TWIW, Eleanor Rigby edition... [QB8]
Date: 05/18/2000
[ Fade in on a classy bar, somewhere in Europe. Agent Charmed-007 is perched on a leather stool. ]
CHARMED: I'll have half a teaspoon of tap water,please.Shaken,not stirred.
BARTENDER [sarcastically]: You sure? That's awfully rich and all... shouldn't you be watching your figure?
CHARMED: You seem to be taking care of THAT quite nicely...
BARTENDER: Hey, I'm just trying to FIND the damn thing!
CHARMED: Look,I'll make up for it tomorrow by binging on steak,PIE,Olestra,and those little butter packets that come in restaurants.That way I'll be right next to a public washroom where I can throw up in blissful anonymity!
BARTENDER [shuddering]: One "H2O," comin' straight up.
NARRATOR: We'll return to Charmed007 in "Starve and Let Die," right after this musical interlude.
Ahhhhhh, look at all the CharmedClass handles.
Ahhhhhh, look at all the CharmedClass handles.
Tells us that Di
Could be used
To much greater
Instead of being Pe-ecked;
Wonders just how much
Ms. Wuhrer can
Rake in per show?
Plenty of do-ough;
All the CharmedClass handles, where do they all come from?
All the CharmedClass handles, where do they all belong?
Cuffyboy's famous,
For posting soooo many
Polls that Brand_S
Does the same:
Drove him insa-ane;
Screws every guy
In her class
And then calmly says, 'What?'
Man, what a slu-ut;
All the CharmedClass handles, where *do* they all come from?
All the CharmedClass handles, where *do* they all belong?
Ahhhhhh, look at all the CharmedClass handles...
Ahhhhhh, look at all the CharmedClass handles...
CHARMED-007 [strapped to a table]: Do you ecshpect me to talk,Matty?
SPACETIME: No, actually I expect you to post a thousand bullshit NSR topics that NO-ONE 7:-#ING CARES ABOUT. And BTW, *no-one* - BUT NO-ONE - calls me "Matty." [flips switch]
CHARMED [squirming to avoid the oncoming laser]: Look,maybe we can make a deal.I'll help you out on a prank!ANYthing!
SPACETIME [flips switch again, stopping the beam in its track]: All right, howsabout this. You use an alternate handle to masquerade as a concerned friend who reveals you're a self-destructive bulimic. Since you're already well-established on the board, it'll save me the trouble of developing a new such persona from scratch. We build it up for a few weeks, then your exquisitely believable death by starvation and/or overdose is announced to a flood of condolences!
CHARMED: Hey,that could work!I have this Daria handle I haven't admitted to my ownership of in a few months!
Shoots Wade a flame
And then claims
That her handle
Was hacked...
Is that a fa-act?
Charmed Zero-Seven,
Making it look
Like she's painfully
Starving to death,
While on Crystal Me-eth;
[Bizarre mumblings, that if played backwards, constitute Matt saying "Charmed is dead" over and over]
All the CharmedClass hoaxes, where *do* they all come from?
All the CharmedClass hoaxes, where *do* they all belong?
Howwwwww, to foil all the CharmedClass hoaxes...
SPACETIME: Oh, and you might want to do something about your distinctive habit of capitalizing every word in a post title.
CHARMED: Nahhh,I'm sure no-one'll pick up on it.
[ Unnoticed by her tormentor turned co-conspirator, Charmed vacates her own body and is replaced by Blinker. ]
SPACETIME: Okay. Fake concerned friend reveals your hospitalization for eating disorder - I'll goof on her the whole time, to make the whole thing seem more natural - we build it up a while, and then you 'die.' I am the SHIT! Now, you got all that?
BLINKER: Uhh... yes, it would seem I do.
[ Our peripatetic poet Blinks back out. ]
SPACETIME: Dude, this is AWESOME! Now I can tell 007 all my plans, without having to worry she'll escape and use the knowledge against me!
CHARMED: Ugh,I think I just fainted again.Hey,would you have any buckets of lard lying around?
- Blinker 7:-I
Hmmmm. ----->
