shows cancellation could be a good
Date: 8/20/99
From: wade1013
...thing. I mean the show has gone down hill since the first two seasons
and keeping it this way is only causing bitter fueds between the fans
who see that it now sucks and the fans who are still following it due
to blind loyalty. In a way I'm ahppy the show was cancelled because
I can remember it when it was good and not as that horrible show that
I used to like. I know there are people out there who will disagree
with me and keep bitching about it (as has happened in my pervious
posts) but thats thier problem. Afetr all this is a place to post your
honest opinions on the show. Not what you think the rest of the posters
want to hear. I am and always will be a Sliders fan but it's best that
the show be cancelled now.

the Sci-Fi Channel said
Date: 8/20/99
From: Executive
"SLIDERS has run its course." But the same could also be
said for other low-rated series that had been on for several years
when the channel picked them up, such as "Poltergeist: The Legacy" and
Nothing lasts forever!

Should read "MST3K". ===> END
Date: 8/20/99
From: Executive

think ur both nuts. Of course,
Date: 8/20/99
From: stuslide
...that's my opinion.
"Just think of the possibilities."

the hell up!
Date: 8/20/99
From: s_the_great
Blind loyalty, my ass. If you want to appear unbiased and make it
look like you are making a good point, don't go saying the show "now
sucks." A better way would be, "Some think it sucks; some
think it's cool."
But don't accuse me or anyone else of blind loyalty based on our opinions.
How would you like it if I said, "You suck and the only people
who like you are idiots?"

Date: 8/20/99
From: Jericho_Y2J
it is a war between those who like the good writing, good acting of
season 5 and those who like Jerrys Ass only.

that why I'm watching?
Date: 8/20/99
From: SoulReviver
Am I following the show because of "blind loyalty"? No!
If you think that the show is suffering then, by all means, don't watch
it. But, please don't say that it's time to put it to sleep. As I've
said before, I consider it to be one of the best shows currently on
TV. Not just Sci-Fi, but network television, too. This is not due to "blind
loyalty". Whenever I begin to watch something that turns out to
be pure crap, I turn it off. Even certain spin-offs of Star Trek.
No one puts a gun to your head to watch it, so I would reccomend that
you just turn it off. Let it die, for you. I still like it.

Date: 8/20/99
From: comickid
I don't agree with your statement that Sliders went downhill. I LIKED
(yes liked) the 3rd and 4th seasons. Not nearly as much as the 1st
and 2nd, but I still liked them. And now, with the 5th season the
show is getting better. This is the best season since season 2 to
me. I don't care that Sabrina, JRD, and the O'Connells are gone.
I miss their prescence on the show, but they had their reasons (except
for Jerry who was just selfish and a jerk) and the show is doing
just fine without them. Cancellation now is, in my opinion, not good
at all. You can't just kill the show without an ending. Thats like
reading a book and discovering that the last 50 pages are missing.
Just one persons opinion,

still applies to you...
Date: 8/20/99
From: s_the_great

written, kudos, comickid and...
Date: 8/20/99
From: MissingSlider
excuse me, I don't follow anything out of blind loyality! A matter
of fact I bet the majority of us Slider fans probably do not following
blind loyality -- we like it I bet because it is a good show and has
a very good premise that a lot be done with! By the way if I followed
your sorry excuse for telling me I was a blind loyalist, I would watch
that god awful excuse for a show called "First Wave" because
it's Sci-Fi, no way! And, if I also followed your idea, that I just
follow everything out of blind loyality, earlier this year when my
old favorite soap opera (that's been on television any of these shows
including "Sliders" -- 62 years to be exact and for a soap
opera it has had good and bad moments and times and years and even
days) "Guiding Light" (Robert Floyd's home back in 1993 for
you folks that might want to know -- when the writing was better and
why still hold out some hope that Floyd's acting will improve because
he did very well on that soap!) has slid (excuse the pun) this last
year horribly down hill (and if you think I'm alone on that -- you
might want to visit Debbie's Continuity Report board website at Spaulding
Enterprises site -- and check out what the daytime Nielsen ratings
are doing GL for it's sorry excuse for what it's turning into) because
it is well known that the writers on that soap write the show while
they are down at their favorite watering hole "drinking" and
boy does it show! So, no I have know blind loyalities -- I'm one of
the first to critize President Clinton for all his pecadilloes this
last year; even though I'm died in the wool Democrat! So, get off that
crap blind loyality! I like "Sliders" because it is a very
good show, with a good premise, with a lot of promise and right now
a pretty good cast and good writing and doesn't have to go overboard
on it's special effects to tell a really intiguing story -- unlike
some Sci-Fi shows I can mention (which I won't) or even a soap opera
I use to like, "Guiding Light"!

