are all ridiculous
Date: 1/31/99
From: Twizzler
I can't believe what babies all you people are!
Someone rubs you the wrong way and you freak out and quit? What a bunch
of pussies! Why don't you just admit that you send ot these farewell
posts to get sympathy from the others? HOW RETARDED. The biggest problem
is your own egos if you think your so important. Apologizing for thinking
you scared people you were leaving... it's a g-d bulletin board! Have
some thicker skin! Losers.
If you think the "evil" posters are bad, you're wrong. It's
YOU. At least we all know they're jokes. You take yourselves seriously
like you're pillars of society. BITE ME, pompous assholes.

Date: 1/31/99
From: Cryin
What type of Twizzler`s do you eat---red or black? I prefer Good N'
Plenty myself.

you're almost cool...
Date: 1/31/99
From: CoolSlider
And by the way, are you almost done eating your bowl of dick?

Date: 1/31/99
From: methos8888
I agree one hundred percent, what is that farewell letter intended
to do, pick up your self confidence by getting a few well wishers who
have nothing better to do but beg you to continue writing your pathetic
story lines. Your bags are packed, ticket in hand, bye.

agree, but
Date: 1/31/99
From: KatSlider
OK, I totally agree with you. They are being babies, but we shouldn't
even been talking about personal problems. We are here to talk about
SLIDERS and if someone doesn't agree with what someone else says then
that's their opinion, and the other person should respect that...not
get all offended.

thought this board was for fun
Date: 1/31/99
From: SciFiWatcher
I realize I don't participate in this board as much as the rest of
you, but I've always had fun when I was here. All this bickering is
pointless. Sometimes you just have to agree to disagree. I know someone
is going to slam me for this post, but that's ok. Having opinions is
good. If we all thought the same, we wouldn't have much to talk about.
Maybe we could have one day of no holds barred. Everyone gets everything
out and then moves on to talk about Sliders. That is what we all have
in common. That is why we are all here. Sliders.

people names is mature, too.
Date: 1/31/99
From: ThomasMalthus
Everybody makes irrational mistakes every once in a while, why don't
you just let it pass instead of making a big issue out of this? And
to methos888, who I stuck up for against RealRealSlider, I knew sooner
or later someone would accuse me of just doing what I did to bolster
my self esteem. I legitimately was upset and emotional and I said some
things that I shouldn't have. I was glad that some people pointed out
I was being irrational, but nothing like you described happened. Methos
and Twizzler, I hope that you two should never get into a similar situation
in the future but if you do I will be the first to offer you a kind
word and a show of support. I just hope we can move on with this and
get to the business of discussing Sliders (of course it would help if
we had a new episode to discuss).

let's end it now!
Date: 1/31/99
From: FakeSlider
I have remained silent long enough and I just felt I should say something
about this eruption of chaos on the board. The whole thing is ridiculous,
and is something that should end here and now. Can't we just forget
about it and move on? There is no use dragging it on and fueling the
fire, and leaving is NOT the answer, unless you are RealSlider or one
of his many personalities. What this board needs is a virtual exorcist.
But seriously, folks, let's calm down, take some deep breaths, count
to ten (or whatever it is you do) and just leave this whole unpleasant
episode behind.

Date: 2/1/99
From: RealRealSlider
This is all crap!!! If people wanted to talk about Sliders then why
do the post that do talk about Sliders have hardly any replys? The ones
that have a bunch of replys are dumb ones like these. Look them up people.
P.S. I think it's good that we don't have bitches like Britslider around.
The smell isn't as bad.

me get this straight...
Date: 2/1/99
From: SL4ever
...two people made posts yesterday mentioning leaving, Mychand and
TM. Both of them then appologized about posting that, with TM saying
he will stay after all and Mychand still saying she is leaving. So it
is unclear which of them you are specificly talking about. Probably
both. And your (Twitler) post directed at these two people was very
insulting, even personally insulting.
And the 8 replies are really only from three people, RealNerd/Twitler/etc,
Sci-Fi-Watcher, and TM. Only one of those replies defended either of
the people attacked, and that was TM defending himself.
This is despite the fact that TM and Mychand frequently get double
digit replies to their posts. Both are well liked. Or, I thought they
were. People that fail to respond and give a show of support to good
posters who are attacked probably do so because they do not want to
escalate the situation. But that leaves the attacked parties thinking
that no one cares enough to stop for a second and say "what you
said about this good poster is unacceptable." If you don't want
to reply, have any of you at least e-mailed Mychand and TM to at least
express support?
The infinately stupid mendicant who has no life and thus plenty of
time to create and manage so many handles said at one point yesterday
that this is just a board, and not to be taken personally.
Well, okay, my infantile friend. Chew on this. Words HURT, no matter
what medium they are presented through, be it a book, a sound bite,
a personal conversation, or a posting board about Sliders. One of these
days, when you graduate from high school and finally leave home and
are away from the adults that obviously beat your ass every day and
force you to go on this board and get revenge by hurting other people,
you are going to realize that you reap what you sow. That hurting people
is not all fun and games.
Or perhaps you are past being able to realize this. Why else would
someone devot so much time creating seperate handles so that they could
lash out at strangers? I don't hate you. You don't even anger me. The
thought that people get pleasure from hurting other's feelings is what
angers me. If I call you names or talk down to you, it is an attempt
to reach you and stop the maddness that this board has become. When
you grow up and leave home, get some help.

