NOTE: Guest starring Slider_Quinn21!

"Moral of the Story" -Revelations

Date: 12/11/2000
From: Blinker_Quinn21

David Peckinpah and the S4 writers sat in the local Pizza Hut (Known to the writers as the "Drug Hut"), discussing the Season 4 finale, "Revelations"

Writer#1-So, we're going to do the story about the world where Kromaggs with the "Breeder" alien inside use snakes to lure Maggie back into "The Chasm", right?

Writer#2-I thought we were doing the show inside Quinn and Maggie's parties in the Bubble World. One huge orgy!!!

Writer#3-Wait! Wasn't the whole point of this season to reveal Colin to be a Kromagg spy? You know....REVELATIONS!!!

Peckinpah-No!!!! We trashed that idea with Lipshitz! We needed Charlie to do that funny accent!!!! And the title of the episode is talking about the Bible. I want the fans to know that I am their true God!!!

Writer#3-But shouldn't we reveal to the fans that love the show that Quinn really IS from Earth Prime? I mean, I've been reading some of the BBoards and they sound kinda pissed!

*Immediately after hearing the word "fan", Peck rose from his chair, grabbed his gun and shot Writer#3.

Writer#2-I got it! A flaming tire follows the Sliders to a world where Kromaggs have been enslaved by Colonel Rickman!

Writer#4-Rickman died!

Writer#2-Who cares? And I know the perfect person to play him! There's a hobo outside that has a great British accent!

Peck-I don't know...but I know how to find out! Waiter! Come here!


Peck-What's the LAST pizza on the rack at the Buffet line?

Waiter-That's pineapple...


*Peck stood up and started spinning around, blurting the word "pineapple"

Peck-Pineapple... Pineapple... Pineapper... Pineipper... Pineitter.... Wrineitter... Writer!!! Writer!!!!

Writer#1-Yes! A writer, writing stories about Kromaggs!!!

Writer#2-And we can make Maggie really mad for some reason!

Writer#4-And we can make this a way to send Colin and Quinn home!

Peck-Exactly! And Maggie will stay with Quinn! Its perfect! We've abandoned all the other characters and turned Quinn into a total brainless its Rem's turn!

Waiter-Wait! It sounds like you guys are ending the series? How will you buy booze if Sliders doesn't continue?

Peck-Oh my gosh, you're right! Okay, we'll take Quinn and Colin home, but we'll end up making Quinn's parents total maniacs!!! What a great idea! What's your name, son?

Waiter-Keith...Keith Damron...

Peck-How'd you like to write for the show next year, since you saved Sliders and all?

Waiter-Leave Pizza Hut or destroy a Sci-Fi legend?

Peck-Free booze....

Waiter-I'll take it!!!!! And I have an idea for the beginning! Have a giant hand try to take Maggie!

Writer#1-That makes no sense...

Everyone-Its perfect!!!

And, so...a legend was born....
The Moral of the Story....

Don't let friends write drunk(or high)....

Your turn!


Date: 12/11/2000
From: slider75

I can't stop laughing, but it makes me think of stupid Peck and how I hate him. The one episode in season 4 which would have made up for all the crap in the season and he doesn't do it because Colin has a double. Are you a complete idot? Yes you are, that could have been worked around easily, you just don't like good story ideas!

Slide Rule #4C:

Date: 12/11/2000
From: Blinker

"The show ends when the vortex closes."

It doesn't matter if you leave it hanging whether the psychotic Mallory parents will be brought to justice, or whether the two fugitives who helped the Sliders will make it to safety. The *climax* of the show is when Quinn woodenly declares, 'I hope [we find my home world] too' and leaps into a logic-defying, train-pursuing vortex.


- David PeckinBlink 7:-P


Date: 12/11/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21

This is the "Moral of the Story Game"...give what you think was the moral of Revelations...

There are prizes!!!!

BTW...I wrote this, but Blink will take back over for Season 5...


get me my gun....

Date: 12/11/2000
From: Recall317

The moral of this story is....

'The laws of momentum are a trifling thing you should never concern yourself with because they seem to have no bearing on reality anyway.'

As bad as this episode is in every regard,the one thing that pissed me off the most was the leap from the train into the vortex. Now I'm seen the vortex do some freaked out shit before:

A) Morph through a solid wall to suck up a man and his Caddy
B) Track a crashing plane and safely deliver 4 imbeciles to safety from a height of a couple hundred thousand feet
C) Create a bubble universe for half of its cargo while painfully rejecting the other half...

But I've never seen a vortex hauling at about 50MPH chasing a moving train! WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING! I was expecting something cool, like Quinn aiming forward and having the vortex envelope them in a flash. But that was way too much ask.

I could go into how Quinn callously abandons Rembrandt, Wade, and everyone he ever knew, but I'm sure someone one else is more than willing to address that.

And the moral is...

Date: 12/11/2000
From: Brand_S

As the giant showed us in the beginning...

"No object is too big to fit in at least one of Maggie's orifices."


The envelope please....

Date: 12/11/2000
From: EustiSlider

The moral of the story is, if the guy from your homeworld doesn't know about the slidecage, HE'S NOT FROM YOUR HOMEWORLD!!! He's just some loser geek from an alternate Kromagg Prime looking to hitch a ride. Lose the idiot and marry his hot daughter.



Date: 12/12/2000
From: Informant

So this is why he's so lunchie.

The moral of the story is...

Date: 12/12/2000
From: ThomasMalthus never ever have any morals. Ever. For any reason. And if you feel like maybe you're starting to get some morals again, just remember one thing: This is the Peck era! Are you nuts?!? Then go get it on with Maggie a few more times.


Being the lazy person I am

Date: 12/12/2000
From: Vigeant

since I heard so much bad stuff about season four and the fact that I don't want to go across the room to get the remote I haven't seen it. However, for Blinker I have a bunch of amusing novelty pens. See...

Oh where was I?

So the moral of the story is that David Peckinpah is a cruel person bent on destroying the happiness of all people who like Sliders. He also likes hats. The End.


"Joel, I hate movies where the men wear shorter skirts than the women.."

VERY funny stuff, everyone...

Date: 12/12/2000
From: Wrong_Arturo

I nearly laughed myself hoarse. One correction, BlinkerQuinn21: In the end, it does NOT turn out that Quinn's parents are pyscho. Remember, this is not really their homeworld, so these two pyscho people are not his parents. In fact, if they had spent the whole season looking for their parents and the season finale revealed them to be the villains of the piece, THAT would have been a cool twist! As it is, we get a lame Post Trumatic Slide Syndrome retread that isn't half as interesting this time around. Yes, we call it Revelations, but there isn't a single revelation to be found anywhere in this episode! After all, we have to keep putting off this War-With-the-Kromaggs episode forever, using it as our bargaining chip to get renewed...until we get cancelled and the episode still hasn't been made!

Which brings us (da-da-da-DAA!) to the Moral of the Story:

If you have a season-long story arc, finish the arc at the end of the season!!

who believes that Marc's story was better before others got a hold of it.

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