is a Jerry fan...
Date: 8/20/99
From: ElectricPeterTork
I have encountered her on in the Chat room,and she is always spouting "Sliders
sucks without Jerry,Jerry was cute,Jerry made the show,and Robert Floyd
is ugly."
Does that explain things?She doesn't like Sliders.She likes Jerry.
She doesn't care for well written,thought provoking stories,she just
wants to see her eye candy every week and touch herself.
Got it?

that JOC would wanta touch wade1013
Date: 8/20/99
From: MissingSlider
knowing that dork he's probably touching himself, too! JOC always
seemed full of himself, especially after he made "Jerry McGuire";
now he has a fantasy touch-a-thon (and in all the wrong places) with
wade1013! Oh, yeah, buffyboy, how small was that pr*ck of JOC's?
Hopefully the Sci-Fi Network won't continue to listen to wade1013's
anymore and will get some common sense soon! (well, I can always
hope can't I?)

knock Wade!
Date: 8/20/99
From: Lekeran
There will always be fans (an increasing minority) who will clammer
for a show to its dying breath. But the networks look at the numbers,
and the simple fact is Sliders numbers (ie: its ratings)
have gone below acceptable standards. If Sliders was still popular
and cranking in the killer ratings, let me tell you they would never
cancel it! Networks look at the cold hard numbers, that's what drives
their markets. When the advertisers won't pay to advertise
during a show, there's no more profit in it for the network, thus
they pull the plug.
Unfortunately, ScFi can't keep a show on the air for a few thousand
dedicated viewers, when the mass market of hundreds of millions of
people want something new. It's sad, but its life.

. . .
Date: 8/20/99
From: misswells
You have been misinformed. Sliders was the highest rating show on
Sci-Fi. Go up a couple of replies (the 3rd, I think) and check out
the ratings bit. They do look at numbers, but not with Sliders.
Got it?

you know the facts?
Date: 8/20/99
From: ElectricPeterTork
Farscape is being renewed...It's ratings are only a point or two higher
than Sliders.
First Wave's ratings are always lower than Sliders.Why isn't First
Wave being cancelled?In fact,First Wave rarely gets above a 0.9 rating...Sliders
is always above 1.0.Farscape is rarely above 1.3.So why hasn't Sci
Fi gotten rifd of all of the Sci Fi Prime shows?
Know your facts next time before you start spouting off Bullshit,okay?

. . .
Date: 8/20/99
From: misswells
You have been misinformed. Sliders was the highest rating show on
Sci-Fi. Go up a couple of replies (the 3rd, I think) and check out
the ratings bit. They do look at numbers, but not with Sliders.
Got it?

my best the Divinyls imitation:
Date: 8/20/99
From: MissingSlider
Lekeran and wade1013 can touch themselves!
While the rest of us misswelles, ElecticPeterTork, informant, Jericho,
TF, Blinker and anyone else I missed can work to save the show that
is watched non-blindly!

