TWIW (3-26 to 4-1)
Date: 04/02/1999
From: SL4ever
The Way It Wuz, 3-26 to 4-1.
With apologies to the MST3K board, I have stolen your fine idea! So there! Nah, nah, nah!
I would have finished this last night but I have been dragging the past couple days. In light of that, please forgive any corny rhymes! :-) I tried to keep the corn to a minimum!
One word of caution on this, if you haven’t read the post I am referencing it will not make much sense. Also, I am excluding my own posts from this, for obvious reasons, although I will make an exception if I say something really dumb or something else remarkable happens within my posts.
Without further ado...
Friday, 3-26.
Post of the day:
I have decided to leave... (12 replies)
QG lives is Chicago, Mychand is Florida folk...
Slider_Sarah is female, (obviously, I hope)...
And if I bought all the flicks S142 loves, I’d be broke!
The Good:
Temp had a great review of Way Out West...
he liked the logical pacing. Who here thinks...
with Temp in charge, Sliders would still be the best?
The Bad:
Not specific to any one post or reply...
but if Maggie’s horrid hallgirl act sounded good to me...
I think I’d just crawl in a hole and die!
The Ugly:
Mychand had a riddle, it was no sweat for most...
but considering my futile attempts to solve it...
if “Stupid People” was a show, I’d be the host!
Saturday, 3-27.
Post of the day:
NSR Poll... (8 replies)
Do we watch Buffy, TM wanted to know...
a lot of people like it, but I have one question...
I can’t get WB, doesn’t this BLOW?????
The Good:
PM and Temp noticed hidden jokes in Way Out West...
“Show me the Money” and Magg instead of nag...
can the writers be this clever every week, that’s the test!
The Bad:
HK liked “tight pants,” he liked the words’ meaning...
but Maggie’s voice was so completely awful...
I couldn’t stop me or my dogs from screaming!
The Ugly:
I could recite certain names, oh yeah, I could snitch...
but some people, who know who they are, ...
need to start replying instead making new posts ...
or the other new posts are going to vanish quicker than a ...!
Sunday, 3-28.
Post of the day:
New Game Start... (15 replies)
First, there was some whine, then the mystery began...
but I really must say, if RK ties up all the loose ends ...
I’m going that have to stand in line to be his biggest fan!
The Good:
Alienak has great ideas, each world a good reason...
to watch every week! I haven’t seen world ideas...
this interesting or good since the second season!
The Bad:
Slider_Sarah couldn’t take part in story, sniff, sniff...
I don’t know about you guys, but I think...
her ironic style and subtle humor makes a diff!
The Ugly:
Is there anything uglier than missing a new ep now?
lastslider missed this one, and the re-runs are over. With S5...
coming, it might be two years before he can see WOW!
Monday, 3-29.
Post of the day:
Boy did I have a fun night... (14 replies)
[this will be riffed properly in the ugly section! :-) ]
The Good:
The pilot, part 1, aired tonight, huzzah!
does it get any better? Now unfortunates who...
never saw the classics don’t have say “huh?”
[that’s how I pronounce “huzzah” so beat it! :-) ]
The Bad:
Seeing the pilot is great but also makes you mad...
this show could have been this good even now...
if not for certain producers, isn’t that just sad???
The Ugly:
Tell me, how does a three line post start a 14 reply war?
Maybe an instigator who started it and ducked for cover?
With GR doing things like this, ya think we’ll see more????
Tuesday, 3-30.
Post of the day:
Scenes from the Pilot (part 2) cut!... (8 replies)
SN5 noticed that something was missing, horrors!
one was my favorite scene, another a joke, but we...
should know by now that the SF channel has no morals!!
The Good:
Our friends in Canada might be seeing Sliders again soon...
Coolslider has been on Global’s butt! Since he’s so good, ...
think we can get him to help us get Remmy to sing a tune!?
The Bad:
I loved seeing the pilot again, don’t get me wrong...
but part two, with the rebel action, felt stale...
I think we have been seeing that stuff in S4 too long!
The Ugly:
We get Sliders 5 times a week, nothing ugly was said...
everything is right in the Sliders universe...
so, just for today, I’ll leave the ugly rhyme in bed!
Wednesday, 3-31.
Post of the day:
Okay, I’m confused now... (9 replies)
Mychand is lost by all this timer workings rigamaroo...
they Slide ten different ways, always changing the rules...
so just what is a classic ep newbie like her to do?!
[ask us “oldies” of course! :-) ]
The Good:
We now know the best Sliders anagrams, thanx Blinker...
lick my arena, mangled disdain, love them all...
just one question, Blink, is your computer a hard drinker???
The Bad:
Once again we have cut scenes, I just don’t get it.
Some of the decisions FOX made about Sliders...
make me think that their brains are made of ... !
The Ugly (besides that last rhyme? Sorry, it just PO’s me off!) :
_The Saint_ is going to have a Sliders quiz April 2nd...
I hate my old timey coal-fired computer, it sucks!
If I could visit chatrooms I’d be there in a second!
Thursday, 4-1.
Post of the day:
Does anyone know why?... (5 replies)
SHHHH! 1013shan! If you ask why they did it...
the Sci-Fi channel will stop airing the classics, cause...
when we like what they do it bothers them quite a bit!
The Good:
Cryin is right, the funeral scene is a must!
The classics are so great because there are...
so many scenes that have me ready to bust!
The Bad:
Rotate-girl doesn’t really bug me, well, maybe some...
and TB’s campaign probably won’t work. But is it...
really necessary to, every time, jump up his bum?
The Ugly:
ST missed a classic ep, second person this week...
let’s all buy alarm clocks, cause I know if ...
I miss one of them, I am going to f-ing FREAK!!!!
