Coolslider's Trivia # 4
Date: 09/24/2000
From: Stax_
Congratulations to Blinker for answering the question first AND getting it right . What a man !
Todays question is :
Sliders has had a variety of fictional or could-have-been American Presidents . Name the episodes in which these are or were the presidents that never came to be .
President Oliver North (2)
President Hillary Clinton
President Jocelyn Elders
President La Rouche
President Howard Stern
President Charlton Heston
President Jefferson Williams
President Aldai Stevenson
First person to answer CORRECTLY wins . Answers will be revealed next Saturday . Good luck .stax

Stax, I love you....
Date: 09/24/2000
From: CoolSlider
You remebered me AND CoolSlider's Cool Sliders Trivia...kudos to you, bro!
Keep it coming. I'm too lazy and/or busy to post a question daily.

President Hillary Clinton...
Date: 09/24/2000
From: lets_go_slide_time
...was from "The Weaker Sex"
That's all I remember...Hope it helps someone.

The Answers
Date: 09/25/2000
From: DoctorWhy
Oliver North: Summer of Love and The Exodus
Hillary Clinton: The Weaker Sex
Jocelyn Elders: Luck of the Draw
Lyndon La Rouche: Time Again and World
Howard Stern: The Young and the Relentless
Charlton Heston: Asylum
Jefferson Williams: A Current Affair
Adlai Stevenson: The Return of Maggie Beckett
Interesting that not one is from Season Three.

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Nominated by Blinker
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