Note: Prizes for this game are awarded in "Good Things and Bad -> State of the ART!"

Show & Tell -----> The Prince of Slides!

Date: 11/25/2001
From: Blinker

And now, prizes for "Moral of the Story." What did YOU earn?

• Slider_Quinn21 wins a "Beavis and Butthead" licensed IQ test!
• MissingTimeRyan wins a book of Pop-Tart recipes by Timer54321!
• Recall317 wins an extra-strength padlock to help in analyzing the next preposterous episode!
• TemporalFlux wins a first-class ticket to Hollywood to kick some FOX yes-men in the shins!
• Yeontoo wins firefighter-turned-actor Hank "Buddy" Strong in "Jaws of Life IV: Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Go Back Into the Burning Collapsing Warehouse!"
• SpiderMonkeeDolenz wins a frying pan with Barry Allen in it!
• Joey_Starr, sticking to both the episode's theme and his own, wins a sliderseth effigy!
• The_Seer wins flame-retardant goggles, so he'll never have to change his handle, if you catch my drift!

SYNTHIA: So what're you giving TM for his show-stopping musical number?

BLINKER: All the Gold Stars left over from the days my incompetent 7:-# forgot to hand any out. 7:-D

SYNTHIA [notices bulging sack he's carrying]: :-O !


BLINKER: Now then, to kick us off... I've got the six pence required to buy an entire vending machine's worth of candy!


BLINKER: Look! It clearly says, "Please insert 6P for all candy"! Now THAT'S generosity!

SYNTHIA: Well I don't have a pence, let alone six... but I *do* have Wade's bizarre diary entry, which begins "The music on this world is coming from the Sliders of another world. With Remmy, Quinn and Arturo comes the skills of sliding."

BLINKER: I've seen episodes of "Nick Freno: Licensed Teacher" that make more sense than that.

SYNTHIA: As have we all... wait a minute. No.

BLINKER: All right then! We did the teaser, you all cover the rest! Give me your tired, your poor, your items from or inspired by "The Prince of Slides," and other wretched refuse of your teeming shore. And try to have fun in the process!

- Blinker 7:-P

"'Dual time-tracks, alternate universes,' Miss LeLache said. 'Do you see a lot of old late-night TV shows?'" - Ursula K LeGuin, "The Lathe of Heaven"


Date: 11/25/2001
From: sliderseth



Date: 11/25/2001
From: Slider_Quinn21

((((Beginning Text))))----------[()::::+]

A vial of the virus that destroyed the female ability to carry a baby to term. We men have to start working on this NOW! :-)


I'll bring....

Date: 11/25/2001
From: HurriKain

... There is no beginning text....

Looks like I'll bring that painting of a past monarch (that looks suspiciously like Peckinpah). please ignore the small puncure hole, my dart board is broken. :-)

"I think it's time we blow this scene. Get everybody and their stuff together. Ok, three, two, one, let's jam."


Ursula K. LeGuin?

Date: 11/25/2001
From: ThomasMalthus

Beginning text, er, something something...I forget.

Didn't she write "The Left Hand of Darkness"? I always thought that book would be too dactylist for me to read...

Anyways, on to what I brought from "The Prince of Slides". Now all of us in the know about alternate history are aware that one of the fairly common subjects (meaning: not about the Confederacy winning the Civil War or the Nazis winning World War II but still repeated once or twice) is: What if George Washington had accepted the monarchy when it was offered to him? Since this would have been a little hackneyed for "Sliders" to cover, Peckinpah's writing staff deftly moved the subject of the colonial revolutionary accepting the monarchy speculative history to Thomas Jefferson, which undoubtedly was used to contrast the ideals of the revolution with the ethical compromises necessary for a newly independent America to once again accept a monarch after having just thrown off the chains of oppression...

BWAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face. Peck and crew probably thought that it WAS Jefferson that turned down the monarchy, proving once and for all that he's the last person who should be in creative control of a series dealing (ostensibly) with alternate history. So here's what I bring you: the crown they coronated Thomas Jefferson with. May it live forever as a monument to stupidity.

P.S. Thanks for the Gold Stars, Blinker. I'm thinking of making my very own private Star Chamber with them.


Showing and Telling...

