Date: 8/10/99
From: wade1013

Ok so I turn on Sliders and what do I see? I'll tell you what I don't see, Quinn. Ok now I accepted it when they ditched the professor, I was pissed when they ditched Wade but now...whats the point of Sliders with out Quinn??? If it weren't for Quinn there would be no Sliding technology and the show would be non existant. They should've ended the show a long time ago. I refuse to watch the show now, and I think that if you are truly a fan of the show you too should stop watching it.


Date: 8/10/99
From: mallory1369


did u watch the first 2 season 5 episodes?

yeah stop watching

Date: 8/10/99
From: HunterD_Raven

I mean, thye replace one of the origional actors, i mean sure his acting last year was Oscar Caliber, and sure he quit, and it was his choice to leave, but they shouldn't have let him quit, they should have kidnapped him and made him come back. And then they have the nerve to hire better actors to replace him and his amazeingly talented brother. Then the nerve to show good stories, interesting plots, and only 1 ep with the Kromaggs. This toatally goes against the standards of season 3 & 4. It's almost like those evil years of season 1 & 2!!!
(Incase you can't tell that was SARCASM...figured you may want to know)

i agree raven

Date: 8/10/99
From: mallory1369

listen to this guy he knows what he's talking about.


Another real smart newbie!

Date: 8/10/99
From: QBall79

"I think that if you are truly a fan of the show you too should
stop watching it."

Yeah, what a better way to show your support for a show than to not watch it? Come on. I'm a true fan of the show, and it is evidenced by the fact that I do still watch it! This is the best season since Season Two, and if you could get past your schoolgirl cruch on Jerry O'Connell, you'd see that too. Don't come in here and claim to be a true fan of the show.



Date: 8/10/99
From: QBall79

Yes, I know how to spell.



Date: 8/10/99
From: humaggs

First I want you to know JOC quit, he wasn't fired. I think these episodes are alot better then almsot all in season 3 & 4. I am a true fan of Sliders that is why I am still going to watch. I was not watching because of Jerry, I like the infinite possibilities of what could happen, thats why I watch.

I'm surprised nobody told you...

Date: 8/10/99
From: informant

Thanks to people lke you, Scifi has an excuse to cancel Sliders... which they did. A couple of people with bad taste yell that Jerry made the show, and they feel good about canceling their best show.

You feel happy? You got what you wanted. The show's gone.


Sorry, I'm venting.


Date: 8/10/99
From: VirtualDimension

... I think that if you're a true fan of Sliders, you WOULD watch it. Have you even seen any of the fifth season, or at least a full episode? This is by far better (overall) than the previous 2 seasons that had Wade, Arturo, Quinn, and Colin... Try an episode out before you condemn it.

What's the point of Sliders without Quinn? A LOT! Sliders isn't ABOUT Quinn, (otherwise there wouldn't be a fifth season ...), because it's about the alternate dimensions. Just because he invented sliding doesn't mean he has to be present for them to slide. We don't stop watching Star Trek the Next Generation, DS9, or Voyager just because Captain Kirk isn't on them.

I could go on and on, but I don't want to make enemies out of any bulletin board poster, even I_AM_SCIFI ... which is - *hard* not to ...

---V I R T U A L - D I M E N S I O N---



Date: 8/10/99
From: s_the_great

"...I think that if you are truly a fan of the show you too should stop watching it."

You are so damn lucky. I had a "fuck off" message all lined up to tell you what a "vicious picky foul-smelling unworthy bitch" you are and how "bullshit-ified and generally jacked around" your Ben Tre logic is. Lucky for you I'm above basing an entire argument upon swearing. Hell, I'm not I_AM_SCIFI; I'm actually original.

Look, Buffy Boy, HunterD_Raven, Echos, ElectricPeterTork, QBall79, Informant, Green_Modus, and I spent months listening to people like you bitch about how Sliders is nothing without Jerry O'Connell.

But, you know, I know your kind. You come here, whine at us, act like we all are automatically supposed to agree with every word you say, then you leave like a little coward, never to hear what we think of your crap.

I don't even think wade1013 is your only identity. You've probably been posting this message hundreds of times, using a different alias each time. Either that or you'll never read this message, because you're already gone, soon to be replaced by someone else just like you. Either way it's not worth our time to reply to you. This is all you or any other S5-hater is gonna get outta me, with the exception of people like that worthless Shannon_Stone.

It's amazing, really. When I joined this board, I thought it was full of rude, acrimonious, condescending flamers who didn't accept each other's ideas. I even said so. Now, I've been through "The Gauntlet," dealing with a shitload of wade1013s, I_AM_SCIFIs, and Executives. (Sorry, Exec, but you really shouldn't have come here gloating about your vote at Sci-Fi Wire. For once, I'm on Temp's side, at least partially.) Not only do I see how dead wrong I was about the people who actually come here regularly, but I've turned into one of the people whom I used to think were dicks... Oh, well. Whatever works.



Date: 8/11/99
From: mallory1369

hey s!

finally! i agree with you totally! finally someone who understands how a true sliders fan feels! man, i wish you would post more! you seem as smart as temporal flux! thanks!


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/10397
Nominated by Brand_S


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