as a matter of fact I do!
Date: 8/21/99
From: Lekeran
Internet ratings of Scifi Prime shows in the top 100
Sliders- 31 (Prime)
Farscape- 47 (Prime)
Highlander repeats- 33
Poltergist- not listed (Prime)
First Wave- the emmy nominated - 83 (Prime)
The above are the Internet ratings from pfdball.
You people are clammering that Farscape's lead over Sliders is small
but I count a big 16 point lead here, so what's your idea of small?
Secondly, Sliders is a veteran series (ie: the networks expect more
from it than a show in its infancy like First Wave or Farscape)
Sliders has been running for 5 seasons now, and the fact is, that
it is not growing any more, and if slowly declining. Highlander repeats
out rank new episodes of Sliders, I mean come on!
I'm not saying Sliders deserves to be cancelled! Let me say that right
of the bat. I loved the show for a very long time, and was
broken apart when Fox cancelled it, namely because at the time I
did not have SciFi.
I like or at least liked Sliders, but the ratings do not lie.
While you see the difference of ratings as only a single percentage
point or a fraction of a point.
I quote now from the Executive, because frankly he/she says it best.
"During the 4th season, SLIDERS was often getting ratings in the upper one
range (around a 1.8 on the average) which wasn't too bad. A drop from the 2.2
for the "Genesis" season premiere, which was followed on that same
June 8, 1998 evening by "Prophets and Loss"
with a 2.4. The majority of succeeding episodes scored less than
a 2. The channel had nothing to worry about at that point.
Yet SLIDERS * this * season was in the low 1 range (usually
between 1.0 and 1.4) which is a signifigant drop. Keep in
mind that all of the series this year -- new and old -- on the
Sci-Fi Channel are doing just as poorly and worse. Due to the departure
of the O' Connell brothers (although in itself didn't bother me), poor
writing in a majority (but not all) of 5th season episodes, and two
new cast members with very little
chemistry with the veterans, several long-time fans left in
droves. So is it any wonder that SLIDERS has been getting a
1.1 rating for so many weeks?
Let's face it: The Sci-Fi Channel cancelled SLIDERS,
"Poltergeist: The Legacy", and "MST3K" because (1) they
just weren't delivering decent ratings anymore and (2) they
had all been in production for several years, on other
channels before they picked them up and these shows had all "run
their course". They kept "First Wave" and "Farscape" because
they are both fairly new series that need time to build an audience."
*I must thank the Executive for use of his/her facts to prove my
For a show to drop from 2.4, down to 1.0 is for it to lose over half
of its audience. Now those are Neilson numbers gathered by
the Executive, and no matter how much you hate it, you cant argue with
numbers. Each 1.0 is equal to a million or so households,
so to go down from at the very least 2.4 million people watching
Sliders to around a million, is a serious drop.
I now quote from the SciFi Wire:
"According to a SCI FI spokesperson, the channel thinks highly of Sliders
but feels the show has simply run its course. During its
five-year run Sliders was canceled and resurrected twice, and the show
also suffered the loss of four major cast members."
No matter how good a show is, it CAN NOT survive when it cuts out
its founding characters, who were its bread and butter, and the
reason we all (including myself) watched the show to begin with!
No show in existence is good enough to survive this, let alone one
with already sagging ratings.
In the end though, the numbers mean nothing, because they can contradict
one another depending on who's numbers you use.
The final word is the SciFi's. They own the network, they pay for the
shows, and if they don't want a show on any longer, if it is no
longer worth paying for, they will cancel it.
I may only speak for myself, but I will continue to watch the
"classic Sliders" weeknights, when the show was in its best, and
with its founding characters that made Sliders the success it was.

Date: 8/21/99
From: stuslide
And we want to talk in terms of facts (allying with Executive...hmmm...someone
who most posters dislike anyway), SLIDERS is still doing good ratings
wise even though Scifi is no longer pushing it so don't you talk about
it 'running its course.' You're just bent out of shape because someone
tried to knock Farscape. If you want to complain about SLIDERS, how
about you talk to Executive on the First Wave board.

right Stu
Date: 8/21/99
From: Lekeran
I am doing the same thing as each and everyone of you have.
Defending my show. When Farscape is knocked, especially with some
half baked notion, I won't sit by any more than the ten plus Sliders
fans have in my posts.
I defend my show. You defend yours. There is nothing wrong with that
at all, its what America is about, standing up for what you
believe, having said that, I will leave now, with my point made.

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