Date: 11/25/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan


Lemme get this straight. Remmy's pregnant because he was given hormones so that he could carry a child? At least Sam was believeable when he was having that baby. Cute too in that dress. Getting back to the point.

MSR slaps on the latex gloves and the smock and wheels out two metallic containers. She raises both ends out of the formalin of each container to start her explanation.

If you look at the male physiology, there's no freaking space inside of him to carry a child. In the female you can see a space for a child to grow not in the male. Unless most of his internal organs were shifted upward or taken out, then Remmy could have enough space to carry that child. Otherwise, we're dealing with an X-File and for that you'd need the real Scully and Mulder. Or that we've got Remmy's double. LOL

Don't knock's extemporaneous prose and poetry. ;-) It could be worse, Tufty, you know like mine. LOL


Thank you

Date: 11/26/2001
From: Yeontoo


I want to thank you all! Without all of you, this would not have been possible! I love you!

This learning experience will never be forgotten, and I shall share it with my children's children's children.

Bows and Exits



Date: 11/26/2001
From: Recall317

Rent it now!

I have with me a lost artifact (that is unless TF's got it)-- the locket given to Rembrandt with a picture of the future king inside. I say it's lost because it was never mentioned again to my knowledge. That's a shame.

Though Rembrandt's pregnancy was played for comic effect, it no doubt left a lasting impression on him. In many ways, it is his child. And it's totally forgotten by next episode. You'd think with Wade's sudden late season obsession with babies, there'd be greater mention of Rembrandt's. It's too damn bad.

On a stranger note, I've always been intrigued by the random slow motion shot when Quinn is being pressed against the wall at the hospital. You can't really tell from Quinn, but all the people in the background are moving at half speed. Who directed this sequence? John Woo?


Got it here somewhere....

Date: 11/26/2001
From: SpiderMonkeeDolenz

txeT gninnigeB txeT gninnigeB txeT gninnigeB

Ah! Here it is. It's Arturo's degree in obstetrics. Who knew that ontology, cosmology and birthin' babies had so much in common?


I bring my psychotic rage... (part 2)

Date: 11/26/2001
From: SL4ever

Why are you looking at BT? GET IN THIS POST!!

In all honesty, this is the only Sliders ep I've never seen. From the time I saw the first previews I was turned off and skipped this ep, and I have managed to avoid it ever since. I have it on tape in case I ever weaken, but other the years it has been appealing to have a Sliders ep I haven't seen. The series is not really over for me until I have seen every ep.

I started writing a long rant for why I have never watched this ep and then I realized it would make a good Parting Shot so I'm saving it. LOL.

Anyone, I bring my stubbornness of not watching what I am sure is a very tedious ep.

PS. No doubt, Rec, Momento is AWESOME.

And Blinker wins...

Date: 11/26/2001
From: Vance454

Blinker, I don't think i've ever seen you win anything! So here we are. Your present from "The Prince of Slides"!

Blinker wins the umbilical cord from Rembrant's baby! Nice and slimy yet slightly decayed, this will bring great fun for all ages for years to come. Enjoy!

vance454 on aol im

Have a cigar ...

Date: 11/26/2001
From: The_Seer

you Blistering Idiot!

In celebration of the birth of Remmy's child, I brought the cigar that Arturo never got to smoke. And shame on the first person who reads this and suggests that we check Wade's wardrobe for a dress with a "mysterious stain".

P.S. To SL4Ever - Of all the episodes of the 3rd season, you pick THAT episode as the one you refuse to see?

I bring the Bizzaro Ray™...

Date: 11/27/2001
From: Joey_Starr

Beginnig Text Bad!


Which was developed to reverse the possibility of a man being able to take part in the pregnacy like it did in this ep. You have already seen it in action. I used it on sliderseth to make him post the most intelligent reply he has done to date. See reply #1 to this thread to see how well it works. Bizzare, yes?
Now I will try increase its power to see if it can make him: Stop being stupid, reply intelligently, not make unneeded threads, respect his fellow BBoarders, not diss Buffy, stop having orgies with his family members, pets, dolls, local rodents, etc. Oh wait, that kind of technology is far to advanced! Just give me a gun and we'll fix this problem by killing him!

I'm back Baby!

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