The Way It Wuz®, Mar8/2000
Date: 03/08/2000
"We join our theme song already in progress."
...with a bunch of his Sliders friends:
Tiger -- "Tee hee!"
Sarah -- "Niurrrrrrrrr"
FogBoy -- "It's okay!"
Infooooooooooo -- "MCCAIN!"
You're wondering how his second sight,
Was brought on by a heart attack -- (lalalala)
Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
...written by uncariiing, hacks -- "
It's Mystery, Damron Theatre, 2000!
"What was the last ep that Jerry was in?"
So Pepsi wanted to know...
Some say S4, while yet others vote "Eye"...
I'd say "The Guardian" or so!
Farscapee brought up the Weiss hoax, AGAIN!!!!!
Geez! Why doncha just tear off our skin in sheets, pluck out our eyes with plastic ice cream diner forks and sell our guts off to a violin string factory???
...or worse, tell dumb jokes about men!!!
[As a public service, the forward-thinking staff of TWIW will now openly mock Silverguy's latest mentally deficient posting.]
i have found in my studies that u can create a wormholes with a little bit of energy
>>> Or you can play Solitaire on a laptop for ten minutes. YOU make the call!
(u don't need the power of 7x our sun,
>>> 7 times Sun equals... damn! Slide rule doesn't go that high!
that is BS)
>>> So's fertilizer, but fertilizer's cool... um, in a way.
neways u can
>>> "U-Can. U-Haul for those whose belongings fit in a soup can."
create a wormholes about 6 feet wide w/ no problem if u know how
>>> Awfully big 'if' there, U-Boy...
but a balck holes miles wide would need power of the sun
>>> Something it has in common with the New Jersey public library system!
that's where u people get it wrong and i think i cna cross the EPR bridge
>>> "She cna take no more, Cnap'n!"
well reply if u think different.
>>> "So we'll know you're a fellow Mac user."
"It is possible to creat a wormhole!!!!!!"
>>> And toss in Silverguy?????? SIGN ME UP!!!!!!
- THE ? -
Is Sid's boyfriend a nutcase? So asketh Charmed...
But both boyfriend AND nutcase was Sid!!
Oh wait, silly me, I was thinking SR...
Would someone please whap me with yogurt tin lids?
JRD's favourite Tuesday, the FAT one has passed!
Let's just hope that THIS Mardi Gras...
Isn't an omen "Dream Masters" airs next!!
I'd rather sit through "L.A. Law"!!!!
[And under the heading of "Don't think ANYONE'S surprised" -- the fourth "Nightmare On Elm Street" film is indeed subitled "The Dream Master." Sigh.......]
I uuused to sliide in, San Francisco,
Everything there was, dark and dirtyyy;
Today, we're in the Town of Middle,
And I note, the timer reads twelve-thirtyyy...
Young girls are coming, to the Chaaaaasmmm,
And in the mornings I can see them walkin';
I can no longer keep my miind cloooooosed,
And I can't, keep myself, from folllowin'...
At first, so strange tooo feel so friendly...
To say "Good mornin'," and really meeaan it.
It's like, there's ice cream all around meee...
Why not stay on this world, to eat it?
We stand here, gathered, at the Chaaasm;
While peeaaceful people, try to killll us...
Guess we'll, just have to take the plunge nowwwww;
Hope it's, less filthy than Bruce Willllis.......
The Sliders exit from the Chaaaaasmmm,
To the sound of the Ice Cream, Lady kvetching;
I can no longer keep the tuuuube onnnn,
Nor can I keep myself, from reeetching....
- Blinker 7:-P !!!!!
STINGER: "that was so stupid (lol) kinda funny though, but stilll stupid." -- Silverguy dissects his own posts.
