TWIW (4-2 to 4-8)
Date: 04/09/1999
From: SL4ever
The Way It Wuz, 4-2 to 4-8.
Screw the MST3K board! I TOOK this idea!!!!!!! :-)
One word of caution on this, if you haven’t read the post I am referencing it will not make much sense. BTW, “Post of the day” merely refers to which post each day caused the most discussion, it is not designed to be an editorial comment on which post was “best.”
Without further ado...
Friday, 4-2.
Post of the day:
who’s sexier... (22 replies)
Wade or Maggie, just which woman is hottest?
everyone has an opinion, but the only intelligent...
opinion is to put Wade on top of the list! :-)
The Good:
Mychand likes the brothers’ chemistry and repartee...
so did six other people, although I want to ask...
that Spaz keep her thoughts on the brothers far away!!!!
The Bad:
You can’t be called by your last name, says SCB...
being called Mallory would suck, apparently...
but why Bridger feels so strongly I just don’t see!
The Ugly:
SupremeTrekker, buddy, you’re cool, you’re bright...
but if you’re going to “jump ugly” with the writers...
try to make sure that you heard what was said right!
Saturday, 4-3.
Post of the day:
To anyone in FL (NSR)... (replies)
It was about music that Poolboy wanted to know...
maybe because it got ugly, Poolboy never replied...
So I can’t help but wonder if he ever did get his info?
The Good:
The consensus is that Brother’s Keeper did not suck...
although it didn’t have the original Michael...
and Colin kept up his rep for running like a duck!
The Bad:
I have to say that TheBean is absolutely right!
Remmy and Quinn have such emotional ties to Wade...
the fact they don’t seem to care is a dreadful sight!
The Ugly:
Money is evil, according to slideaway...
so when we need food, clothes, or medicine ...
are we going to hell if we use money to pay?
Sunday, 4-4.
Post of the day:
Do you want in?????... (25 replies)
Her stories are among the most popular on the board...
this time 25 people wanted in. Since her writing is always…
this good, she is going to keep winning this reply award!
The Good:
Kromagg1let us know about the TV poll voting...
let’s all get over there and do what we can...
to keep our show and characters floating!
The Bad:
Does anyone here think SliderScoop is for real?
I don’t know, I’m not smart enough to say for sure...
but the whole thing has the usual bull <bleep> feel!
The Ugly:
Hey, Slide_em_Cowboy, I just saw The Matrix myself!
And there was ripping off going on, but not with Sliders...
The producers better give Chalker some of their wealth! *
Monday, 4-5.
Post of the day:
My fan fic... (23 replies)
The votes were cast, and Temp and Sarah won...
none of us know what in Hades this is about...
but we do know that it is to be a lot of fun!
The Good:
We’re starting another story soon, thanx Hurrikain!
But, if I get to go first, you all will hate me...
because I am fixing to inflict some creative pain!!!! :-D
The Bad:
Sliders ratings are slipping, Slidersrocks uttered...
Exec said it was just in relation to the week before...
Temp said the rating was as high as it gets anymore...
I agree, what is a good rating with cable so cluttered?
The Ugly (special “naughty edition):
Spaz raved about Jerry some more, and all hell broke loose...
through all the naughtiness I have just one question…
before saying I have a problem, what the heck is “mold juice” ?
Tuesday, 4-6.
Post of the day:
Would like permission from you lot... (15 replies)
Just back to the board, Sarah wanted permission from us lot.
Is there a better idea than saving all the old games?
Other than writing a birthday present for Spaz, I think not!
The Good:
LAST DAYS!! Yes! And I cannot tell a lie...
If I see that slowdance one more time...
Or that Quinn/Wade kiss, I think I’ll just die!
The Bad:
Who is the best singer, are you completely insane?!?
Wade WAS good in stoker, I cannot deny...
But all Jerry and Maggie can do is inflict immense pain!!!
The Ugly:
Today there was much ado about the Sliders gag reel...
and I don’t know if someone was lying or not...
but don’t we believe that Temp would give us the real deal?
Wednesday, 4-7.
Post of the day:
Tonight’s ep SUCKS... (17 replies)
Whoever wrote this post HAS to be an utter numskull,...
why in the world would you say something like this?
Simple, it is worth the scorched skin to keep things from getting dull!!!! :-)
The Good:
I’m the cook, Blinker’s the captain, and BS is wed!
But whatever happens in the story, with “golden spoon”
in charge you will not have to worry about getting fed!!
The Bad:
All I have to say about Blinker’s post is BAD LEXX!!!
if someone rips off a piece of work I like, just one more time...
I am just going to have to start wringing some necks!!!
The Ugly:
Let’s face it, some people are just stark, raving mad!
They actually prefer Maggie over Wade! Oh! I long for...
the days when bimbos will be just a forgotten fad!
Thursday, 4-8.
Post of the day:
Cruise of Destiny... (12 replies)
And so the interactive story begins, we all board the ship...
with one question on everyone’s mind. It is not how long...
will 1013’s marriage will last, or how good is Mychand’s song.
It is, how delicious is SL4ever’s world famous clam dip!?!
The Good:
Now we have a real poet on the board, as in TheBean...
I’ll bet he wants to slap me silly for what I do...
Because his rhymes are as good as this board has seen!
The Bad:
Why do the stories take forever, asked our own Ann.
It takes longer to finish one story than it takes ...
to find a Sci-Fi channel “movie of the week” fan!!!
The Ugly:
You know, not everyone was born with an internet cord...
hanging out of their ass. Is it necessary, SpaceTime...
to assault people who didn’t know, just because you’re bored?!?
* [Actually, Jack L. Chalker’s books get ripped off all the time. He wrote a series of parallel world novels with travel in between them in 1987! But that was nothing compared to what the Matrix did to him. The title of one Chalker’s books, The Wonderland Gambit, should be your first clue if you have seen the movie.]
