The Unauthorized TWITWA
Date: 01/11/2002
From: Recall317
TWITWA…The Collector's Edition
With SL4ever on vacation, I have commandeered his studio and have decided I shall host this week's TWITWA. What makes me qualified? Hell, if CoolSlider could guest host, how hard could it possibly be? {winks at CoolSlider}
The Way It Was…Talked About!
Dateline: January 4-10
R317: Welcome to the show! I am your host, Recall317, filling in for SL4ever. [Recall317 is filling in without the expressed written consent of SL4ever or Major League Baseball.] Let's go to the panel. To my immediate right, acclaimed Bboard personality and the only man I know with the balls to trademark a letter of the alphabet, Brand_S!
[Crowd cheers mightily; a few lustfully]
R317: To my left, our on-screen "Sliders" guest, Yee Jee Tso!
Crowd: WHO?!?!?!
R317: Wing, you mendicants! Wing!
Crowd: Ohhhh…..
R317: And our behind the scenes guy, a man affectionately known as "Lunchboy", Mr. Keith Damron!
S5 Haters: BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Hey! Hey, Damron! You suck!!!!!
R317: I thought we got rid of these people.
Brand_S: Don't look at me. I tried to kill them all off in the "Dominion War."
R317: Let's get to it. The first thing on our plate is the increased presence of some old school posters. Gotta love seeing more of HurriKain, Chaser9, Alternity_Orange, CoolSlider, and that irascible SpaceTime.
Brand_S: [cough, cough]
R317: And of course, you, my friend.
Brand_S: [waves bashfully] Oh, you are far too flattering.
R317: By the way, beautiful story, man. You call it a throwaway, but I call it skill personified. This place has been sorely lacking your wit and bon mots. I mean, who else could make Arturo swear as colorfully as you? Has it been so long since the S Way was in production?
Brand_S: Almost as long since the glorious Earth 317 closed up shop. But thankfully, I see you're keeping busy with Earth 5620. Brilliant parody, by the way.
R317: Truly, you are too kind.
Tso: Not to break up the lovefest between you two sychophants, but can we talk about me for a moment?
R317: Yes, of course, I see you've been nominated for Best Supporting Recurring Character at the Sliders Academy Awards.
Tso: 'Bout time I get some recognition! I'm going to lay waste to Gaffney [Bennish], Sasso [Calhoun], Bruhanski [Pavel], and Barrie [Diggs].
Damron: I don't know. Bennish was pretty popular. You don't know how hard I had to fight to not include him in the fifth season.
Tso: Ugh! I'm so sick of hearing about Bennish! Everyone always says Bennish was Quinn's best friend. Bullshit! It was Wing! Who sat next to Quinn in class? Wing. Who did he walk out of class carrying on a conversation with? Wing. Who greeted his best buddy with news that he had struck it rich? Wing. Not Bennish, WING. And what does Wing get for his troubles? Two episodes and a pink slip. Hell, they didn't even give him a first name! If it weren't for the two of you [gestures to R317 and Brand_S] and Donner, I'd already be forgotten.
R317: We love you, man.
Brand_S: Absolutely. In fact, some might say Recall's love of you borders on disturbing.
R317: Moving right along…Keith, your "The Seer" has also been a hot topic as SL4ever is mercilessly ridiculing it. However, you did pull a nomination for Best Concept. Something about blind squirrels and acorns…
Damron: Thanks. I don’t understand why there's such venom being directed at it. It's the final Sliders episode, for Peck's sake! You'd think it'd be revered. What did you guys think?
Brand_S: It sucked.
R317: Didn't see it.
Tso: Who are you again?
R317: OK, S. Your pick for post of the week.
Brand_S: I pick my own post.
R317: Could you pick someone else's?
Brand_S: I could, but I'd be lying.
R317: Yee, how about you?
Tso: Not a one mentions me, do they?
R317: 'Fraid not.
Tso: Fine, I'll take the planet of the monks.
R317: Did you even read it?
Tso: No.
R317: That makes two of us.
Brand_S: Three.
R317: Damron, you're up.
Damron: I like this Maybe Machine thingy. I think I saw 6-7 posts on this board praising "A Thousand Deaths."
R317: You do realize that…you don't realize anything at all, do you?
Damron: I like Jell-o.
R317: And I pick RMScream's "SpaceTime Dies." If only all fanfiction were so concise! And that's all the time we have.
Brand_S: More accurately, that's all the time you're willing to put in. How long did this take you? Ten minutes?
R317: uh…
Brand_D: You didn't even spellcheck this, did you?
Tso: [shaking his head] I should have been a lawyer like my old man wanted...
[Music hits and the show mercifully ends.]
TWITWA has been brought to you by WING. Please check out these glorious tales featuring your hero and mine…"Trevor" Wing!
By Donner:
Slide and Seek (where Wing gets his name!):
Zero Hour:
By Recall317
Splitting Hairs:
Season Six of Earth 10153:
Cooking Sliding Iron Crying Man:
By Brand_S:
Brethren and Sistren:
