CoolStax's Cool Sliders Trivia #29
08/05/2003 From: Callie21V
SweetOne took home last week's trophy by
correctly guessing that Quinn once shouted "Go!" a
staggering 11 consecutive times:
And this week's bizarre question...
the Sliders themselves, name five organizations or groups of
people in *Season 5* that called themselves the ------ers.
(ie: the Pretenders, the Seekers, the Carpenters... no more
than one word.)
>>> C/21

How about this?
Date: 08/05/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves asking unanswerable questions....
The Smokers from the WannaBeMyOtherHusbandBikerChick's eppy?

Another guess....
Date: 08/05/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
Another one.......
The Right To Lifers in Luck of the Draw
*Cringe* Will I watch Andromeda just to see Nick in a recurring role? *Cringe* I can't stand that show from the first 10 minutes of the premiere.

Guessing again....
Date: 08/05/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
Yep BT it's me again......................
I don't know if they were called The Keepers or what from the I worship the Silicon God of Knowledge, but I have no common sense to fill the boat with supplies and water, hell I translated the Nautical section!

Date: 08/05/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT hates them monkeys because they can't type....
How about the Believers from Krycek Wants To Play His Palm Pilot of Doom because everything is in his hand?
Oooo... my bad, I guessed from more than one season. :-D

Huh? Somebody called?
Date: 08/05/2003
From: SpiderMonkeeDolenz
Monkees don't slide.

Date: 08/06/2003
Here is my short list:
1.keepers (the great work)
2.shredders (please press one)
3.bootleggers (java jive)
4.smokers (easy slider)
5.wrong-thinkers (map of the mind)
6.buccaneers (heavy metal)
7.seer (the seer)
and of course "the sliders"

One more?
Date: 08/06/2003
From: Recall317
"Good news, everyone!"
How about the Believers from New Gods for Old? OK, that's pushing it... :)

o/` I'm a Believer ! o/`
Date: 08/06/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
That Monkees slide and also catch the Last Train to Clarksville
SMD, don't you remember Peter or Davy sliding on a rug on the floor or them sliding down the fire poles? ;-)
From 'Double Cross: The Musical'....
Lyrics by The Monkees
Arturo: o/` Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind.
I'm in love, I'm a believer!
I couldn't leave her if I tried. o/`
Logan: o/` Time time time is mine to make my fortune mine
Time time time is mine to make my fortune mine
Can't say I can see what'll happen to me
Can't say I can see what'll happen to me
bye bye baby bye bye... o/`
Logan pushes Arturo into the vortex.
Logan: o/`I said I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone
Not your stepping stone,
Not your stepping stone. o/`
Grimace appears at the door way.
Grimace: o/`
Take the last train to Clarksville,
And I'll meet you at the station.
You can be be there by four thirty,
'Cause I made your reservation.
Don't be slow, oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no, no, no! o/`
Logan and Grimace: o/` Take the last train to Clarksville,
Take the last train to Clarksville....... o/`
Both exit arm in arm.

Smoking doesn't kill people: Smokers do
Date: 08/06/2003
Beginning Text must be smoked out!
Keepers (The Great Work): Check. MSR and G-ZERO.
Believers (New Gods for Old): Check. MSR and R317.
Smokers (Easy Slider): Check. MSR and G-ZERO.
That leaves two to guess: both from S5, both one word only. But Recall, if you thought the Believers was stretching it, you're really gonna scoff at one of the other two... :-/
The Seer (and the Leader from TROMB) don't count, as they're not plural. I considered accepting "The Sliders" (from 'Seer,' as opposed to ours, but... nah.)
Hint: One name mirrors a movement in Israel; the other, a sports team...
>>> C/21

Lisa picks the Raiders
Date: 08/06/2003
From: Recall317
Cause they always cheat.
How about the Volsang (sp? I'm not looking it up) Raiders from the Great Work?

MSR ------> O:-)
Date: 08/06/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT is the other one...........
How about Jigglers from "Guys dig Chicks in spacesuits too!"
Suckers for the fans watching "I'm having a heart attack and I don't have any nitroglycerin on me!"
Humor me, please. :-P I just tried watching "Mallory the Bellboy pulls off a MacGyver." No go, baby, CRAP Level is set to Pre-Exodus level

| "bootleggers"
Date: 08/07/2003
i thought for sure u had them!

Last call...
Date: 08/09/2003
One group acts as guardians. The other is made up of prisoners...
As for the presence of bootleggers in "Java Jive," that's too generic a term for the purposes of the question... it's like saying that one episode featured lawyers. :-/
>>> C/21

Date: 08/09/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves it when Spock melds with Horta. "PAIN! PAIN!"
Okay, you made me do it I actually watched a S5 eppy after months of bliss. Do you know how much that hurt? AHHHHHHH
It's the Packers from the Badlands waiting for the Voice to appear in the desert in "Jawas are watching me! Protect me! All I got is this white T-Shirt and no water is in sight! Help Me I'm Jiggle Me Baby Desert Maggie" AKA Dust
"Gieco! Not Gekko!"

Gushie, Get Me Out Of HERE!
Date: 08/09/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT please go to the waiting room. You will be seen shortly.
I must be a glutton for punishment. YOU ARE EVIL! EVIL! EVIL!
Al: Hey, Sam, you gotta see the babe you leaped into. <wolf whistles>
Sam: <rolls eyes> Dammit Al, I'm getting tired of leaping into women. Hey stop glaring at me and look at my face, will you?
Al: Well Sam, was it my third or was it fifth wife that looked like you? Well, the woman is named Margaret Mag... <hits handlink> Maggie Beckett. Hmmm... I wonder if she's a relative. <stares at Sam again>
Sam: <pacing> Well what does Ziggy think I have to do? <stops> Stop looking at me like that! Did she tell you anything?
Al: Sam, with a body like that... okay. She's a REFUSER, Sam.
Sam: REFUSER? What the hell is that?
Al: Apparently she's part of this group of prisoners... <makes circles around ear>... I think she's insane. She calls them Refusers who don't want to be part of Data Universal's world. Sam, she's hot but she's looney. The Doc's looking at her right now.
Refusers from Please Press One and self destruct this wretched episode! NO MORE S5 PLEASE!

Date: 08/12/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
Fragilistic Espialidocious is one way to annoy BT.
Hey Blondie, not Clint Eastwood in 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, are you around? :-p
I'm still recovering from S5. >:-P That was evil! I was falling asleep fastfowarding and rewinding trying to get those words from the dialogue. Archeologist chick was annoying with her banter. I'm still wondering how the candles were still lit after all those centuries. If there was a reason why, I wasn't going to watch the entire episode.
As for MacGyver Mallory, he finally used something that he saw on TV from all his time watching it like he said. Not even Remmy's singing could stop me from fastforwarding those parts. Why in all absurdity did Diana decide to drink some of the synthcaffeine? Sugar high? Needed a pick-me-up? She hasn't learned a thing from the sparkling water.

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Nominated by Blinker
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