To the BFA
Date: 2/17/99
From: Robin14334

Could I join your ranks? I faithfully don my beret for every occasion (which, by the way, is sky blue pink - the beret, not the occasion) and I believe every good O'Connell should have a towel. Well, they should really be wearing just their berets and... hey! What about a beret made from a towel?


P.S. Happy birthday to our beret-wearing, towel-dropping, chipmunk-cheeked honeybun! I'll be waiting for you to start the "party", Jerry, so don't be late! My place at 7, ok? : )

BFA also means British Film Award. END
Date: 2/17/99
From: Executive


You're in!!
Date: 2/17/99
From: spaz119

Here, hold mine...I got some serious towel snapping to do with JOC and COC who are celebrating in my room as I post this (they are arguing over who loves me right there), when I'm done with them I'll send them by. Those twentysomethings are
very resiliant so don't fret!!

Me too!!
Date: 2/17/99
From: tamera

Please don't forget about me!! I'm a beret kind of girl mine is
Hot Pink).

I'll be up all night! So, send Jerry over later. I don't have to work tomorrow!!! I'm stocked up on the Hershey's syrup & Reddi Whip!!!! I've been waiting for this Birthday party!
How about some yummy body shots??? Any flavors in mind? Now this will be a PARTY!!!!


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