Season objectives
Date: 05/25/2000
From: Vance454
What did the sliders have to accomplish each season? Well, in the beginning it was short and sweet: find a way back home. But thanks to yours truly, David Peckinpah, we get a complex story line.
Season 1 + 2: Find a way back home.
Season 3 (Starting with "The Exodus"): Woo hoo. We lose the professor, and get a new slider: Maggie Beckett. Captain and professional bitch. Finding home in "The Exodus", Earthprime's co-ordinates are stuck in Dr. Jensen's timer. And thanks to the brain fluid sucking Col. Rickman, that timer is now stolen and our heroes have track down the timer to get home. Not to mention Maggie and the Sliders want revenge on Rickman for killing Dr. Jensen AND the professor.
Season 4 (things get complicated): The Sliders make it home! But, it's a bittersweet homecomming. Earthprime is now infested with Kromaggs, a diffrent evolution of man that is both voilent, and dangerous. They slide the multiverse hoping to take over each and every world (even though there are INFINITE worlds...). The Sliders find out that Wade and Remmy have been captured by them!! But there is hope! Quinn finds out that he is fact, not from this earth, that his parents were Sliders and dropped him here with there doubles when he was a baby. Also, his parents have found a way to kill the kromaggs, and rid them from the mulit-verse. Quinn also finds out that he has a brother, and that he is to rescue him from the world that his birth parents dropped him on and that they are to find their homeworld together. After rescuing Remmy, and finding out that Wade isn't on this earth, she has been transported to a breeder camp, our trio slides off in hopes of...
1. Finding Wade and freeing her from the breeder camp that she is stuck in. (Even though this seems to be the LAST thing on their mind.)
2. Find Quinn's brother, Colin, and getting him off his adopted world.
3. With Colin, find the Mallory brother's homeworld, and rid Remmy's homeworld (Earthprime) from the Kromaggs.
Season 5 (ok, deep breath): Still trying to find the Mallory's homeworld, Quinn, Colin, Remmy, and Maggie are found sliding out of a gun fight. Meanwhile, on the next world, the evil Dr. Geiger is preforming an expriment in which he will "combine" Quinn's faternal twin with OUR Quinn! The Sliders are oblivious to this, and when they slide to the next world, Remmy and Maggie are the only ones that we see come out of the vortex. Colin is nowhere to be found, and there is a stranger (Quinn's faternal twin) that claims to be Quinn Mallory!! What to do, what to do? Well, after going back to Geiger's lab, the sliders eventually find out that he plans to combine EVERY parallel universe into one! The sliders can't have this, and even Geiger's assistant, Dr. Diana Davis wants this stopped. After a close call with Geiger (and sending him randomly sliding for the rest of his life) the sliders recruit Quinn's double (since our quinn is stuck inside of him thanks to Geiger) and Diana to slide the multiverse with them. The four slide off of Geiger's world hoping to...
1. Seperate the two Quinns from each other.
2. "Stick" Colin on an earth. (Remember how he just dissappeared? Well, what happened to him was he became "unstuck" in space time when the two Quinns were combined. So, they hope to "re-stick" him on a parallel earth somewhere.
3. Still find Wade (see Season 4 objectives) they hadn't accomplished it from last Season.
4. Free Earthprime from the Kromagg's rule.
Well, this is the last season so let me tell you what happened. After the third ep. "Strangers and Commrades", the Sliders find out that Quinn's and Colin's parents weapon to defeat the Kromaggs is a joke. It works, but it also kills humans too. So scratch trying to free the Maggs right? In the 11th ep, "Requiem" Wade emerges to get help from Remmy. But she ain't what she used to be. She is now stuck in a tube used to open wormholes so the Kromaggs can get back to their homeworld (Quinn and Colin's homeworld). At the end of the ep, Wade uses her powers to slide the sliders off the world, and destroy the Magg base that she was trapped in. But, she kills herself in the process. Well, after the 17th ep, "Eye of the Storm" the sliders find Geiger, and he has created his own little piece of hell (a universe 3 blocks long). They also find out that the Quinns can be separated! However, they have been merged for far too long... It's hopeless. So the only thing left is to "re-stick" Colin and to free Earthprime from the maggs. Well, we can't do that in one ep, so the sliders decide to slide to Remmy's homeworld (Earthprime) and fight the maggs (yeah! let's commit suicide!). However, even after entering Remmy's co-ordinates, there slide is intercepted and they slide to another earth instead. A world where sliders is a hit TV series and all the sliders are stars. The sliders find out on this world that the people here have devloped a kromagg virus that can kill kromaggs and is safe to humans. Remmy and Maggie get some of the virus from a fan's blood, and keep it in a vial. When the time comes to slide, the timer is destroyed, and the sliders a forced to use kromagg tech to slide to earthprime. However, the tech is damaged, and it can only hold one person. All the sliders volenteer, but Remmy injects himself with some of the virus and breaks the vial, destroying the rest. Remmy slides home after saying goodbye to all of his friends.
So that's it! The end of sliders. Sliders can get pretty confusing if you try to watch an ep without seeing most of the eps before it. Just trying to make some clarity to new comers or just anybody!
vance454 on aol im

Date: 05/25/2000
This is your Sliders Related Post? A rehash of the "Sliders" plots for each season which everyone who has seen all five seasons should have already known. Heck, I only watched about half of Season Five, yet I knew all that stuff. Yes, the story arcs became too complex, yes, the "Sliders" ending was unsatisfactory and yes, it did get too much away from its roots starting at "Exodus". Don't know if you're new here or not, but we've covered all these things before many times. That's why we have so many NSR posts. There are so few new "Sliders" things to post about. News on the movie possibility, fanfic, new interpretations and thoughts on old episodes and that's about it.
If this post sounds a little harsh, I apologize. But NSR posts are necessary to breathe new life in the board. If you can think of something new and different and Sliders-related to post on the board, then more power to you. But this, quite frankly, is not it.
