An Open Apology to TemporalFlux

Date: 04/01/2003
From: SpaceTime


I don't remember dreams very often but when I do they tend to stick with me for years. The other night, I had a dream about you. In it, I break into your apartment to steal something important (I can't remember what it is, Zach says the symbolism that I forgot is even stronger than if I remembered). When I went to take it from your table, I noticed a message written to me, saying that you knew I would try to steal this precious object and if it was gone I would be the obvious culprit.

The note didn't stop me. I quickly took the thing and spirited it away into my backpack. However, upon leaving, I walked by your bedroom window. I could see inside; you were playing video games with a friend. The brightness of your room was overwhelming, and seeing everything in perspective sent me back inside. I went to pick up and read the note again when the bedroom door opened and you stepped out. We looked at each other for a moment to size the other up. Then your eyes widened and you yelled "I knew it!"

You had caught me at long last, even as I was returning to the scene to redeem myself by putting the thing back where it was.

We argued, I protested, you vilified me. But as the time passed and we grew weary of our own obstinance, we sat, tired and exposed, and talked. Talked about a score of things personal and life-changing. When I left, we shook hands and parted FRIENDS.

That was when I woke up. And even though most dreams are cryptic with a multitude of meanings, this one was as clear as day.

Clear the air. Redeem one another. Move on together.

Powerful themes of life that aren't limited to the scope of our "relationship."

That is why, even if you will not sit with me this time, I will shake away the cobwebs and make the vision as clear as the sky over Bora Bora.

We have done each other wrong. I have others wrong as well, but I am stating plainly and honestly, that I am sorry for it all.

This BBoard is a realm unlike that in real life. The click of a button can inflict as much damage sometimes as a shot to the chin. I recognize that now, and am about to embark on a self-propelled journey to try and heal as many wounds as I can. Starting with you.

I apologize for all the wrongs done to you by me. Whether made in jest or spite they aren't needed in a civil community and I cast them aside. I don't seek or ask for your forgiveness. I just want you to know that I am sorry.

Best wishes,


Date: 04/02/2003
From: DieselPsychicDolenz

An April Fools' Joke like this.

I don't even stoop this low. And I fucked your mom last night.

The Board apologizes to TemporalFlux for this stunt. Timey will get his in the end.



Date: 04/02/2003
From: darkslider



Good one, Oedipus...

Good to see that you have chosen to be the 'voice' of the bboard and apologize.

Lord knows that's what those 'people' that sired you should do. If they could communicate on a level above grunts and gestures that is.

'...and I fucked your mother."

Took you all day to make that one, eh?

I swear, my sides nearly SPLIT WITH LAUGHTER at the OVERWHELMING HILARITY that erupted from tha 'fresh' retort.

If you're going to insult someone...for god's sake...DO IT RIGHT, Baby Huey. DON'T JUST READ SHIT THAT'S TATOOED ON YOUR FOREHEAD.

But that would be like asking you to use indoor plumbing...something we all know you just cannot use because sheer complexity of it's operation after you 'done used it'.

Besides...don't you have another letter to write to that someone special? You know, your lovebunny that comes in the form of an overweight director?

Stupid ass.


Dont be nasty

Date: 04/03/2003
From: SliderStar

I don't know what a troll is in BB world. I really am new and I don't know how everything works yet. If I offended you or even breached some etiquette I don't know about, I'm sorry. Still, it would have been nice to be welcomed instead of being called a troll. I've watched sliders since the beginning and have always loved it. I thought that's what this place was all about.

Great! Just what we need!

Date: 04/03/2003
From: Joey_Starr

BT is the biggest fool.
Just what we need! Another freakin' "newbie" with Star in his name!


I seem to be always clearing the air

Date: 04/03/2003
From: AlphaNova

Joey, I don't want any misunderstandings. I know you are not trying to accuse, but just to reassure you and everyone I have nothing to do with the Sliderstar posts.

I originally didn't want to comment on this post because it's really none of my business. I would like to try to post from now on about Sliders and science fiction in general.

Sliderstar, no offense, but there has apparently been problems with other people (or another person) posting under handles with "star" or "starr" in them. Joey was really the first person to post under a handle with "Starr". Because of the past problems, it's natural for a lot of people to question if this is a continuation of what occured before.

And to ST, I didn't want to do anything to disrupt your post. It was between you and TF, and I don't feel I have any right to interject. I only commented now because I do not want any more misunderstandings.


Let me get this straight

Date: 04/04/2003
From: SliderStar

The only reason this person has a problem with me is because of the name I picked? Just so you know, Star is a real nickname. I'm new to being on-line as well as BBoards. I love sliders and thought it would be nice to have people to talk to about one of my fav shows. I haven't caused trouble and don't plan on it so be nice please. I'm a very nice person once you get to know me. A little weird maybe, but who isn't? Anyway, hello to all. Did you guys see todays shows on scifi? I love Jerry.....sigh.

No defense?

Date: 04/05/2003
From: DieselPsychicDolenz

That is a real shame, Timey.

Say what you want about the way I phrase my posts, but you're skirting the issue. The only reason anyone would ever make fun of the diction of a sentence is because he AGREES with the sentence. He agrees, doesn't want to admit it, and still wants to make fun.

