Author Topic:   Sliders story (no not Fan Fic)
posted September 08, 1999 03:03 PM
I am just wondering how some of you discovered Sliders. Here's my little story
When I was like 8 or 9 or who knows what I saw my brother watching a T.V show with my cousin. I remember seeing Luck of the Draw and I think the end of The Last Days. Then I saw Love Gods and later Dream Masters. Then it got worse.. my brother lost interest and I stopped watching. Fast forward to the beginning of the summer. I was talking on the phone with my friend when he said I can't watch right now... it's nine o clock SLIDERS time... I turned on my T.V to Sci Fi and luckily I saw the great ep. Lipshitz Live! (if I saw another s4 I wouldn't start watching it). I started watching then and saw Unstuck Man-- I was really pissed but I continued to watch.. I went on the Bboard to see what other people thought and then after a few eps. decided that Diana and Mallory didn't stink like I thought but were good..... then I started posting asking irrevent questions like this one


posted September 08, 1999 08:09 PM
Well, I would have to say out of luck. I was channel surfing when I saw the very last part of Genesis. Well I could never find Sliders again until we changed companies. Well I saw an episode and I made sure to note the time. Mondays at 7. Well one day I turned it on and I was surprised to see Quinn with long hair. And I didn't have any clue to who Wade or the Professor was. Well quickly I learned the quality of the first few seasons and I was hooked.



posted September 08, 1999 08:57 PM
Being a Sci-Fi fan that I am, this was the perfect thing. A handsome leading character helps too.



posted September 08, 1999 11:15 PM
That explains why you get so pissed when EPT vilifies the O'Connells. Well, I could say a thing or two about Jerry, Wil, and Corey playing Blow Job Roulette too, but that ain't my style.

To make a long story short, I was bored because there was nothing on TV. I happened to turn to FOX (I always trusted that channel for quality programming... I am dead serious. ) and I caught the original showing of the pilot for Sliders. I thought it was just the greatest thing. I tried to introduce that and the short-lived UPN show Nowhere Man to my parents, both of which they rejected. My parents aren't big on non-comedy TV shows.
I am, fortunately. I always liked the hour-long Friday-night prime-time stuff like Brisco County Jr, MANTIS, and the pre-suckage X-Files. Sliders was the best concept I'd ever seen, and the show just blew me away.

I'd continue to watch faithfully, up until it got cancelled in Season 3. I missed it, but I caught it at the end of Season 4 a year later.


[This message has been edited by s_the_great (edited September 08, 1999).]


posted September 09, 1999 03:10 AM
Note: I was even more pissed when I saw the rerun of the Exodus part 2!!


war eagle
posted September 10, 1999 09:34 PM
I just happend to turn on the Sci fi channel one day and it happen to be a re run of the pilot episode. i was hooked after seeing that. i started watching the new eps on Friday nights (unfortunately i had missed about 2/3 of season 4 by this time...) .


Wrong Arturo
New Member
posted September 12, 1999 05:09 PM
Wow! A bunch of newbies! I was lucky to be there right from the start. I read a TV Guide article about the show, and said to myself, "This is so cool. I have to watch." Sadly I didn't tape the premiere, though I got a dubbed copy several years later. Anyway, I've been a faithful follower since that great first episode. It had me hooked right from the start! Of course, to be honest, I haven't watched it much lately, what with the new cast, and Wade floating in a vat with curcuits coming out of her head and all. :-/

If you'd like to read that article, I have it at my website:

Enjoy remembering a time when the future for Sliders was much brighter.

A friend and Sliders fan,

Wrong Arturo


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