Sliders Scene
Date: 7/7/99
From: vortex62
I was curious what would be your favorite all-time funniest
Sliders scene. Mine was in "Summer of Love" when the spider
wasp was on the Professor's back and Quinn nailed him in the head
with a rock. I was ROTFL!!!!
Steve Parallel World!!

Date: 7/7/99
From: HunterD_Raven
and 2 the whole Stoker ep. Other than Wades hotness it was like an hour
long joke to a Goth.

it or not...
Date: 7/7/99
From: Blinker
The fight scene in "Data World." I was watching it with a
friend of mine, and it had us both on the floor rolling in waves of
convulsive laughter. Some time later I mentioned it to him, and he denied
ever having laughed.
There was a point to this anecdote. Hold on...
Oh, right. If you can go back and watch that scene, *not* from the
'Man, this sucks, how stupid can they get' point of view, but from the
'Seven years old and seeing Star Wars for the first time, and *darn*
but this is heroically inspiring in a cheesy sort of way' point of view,
maybe you'll start to see how I felt. Oddly enough, that is the one
occasion to date when I actually admired Maggie and saw her as a full,
valued member of the team.
Remember, this is the sort of "Sliders" that appeals to the
mind that created "Earth 69."
Lastly, I find the "Summer of Love" scene Vortex62 mentioned
doubly funny... if you watch carefully, you'll notice the rock flying
from *ahead* of the Professor, when Quinn was clearly standing *behind*
him. It's perhaps my favourite Sliders nitpick of all time, except for
the way the "Revelations" writers got the concept of "Slidecage"
backwards and expected us not to notice... but that's another story.
Blinker 7:-)

the series premiere
Date: 7/7/99
From: Telamon31
When the reporter asked rembrant how he felt and he said "How
do you I think I feel fool. I'm never watching this show again. Small
claims court my as$^#&#^&#%&."

mine is
Date: 7/7/99
From: Fish_Bone
When in the weaker sex Rembrant was trick into sex with a woman.
just like a man would in are world. When her husband meet him, that
made me laugh, especally when the husband cryed and hug remmy!
Thats just like a woman in are world! There are so many part of the
show that makes me laugh, all the one that other people posted
where also funny!

Date: 7/7/99
From: slidersrule
Here are a few of my top moments :
In part 2 of the pilot, I always thought it was funny when that guys
trench coat gets caught in the door with the car driving away.
Also, my friend and I were rolling around on the floor in the series
3 finale with Rickmen running around in his condition, especially when
he took the brain tissue of one of the creatures.
Finally, the snake episode. I thought it was funny how they tried to
give the snakes human characteristics (looking thru bushes, etc)
Jerome Allen
couple more
Date: 7/8/99
From: ChanceEncounter
Sometimes a good actor can get me rolling with a single word or gesture
... such as John Rhys-Davies.
The other day in "The Weaker Sex" Arturo tries to pick up
a woman in an elevator. Remy and Quinn just giggle at his attempt. Arturo
is shot down brutally leaving an ego-wounded Professor. Then Remy informs
him that he just tried to pick up on the Mayor, leaving Arturo behind
in the elevator to mutter, "ouch." I dunno, the way he said
it just folded me over.
Then today on "The King is Back" ... where Remy, Quinn, and
Arturo are mistaken for the King, Jim Morrison, and Pavarotti ... and
Quinn's reaction "WHAT?!!"
Plus Bennish in the entire episode of "Last Days." I've never
actually seen that season 1 ep before, and now I can see why fans want
Bennish to come back. Whatta role model.
Date: 7/8/99
From: QuantumChaos
I think one of the funniest scenes occurs during the
episode "Into the Mystic" when the sliders take Quinn
to the "witch doctor" for a bullet wound to his shoulder.
When Wade asks Professor Arturo to come look at the
witch doctor's academic credentials hanging on the wall,
during the scene you can actually see the stage microphone
used to record the actors voices (key grip) near the very
bottom of the scene. This is one of the worst blunders I
have seen in the series and I can't believe the director
was either to lazy to refilm the scene or the budget for
"Sliders" is very low. Everytime I watch the episode I
can't stop laughing at this blooper!!!
for me
Date: 7/8/99
From: informant
The first is in "Into The Mystic" when they're walking across
the bridge, and Wade keeps asking what that bird is (I forget which
Either that, or in "Eggheads" when she keeps calling Remmy
an idiot.
#2... I'll just say it's from season 5, and has to do with the word
Tee hee hee ha ha ha ha ha BOOM! :-)
funniest sliders scene is...
Date: 7/8/99
From: sliderdave
in "The King is Back". When Arturo yells at Gomez Calhoun
after he is reduced to an undershirt and boxers, I couldn't stop laughing.
It would be worth it to have JRD come back just to utter another YOU
Date: 7/8/99
From: Dathmus
Mine comes at the end of Fever when the three guys peak out the tent
after the drums stop. Quinn says "I wonder who they will eat first"
Prof remarks about the young being more tender. Quinn and the Prof glance
at Remmy and he utters the classic words "Don't look at me, I'm
just the chicken nuggut your the quarter punder" That remarked
hard me laughing for days.
and doughnuts...
Date: 7/8/99
From: Cryin
I`m still laughing about that scene from "Summer of Love"
when The Cryin` Man was eating that doughnut and getting mad about what
people were saying about his funeral...
Date: 7/8/99
In the season 5 premiere, when the guy on the corner was spouting sayings
about the end of the world with a backdrop of gloomy clouds, then the
clouds go away and the sky brightens, and he says, "Or not!"
Cracked me up. Reminiscent of Season 1 humor.
Also, the look on Arturo's face when he saw President HILLARY Clinton
in "The Weaker Sex". The shock on his face was riotous!
Date: 7/9/99
From: SlidingThrough
A lot of mine have already been taken but one of my favorites is from
"Lipshitz Live". I almost died laughing when the bartender
saw Quinn on TV and said something along the lines of "Hey, I know
that guy! I was rude to him!" Classic Sliders! :-)
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Nominated by EustiSlider