The demise of berets
Date: 2/17/99
From: rooboy

I may not have involved myself in this beret saga yet. That's only because I'm biding my time. I am secretly working on my own private adaption of Maxwell Smart's Nude Bomb. If I can get it to work correctly, it will not only destroy all berets, but all other headgear aswell. The only headgear to survive will be rabbit skin hats with corks hanging from them. The local Australian tourist hat industry will boom. The only downside being we'll actually have to start wearing them instead of just flogging them off to tourists.

Meanwhile, I've been in negotiations with Canberra, and the government agrees that due to our geographical position we would be a perfect haven for Beret neutrals that fear for their hairdos. (Those that can afford it of course).

All this will take a while. We just have to hope that things don't get out of hand in the interim. Anyway, back to work. The big hurdle at the moment is trying to get the explosives to recognise cork.


We'll Get you....
Date: 2/18/99
From: spaz119

and it won't be pretty. I'm already setting up a
special hot seat JUST FOR YOU!!!(no, not pretty at
all...hope you don't have a terry allergy...towels are made of terry you know)

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