The Way it Wuz .... Talked About!
Date: 06/24/2000
From: SL4ever
SL4: Hello again everybody! I’m your fabulous host, SL4ever! And this is The Way it Wuz Talked About, that bi to tri-weekly show where we talk about the days that wuz and look ahead to the days that will be. We have an exciting show for you today! An excellent panel, as always. But first, these messages!
“We recently went to a local bank to give the parents and other old fogies waiting in line the Music Challenge! Here are some of the results!
‘Hello sir. Would you like to take the Music Challenge?’
‘Um, okay.’
‘Great! Now put these headphones on. I’m going to play two selections for you. One of them is going to be the simulated sound a pig makes when you ram a hot poker up it’s >:-#. The other will be Brittany Spears. The challenge will be if you can tell the difference.’
‘Okay. Oh my god! Oh! That was awful! OH!!! That was hideous!’ <rips headphones off> ‘I have a headache!’
‘Could you tell the difference sir?’
‘No, I couldn’t. My ears are bleeding! Goodbye!’
‘Okay ma’am, put these on here. Korn and the sound of a backed-up toilet flushing.’
<incoherent screaming> ‘Take them off! Take them off! The pain!’
‘Could you tell the difference?’
<shudders> ‘No.’ <sniffles>
‘Okay, just fit them over your ears there. That’s it. The Foo Fighters and the mating scream of a rabid spider monkey on PCP.’
‘Ayyyyyyyyyyie! Oh God! AGHHHHHHHHHHH!’ <rips off headphones and ears> ‘They both came from the pits of Hell. I couldn’t tell the difference.’
So there you have it. Proving once again that Bill’s Record Shoppe has all the music that will best annoy your parents! Teenagers! Bring your disposable income to Bill’s Record Shoppe! We’ve been pissing off parents for 45 years!
(no rabid spider monkeys were harmed in the filming of this commercial)”
SL4: We’re back, and let’s meet our panel. First, the GOD of Sliders, creator, writer, you all know him! Tracy Torme!!!!!
TT: Hey there!
Crowd: WOO HOO!!!!!!!
TT: Eeeeeeew. Smells like Peckinballs has been here recently!
SL4: Next up, singer, song writer, and the only person to appear in every episode of Sliders, Cleavant Derricks!!!!!
Crowd: WOO HOOOOO!!!!!
SL4: Next up!! You either hate her or lust after her, but she’s always good for a reaction! Kari Wuher!!!!!
Half of Crowd: :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~
Half of Crowd: Boooooooo!!!!
KW: What kind of introduction was that?
SL4: And finally, the winner of the first random post contest, Jeff_2!!!
Crowd: Okay.
SL4: Okay. First, let’s talk about 6-21. What was your favorite post from that day, Mr. Torme?
TT: I liked nathenmoten’s three consecutive Sliders related posts. I would encourage him to compile separate questions into the same post, but I’m a sucker for nostalgia so I liked those posts.
SL4: So what is YOUR favorite episode.
TT <chuckles> : That’s like asking a child to pick between their children! But certainly anything before mid season three.
CD: My fave was HK’s Resident Slider part 10. How many times am I going to hear Maggie say, “Oh my God. REMMY!” LOL!
KW <giggles> : Don’t leave it there out of context like that! It looks bad!
CD: :-D
KW: You’re despicable. Well, my favorite post was Blinker’s board relief post. That’s right, Blinker! I like something you did! I’ll leave it to you to reconcile that.
<dull thud of a body hitting the floor sound heard in the audience>
SL4: Slider_Sarah’s fan fiction post that day was my personal favorite segment of the story of what I’ve read of it. These are actually reposts of something she started last year. We’re getting to closer to the end of the re-runs though. :-P In this one we see the plot suddenly diversify, which is why it’s my favorite.
J2: Besides my own incomprehensible post, I liked SpaceTime’s legitimate question. I think it was overgeneralizing but it’s hard to make any kind of observation or commentary without doing that.
CD: Personally, I don’t get this whole “peace” and “war” thing. Other terms thrown out there a lot are “good” and “evil” What exactly are these people smoking?
KW: Cleavant dear, they use “good” and “evil” to avoid using words like <expletive deleted> and <expletive deleted> !
CD: You’ve got a point.
KW: Btw, think this answers Coolslider’s question?
