The Way It Wuz: February 2, 2000
Date: 02/03/2000
First, an introduction...
While browsing the MST3K board of a year ago, I was stunned to trip across the following exchange:
TheCambot: Well, I've gotten as down and dirty as possible with the folks on Kat's board, and the three other MST boards that FemmeCrow, Delenn, and Zelphi had the great idea of using as even more off-the-main-board forums, and not a soul has returned, so obviously they know something I don't. But if they're gone for good, we have to make an effort to get the board like it was. Well, actually, it IS like it was, we need to make it even better. And since I considered TWIW to be essential, I'm taking it over. Just whack me one if I can't rhyme better than Locdog, as near physically impossible that is.
Crow3k: TWIW, is an important part of this board. It just woundn't be the same without it. So I'm glad you picked it up, I missed it. Keep up the good work! Oh, nice ryhming, and so informitive too.
DelennB5: I'm still lurking here like I said, but Kat's right, it isn't much fun here anymore. I don't feel I have anything to post about here. ... And I really DON'T think that the conversation here is that good. When I first came here, 11 posts after Delenn's 1st post was the 3000 post party. Now that was fun. The Torgo war! How can you go wrong?
TheCambot: Give us a break. We're doing pretty well considering most of our population abandoned us, okay? There will be post parties, there will be other things to come. Just be patient. Crepes.
Lombardi: There is a lot of very talented MSTies posting, not all may be entirely relevent, but experience is gained only by trying - not by standing in the shadows. It is a change from perhaps more stable times of past, many have gone. However, many have newly joined the halls of MST, and are eager and willing to share their love of MST. ... 'The times are changed, and we likewise.'
Uncanny, ain't it?
Anyway, I'm fully inspired and jazzed up now. To commemorate those brave MSTie souls, and their fight for their right to *PARTY*, TWIW returns now as a daily feature. (It could go back to weekly depending on feedback... your vote counts!)
Time to turn, and fight the ever-multiplying Mantrid Drones of Pernicious Despair.
Happy Birthday TemporalFlux!!
[Slider_Sarah, 31 replies]
The board lined up bearing good wishes,
To celebrate TemporalFlux.
If these posts were printed on paper...
Delivering them'd take eighty trucks!!
Woo Hoo! Remmy's Slide is a video...
Which all those with RealPlayer can see!
Unless their connection is 28,8.........
Iiiiiiiiiiin whiiiiiiiiiiich caaaaaaaaaaase iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill mooooooooooove veeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyy slooooooooowlyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. (YES! Up to TWO frames a second! Joy!)
The Raven resolved all that junk,
Into which our fair show's lately sunk.
If he'd only been hired,
Then Peck & Co fired,
S5 could have been a slam dunk!
Congrats to Tf and K1,
For their Mindprobe triumph last night!
These two prevailed, against massive odds...
And Dammy's incredibly short sight!
(There WAS Sliders before S4 y'know, Lunchboy!)
When it comes to Eye of the Storm thoughts,
Our TemptressI's brimming with lots.
I'd join the debate,
But I know my brain's fate,
Would be to get tied up in knots!
CuffyClassLiker_Four thinks Wade's a bitch??
Considering MAGGIE's li'l striptease in Breeder...
(At sluttishness, she is the unchallenged leader)...
Or maybe her line about extra Hail Marys...
(her Bad Dialogue Emmy as well earned as Jerry's)...
I can now but sputter, "THAT'S rich!!!"
- Blinker 7:-P
Oh yeah... and I'll be finishing the Musical too... now who's up for a TORGO RAG WAR????