That's what 3 year olds do.

I don't see Timey denying that this is an April Fools' joke. I don't see this "changed" Timey, who went on to make fun of Blinker's own joke (once again, over diction).

Because this is a fraud. And a very low, pathetic fraud.

And if it isn't, then Timey is either very stupid or very schizophrenic. Either way, fake-apologizing to TemporalFlux is the least of his worries.


DPD, what are you babbling about?!

Date: 04/07/2003
From: SpaceTime

You pill-popping assnugget.         

I don't know what I have to defend here. Is it your deplorable "apology?" No, that's something you can defend all by yourself. Is it my statement made in this topic's origin? I could give a rat's dick what you think about it. The letter was not to you, it was to TemporalFlux. What he chooses to do with the information is up to HIM, not you.

So really, what's to defend? My dissection of your remarkably poor grammar and analytical skills vis a vis Michael Moore? I said everything I needed to say to you in that topic; if you felt you deserved a response you should have thought to reply in a more timely manner. However, you are wrong - I don't agree with you and my pointing out your inability to formulate a correct sentence doesn't change that.

Lastly, this topic has nothing to do with Blinker. Is his name in the title? Ridiculous. As for my reply to him in the following topic, it has nothing to do with diction. If you bothered to read up on the situation, you'd know it's quite the opposite. Congratulations on learning what "diction" means, though. Nice to see you work your "word of the day" into your reply twice, bonehead.

You're right about one thing, though. My discourse with TemporalFlux is the absolute least of my worries, since ultimately the ball is now in his court, and has been for a while.

I've said my piece, you ridiculous wannabe. Shut the fuck up and go play with the rest of the flamebait.


An OPEN Apology to TemporalFlux

Date: 04/07/2003
From: DieselPsychicDolenz

And you call me an idiot.

You posted this on a fucking BBoard, dumbass. When you post something on a board, people are going to read it. Even if its something personal.

If you wanted privacy between yourself and Flux, you should've sent an e-mail. No one but you and him could've read that.

But no, you had to go this route. Why is that? Is it because you were afraid he wouldn't read it or wouldn't respond?

Well, open your damn eyes. He ain't responding to this either. You're not getting any closer, and you should've known this coming in.

No, you did this because you wanted to look like the good guy for once. But to please your dark soul, you did it on April Fools' Day. So, you could sit in the corner and giggle at your own sad little joke.

But no one bought it. We all saw through your pathetic attempt at humor and "goodwill".

I really hope you have changed. Honestly. Because you need to change. But since you openly attacked Blinker for no reason AFTER this epiphany, I assume you haven't.

Fuck the old posts. I responded to the protester one and you ignored it. I didn't respond to the Michael Moore post because your reply lacked substance. And unlike you, I don't enjoy arguing with myself.

If you have something to say, say it. Don't be a pussy, hiding behind the "you didn't respond to me, so I won't respond to you" defense.

I don't care if I never respond to you, speak your goddamned mind. Don't attack my fucking grammar. Like I said to darkslider, that's what three year olds do when they don't have anything clever to say.

And admit this was a joke. We'll all be better afterwards.


You're right.

Date: 04/07/2003
From: SpaceTime

You ARE an idiot.             

I didn't say you couldn't respond to this post. I just said I didn't care what you thought, or think. The post was made exactly because it could be read by all. If you and the rest of the peanut gallery feel like you need to chime in with your withered, useless opinions, by all means. I'm taking none of them into account as the matter, ultimately, doesn't pertain to you.

If TemporalFlux chooses to ignore this post in perpetuity, that is at his discretion. If nothing comes of it, at least my feelings were aired.


The rest of your reply is absolute gibberish. I expect a timely response if I am to actually engage in the debate. If you don't reply for a week, and the topic scrolls off the topic of the page, you can continue to ramble all you want, I won't see it. That, along with the overall lack of intelligent content, are why your delayed reactions are meaningless.

Telling me to speak my mind is one of the most laughable, retarded things I've ever heard. That's all I do here, Pinnochio.

And again, thank you for championing the well-being of the board. You may be an angry out-of-nowhere asshole whose sole purpose is to make people think DMD is a bitter half-wit, but at least you seem to think I care one iota what you say or do.

Go take your crusade where people might actually be thankful for it. Your empty words and hollow gestures won't win you any friends.

And lastly, you said *I* was the one acting like a three-year-old. Just a few posts up. God, you're an imbecile.



Date: 04/08/2003
From: DieselPsychicDolenz

I think you're enjoying this. Why else would you be avoiding the issue at heart? Just close the book and answer the damn question.

Is this a joke or are you a moron (because you don't understand the calendar)?

Answer that and this discussion will end.

Sigh all you want, dingleberry

Date: 04/08/2003
From: SpaceTime

I answered your question.         

Several times.

I'm not going to spell it out for you, kumquat. Analyze what's been written a couple times and derive the conclusion yourself. I'm not your mother.

By the way, if you think I enjoy having to turn one of my posts into an ABC lesson for an idiot, think again.

Boneheaded ass.


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