SL4: I believe it does. We’ll be right back after this word from Snidely Stevens.
“Hello. Have you ever had a footlong hotdog with chili, cheese, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup shoved up your ass sideways? I have! I was in New York City last year and I ordered a footlong hotdog with chili, cheese, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup, but then I changed my mind and told him I’d rather have it with just chili, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup. Then, as the burly man at the street stand was making it, I changed my mind again and decided I wanted it with chili, cheese, mustard, onions, and catsup. And he gave it too me with chili, cheese, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup on it! I was outraged so I told him I wasn’t going to pay for it. And that is when I experienced the unique sensation of having a footlong hotdog with chili, cheese, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup shoved up my ass sideways. So I sought out Snidely Stevens and he got me the hot dog stand AND 30 million dollars! And Snidely is suing the owner again for shoving the hot dog stand up my ass after he lost in court! Snidely WILL FIGHT for you! He did for me! If you’ve suffered massive food trauma in the past four years, call Snidely today!”
SL4: And we’re back. Cleavant, what stuck in your craw from 2-22?
CD: I loved Hunter’s “if this was” post. Anything humorous is a plus, but I especially liked this one.
SL4: Care to respond to it?
CD: Given my penchant for practical jokes, I’m sure people would label me as Loki if we went for a Norse board. Is there a Norse God who cries all the time? <chuckles>
TT: Personally, I like the way Brand S combined Sliders relevancy and humor. Gasp! It’s possible to have an entertaining Sliders related post! Who woulda thunk it?
SL4: What was RandomsEdge’s deal? I didn’t understand why that reply was necessary.
KW: The agony of the inferior mind. If you’re intellectually incapable of taking part in a conversation you have to resort to slings and arrows.
J2: Damn! When KARI insults your intelligence, you’ve been spanked!
KW: I’ll have you know I’m at least one book smarter than Maggie!
SL4: I don’t know, it sounded personal to me. But the first two replies were amusing, at least.
J2: I liked Fergusop post. Not a bad way to come out batting, and it stirred up some amusing and interesting replies. So it was not horrible.
SL4: There were some good comments, I agree. “he had his molecular structure bonded to a JERK!!” LOL! Personally, though, I thought Vance454’s post was amusing, as was Sarah’s Dead Man Sliding, and Cherrio’s was as well, though that would get tedious real quick if repeated I suppose.
CD: I liked the discussion thread started by Crambam. Love that handle, btw. Personally, I think that Torme intended for “Raging Quinn” to be one of the Quinns who gave the Maggots Sliding tech. And then Season 4 turned all that upside down. But I don’t think he was lying.
KW: I agree. Continuity went right out the window in season four. And I think Torme’s original intentions were-
J2: Am I missing something here? He’s sitting RIGHT THERE. Let’s just ask him straight out and he’ll clear it ALL up right now!
TT <turning to SL4ever> : Yeah! Why don’t I just clear all this up right now?
J2: Yeah! I got some more questions for him, too!
SL4 <loosening collar> : Um. Well ... Oh my! Look at the time! Time for a break-
Callie21V <appearing on stage> : HEY! I had post #15365! How come HE’S sitting in that seat?
SL4 <checks board> : Gadzooks! She’s right! But when I checked originally, soon after #15365 was posted, I saw Jeff_2’s post had that number. I’m absolutely positive it did, because I checked before I replied to him.
Callie21V: Sureeeeeeeeee. Uh-huh.
SL4: There must have been a Dominion sponsored post deletion.
Crowd <rolls eyes> : Okey-dokey. You couldn’t have made a mistake. The board did it!
SL4: My oh my! Look at the time! Definitely time for a commercial! Oh, and thanks vortex for the link and for putting up the transcript of the chat! Back in two minutes and two seconds!
“Are you habitually depressed? Has your life turned to >:-#?? Are you a bitter hag or resentful derelict because life has just not worked out for you? Do you hate the world because you are so much worse than everyone else?
I can change all that! I can help you! My name is Percy Snotapple. I am the biggest loser on the planet. Send me $29.99 and I will CHANGE YOUR LIFE by telling you my life story! There IS something on this world worse off than you! Me!!!! Listen to what some now happy people have to say about my perception altering life story on 75 convenient cassettes!