Date: 2/1/99
From: Ijaz
Infinitely stupid mendicate... Impressive. I like...
-Ijaz :)

mendicant.. (end).
Date: 2/1/99
From: Ijaz

Date: 2/1/99
From: Grim_Reaper
Have we been reading Groo, SL? Very amusing.
RRS (or Twizzler if you prefer), thank you for displaying another version
of your hateful side. How does it feel to run more good people off this
board? I hope you have a great day, you spiteful bastard.

Date: 2/2/99
From: Twizzler
I find it hilarious that you instantly assume I am RealRealSlider,
as if there can be only one loudmouth on this bulletin board. I may
be caorse, but at least I tell it like it is and don't try to placate
them for the sake of their own egos. They acted like babies, and they
got called on it. So to all of you ou there who think I am RRS or some
other asshole, let me just tell you - I ain't. I'm just someone who's
sick of idiots whine about being lame.

Date: 2/2/99
From: SL4ever
That's your only response, Twitler?
Man, I'm exhausted! Your cutting wit has wounded me so deeply that
I am going to have to take a half second or so to recover.
Oh well, can't expect much from a person with a 100 word vocabulary,
can we?
Whoever you are, keep your hate to yourself. This frivolous post had
only one intention, and that was to spew hatred and to wound. Don't
you have any Sliders wisdom to share with on us babies and morons? Do
you even know who Quinn is? Do you have anything about Sliders to talk
about? Or are you on this board only to vomit incoherent insults?

hate and wounds
Date: 2/2/99
From: Twizzler
Despite what you think, this isn't a PC-utopia. People are allowed
to have an opinion, you nattering, irritating moron. I read posts and
rarely write because I don't have inside information like some pople
and there hasn't been a new episode of Sliders worth talking about in
months! I get sick of high and mighty fools like you who feel the need
to spread peace and love around on a BULLETIN BOARD. You really are
idealistic, aren't you. People that announce they're leaving a bbs because
someone hurt their feelings is pussiness of the highest order. So go
ahead and leave! If you're that ready to abandon friendships and the
like because your precious ego got bruised, GOOD. GO BE A PUSSY ON YOUR

Rea- I mean - Twitler...
Date: 2/3/99
From: SL4ever believe that just because there is a computer between all of
us we are allowed to suspend the standards of common human decency?
Just because this is on the internet we do not have to respect each
other as we would if we were all face to face?
That sure sounds like coward talk to me. You are a strict "yes
sir" "no ma'am" person out in the physical world, but
then you come on here a tough guy? You are starting to sound like yellow
belly material, RealTwit.
Oh yeah, and only a moron would mistake common decency with sanctimoniousness.
I am not a tree hugging flower child, but I guess I could have been
called worse. At least they can communicate without ripping up innocent
people. Personally, I sleep well at night because I only flame morons
like you. Treating normal people nicely is very restful. Try it sometime.

Date: 2/3/99
From: darkslider
I just wanted to say something Real quick. SL4ever, you are absolutely
wrong. Twizzler isn't a "yes sir" knid of guy outside of his
computer. He's pretty much like he is right here on the website, so
I'm afraid your mistaken. You know something as well? I believe that
if you wish to make fun of someone's vocaubulary, check your own. I
only counted about 25 words, most of which were only contained about
three letters .......
The rest of you can SUCK DICK! Grim Reaper, you can bring it on, bubba.
I"ll kick you and your grandma's ass anyday, you little prick!
As for decency, I never liked the concept so here's a little something

Date: 2/4/99
From: Twizzler
Yeah, I'm talking to you, faggot. Why don't you go cram it up your
bunghole, eh, faggot? I'm telling you, you ever send me that "Taide"
shit again and I'll rip you a new hole! That's some sick fucking shit,

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