul" language. Unfortunately,
it appears that your breath is still having a bit of trouble in that
department. You see, brushing your teeth (and bathing, for that matter)
should be done on a "daily" basis, not on a "monthly"

there's something new about you
Date: 6/28/2000
From: Prime2099
You seem to have admitted to your lack of body care. I also came across
this on the net when i was surfing it:
"It seems that the patient "JorgeCis" as he calls himself
seems to have a lack of brain mass which allows him to think like a
normal human being. After some advanced testing on the subject we have
determined that after years of being raped, and treated like a love
slave to sick demented parents. The family seemed to have a history
of problems. The father for instance claimed he was the king of the
world in public and has claimed to be abducted by Aliens. The mother
on the other hand ditched the father, and has continued the family in
another way, she has her son JorgeCis have sex with her, and that way
he is the brother of his son. Which is odd, and sick. In conclusion
the subject should be neutralized and taken to a mental facility to
be examened more.
Dr. Peter Price"
That was the end of the letter. Seems to me like you got a few problems,
and you like to keep screwing your momma. Or are you just a few screws
loose and can't resist that "sexy" woman as you call her.

Date: 6/28/2000
From: JorgeCis
He starts his day with a wake up call,
As his mother begins to lick his ball.
He runs off to the local club,
Where all the old men take turns to rub.
He works all day down on his knees,
To make his money and get his fees.
Without his teeth, but just his gums,
He sucks a mans dick until he cums.
After a day of making money,
He goes back home to see his honey.
His mate turns out to be his dad,
Who says hes proud of his little lad.
Oh dear boy, Ill make you tame!
And then Ill have you scream my name!
Now its time to get your due.
Whos your Daddy? Ill show you who!
So now young Prime puts on his drag,
And tries his best to be Dads Fag.
He bends right over and lifts his skirt,
So that his dad can make it hurt.
His mom then comes and sucks his gun,
And says, Its wholesome, family fun!
Right after that, Prime heads to bed,
Awaiting the chance to give more head.
Next to his Dad dressed like Bo-Peep,
Its time to for him to head to sleep.

Date: 6/28/2000
From: Prime2099
I mean c'mon!!! Who the hell would want to make a poem about someone
they are flaming!!! I can easily do that too, but i won't cause it's
for friggin kindegarteners!!! Any person who comes up with a half-brain
poem like that must have problems! He's gotta be at least in the first
grade if not second! You want me to do a poem i'll do one, but only
if it was for a million bucks!!! Jeez, a person with this sixe brain
capacity could at least come up with something better than sex remarks
all the time, we hear that kinda flaming all the time!!!!!!! Man you
don't have any imagination.

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Nominated by darkslider
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