Man: I fell asleep with a cigarette in my hand and woke up with 89% of my body burned to a crisp. I hated life and everyone in it, but then Percy Snotapple changed my life! I was listening to tape 33, where he talked about how he got gang-audited by the IRS the year he listed his pet rock as a dependant when I realized, ‘this guy is a bigger loser than me!’ I felt better right away! Besides, can you imagine going through life with a name like Percy Snotapple? Thanks Percy!
Woman: I came home and found my husband having sex with our 78 year old neighbor ... our MALE 78 year old neighbor! I felt totally worthless and undesirable until I listened to Percy Snotapple’s life story! On tape 17 he talks about how the only date he could get for the prom was the girl in the 8th grade who had leprosy, and I realized that I was NOT the biggest loser on the planet! At worst I was the second biggest loser! Thanks Percy!
You’re welcome. Come on! Feel better about yourself instantly by listening to my life story! I am Percy Snotapple, and if I am not the most wretched, pathetic person whose life story you’ve ever listened to, then I’ll give you your money back, no strings! If you order now I’ll include the bonus 76th tape where I tell about the time my wife of five years revealed she’d had a species change operation and that she used to be a spider monkey! If that doesn’t make you feel better about your own life, then nothing will!”
SL4: We’re back. Just to be fair, Callie21V will be here for the remainder of the show.
J2 <leaving> : What a smegging gyp!
SL4: Before we move on, one more shameless Sarah mention. I liked her post about Earth71999’s new Season 6 ep, mainly because I have been out of touch and didn’t even know that they had started posting that yet! What a fabulous website and first three eps that is! Woo Hoo!! Anyway, our newest guest has the next favorite. Callie?
CV: Thank you, SL4ever. The post from 2-23 I liked best was ContessaM’s song parody post. Very amusing! :-P
TT: My favorite from this day was Slider_Bean’s timer question post, which was just about the only Sliders related post of the day. It was a valid question, though.
KW: What about the “Professor Lives” post? That was Sliders related.
TT: True. Of course, I KNOW which professor Slid, so it is not a question that holds much interest for me. :-D
KW: What would it take to get that little tidbit out of you?
TT <laughs good-naturedly> : More Strawberry cocktails than you can afford!
SL4: You two get along better than I thought you would. I read that you refused to ever write a script with Kari’s character in it.
TT: That’s true. Just because she is a hideous actress, her character is totally contrary to everything I ever envisioned for Sliders, and I despise her as a person, doesn’t mean we can’t get along!
KW: Damn Tracy, tell me how you really feel about me.
SL4 <hastily> : Um, CD, what was your favorite post?
CD: I thought TIP was amusing with his string of nonsensical blather.
SL4: :-O You thought a post by the second most annoying bastard on the planet behind Prince was worthy of mention?!????
CV: Actually, Prince is horridly pretentious, not annoying.
SL4: Touché. How about the second most annoying bastard behind Jay Leno?
CD: Oh God yes.
KW: I’ll go for that! Whew!
TT: If we’re talking about Leno, don’t forget LAME.
CV: Not that you could ever forget with him.
SL4: Wow, this is the first time I’ve been able to get four people to agree about anything! That’s my sign to exit stage left! :-P Just time enough to look at next weeks eps. Monday we have Stoker.
KW: Ick! Even *I* hated that one!
SL4: Tuesday, This Slide of Paradise.
TT: I’m outta here. It just gets worse from here. Goodnight.
SL4: Wednesday, we have Genesis.
CD: That’s my cue. Goodnight! <RUNS offstage>
SL4: And Thursday we have Prophets and Loss.
CV: Ha ha ha! Those script writers are soooo amusing with their clever little titles!
KW: The ep sucked too. How many totalitarian worlds did we land on in season 4?
SL4: Um, 22? Well! That’s all for this episode. See ya next week when Robert Floyd, two other Sliders actors or behind the scenes bigshots to be booked later, and one lucky poster, whoever ends up with post #15455, to be democratic about it, will be our guests. But, as always, the real stars are the posts! Goodnight everybody!
“The Way it Wuz Talked About is brought to you by Cardboard, it’s what boxes are made of! By Sloppy Seconds, a new kind of completely affordable gourmet restaurant! And by Slappy the Adult Clown, let Slappy show you a really good time!”
“Have you ever had a footlong hotdog with chili, cheese, cole slaw, mustard, onions, and catsup shoved up your ass sideways?”
