Sliding Leap Fanfic...Part 20

Date: 11/01/2001
From: ScifiSTP

December 12, 1997

She was getting a bit tired as she crossed the Hoover Dam. Logan figured that she would stop at the next gas station to get something to drink. It was early in the morning and she hadn't slept since she got to this world. The whole situation was strange. Maybe along with sliding, she could find out more about this time travel thing as well. It would be benificial on her world in order to aquire fossil fuels. It seemed that every day her anger at Quinn and the others grew even more. Not only had he not helped her out, but had sent her sliding around without a clue as to the coordinates to get her home. She had to pay him back for that, even though he was drifting just like she was.

It was very dark out and she rarely saw street lights. This world seemed to have an energy crisis of their own, just not as bad as her world. She figured that to ad insult to injury, when she got back to her world and perfected sliding, she would come back here and strip them of their dwindling resources.Before all that, she had to sneak into this project in New Mexico. From the sound of it, this Sam guy was more of a pain in the ass as Quinn was. Her plan was to threaten to destroy the project if Quinn didn't give her the proper coordinates to her homeworld. She'd get them, and then sabatoge the project. She knew that Quinn's friends wouldn't slide without him and it seemed that without helping the project, that Sam and Quinn would not switch places.

She drove the car, winding through the rough terrain. She needed a gun as well. Her's had been taken and she couldn't threaten the project without a weapon. For that matter she would need to get a hostage as soon as she got to the project. The road never seemed to end. She hoped she came upon something soon. Luckily she wasn't in need of gas.

After many miles of nothing she came upon a gas station. It looked run down but still in use. It was closed for the night but luckily she hadn't planned on paying for anything. She figured that she would simply break in, get what she needed and then leave.

As she pulled in she noticed no signs of life anywhere. Off in the distance down the road were headlights. She figured that they were far enough away to where she'd be done by the time they reached the gas station. It was strange seeing this car. She had only seen a car or two since she left Las Vegas. After getting out she found a board on the ground. This would do. With angry force she smashed the board through the window. Glass shattered everywhere. She paused for a moment. No alarm went off. This would be easier than she thought. She kncoked away the rest of the loose glass so that she could step in the small store. It was pitch black. With that she went back to the car to get the flashlight in the back seat. Glancing down the road she didn't see the headlights. Now the pressure was really off her.

After grabbing the flashlight she made her way back into the store. She had done this many times in the past while sliding. After orignially sliding, she had no money and only the clothes on her back. This led her to stealing and breaking into places to get what she needed. There were a few times she almost got caught. All of this was Quinn's fault. She wasn't all bad, she had just been driven to act these ways. Overall she just wanted things better on her world. She felt that if things didn't work out there, that it would be her fault, that she would have let them all down. When she started working on sliding with the others, making her world a better place was the main goal. After problems and threats from the government to shut the project down, things changed, she changed. It was no longer just to help her world, but to prove to the government, to everyone, that she wasn't a failure.

She shined the light around and found some drinks. Looks like she could stock up on alot of things while she was here. Hopefully she could find a gun of some sort as well. After throwing things into a basket she went towards the register. Maybe she would find some cash as well. She grabbed a hammer from behind the counter and repeatedly hit the register. After about seven slugs, the drawer opened. There was nothing in it. The person who works here must put it in a safe at night. She didn't have time to find the safe and try and break into it, the two groups she was following were getting farther from her. With that in mind she searched for a gun behind the counter. She shined her flashlight around some more and finally come upon something shiney. It was a small handgun. Laying next to it was a box of shells for the gun. This was too easy. She opened the chamber on the gun. There were a few bullets left in it. She figured that she got all she needed.

With that she stepped out the way she came in. She panned the landscape looking for cars. There was nothing to be seen except the night sky. She hopped in the car and sped off, hoping to gain ground on her foes.


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