Computer Game Demo here!!!!

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Fish_Bone

Well the sliders game demo is at Sliders Central now!

Go to Exclusives Section. They have some pictures. However the demo seems to not work for some people. The game did not work for Sliders Central so the pictures shows how the game might look for some people. However, i have been told that 4 people were able to get the game to work right! If the game works for you, and looks better then the pictures.
TELL ME!!! The title shot looks ok.

The game is also at Mr. Brown's site. (I know you people hate him, but come on)

Real game to be out late April.

Fish Bone


Date: 2/14/2000
From: Ryan_May

The first site's URL you gave gets a "file not found" page on the download link of the game demo. Just so you know.

- Ryan_May

another prob! lol

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Vance454

i cant get it to work unles im connected to the internet!!! i dont think that this should happen. but i played it and i was tripping out!!!! my whole family thought i was crazy! remmy shoots musical notes!! LMAO!!!!! great job guys, and yes!!! i would def. buy it!!!

Vance454 aka Mallory1370

vance454 on aol im

Thanks to Ryan_May

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Fish_Bone

I will talk to Sliders Central about the problem.
The last page works however! If for some reason you can't work that page, bookmark Sliders Central and maybe they can fix the problem fast. Keep in mind Sliders Central up dates everyday so you will be told if they fix the problem!

Thank you Vance454!

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Fish_Bone

That problem only seems to work with you, sorry.
Yes i did make Remmy shot music notes for a lark. Wade shots
hearts, Quinn shots brain waves and i still have not made my mind as to what Arturo should shot. In the demo, when you play the professor, you have to get across the room before the timer runs out. And the demo and "the real game" will be free, no money needed. For more info, go to help on the game. Have fun.

Fish Bone

Fish Bone..

Date: 2/15/2000
From: Vigeant

out of curiosity is this game made in Klik n Play?(Or one of those thingies from Europress) It looked like it from the screen shots.

Fish Bone..

Date: 2/15/2000
From: Vigeant

out of curiosity is this game made in Klik n Play?(Or one of those thingies from Europress) It looked like it from the screen shots.


Date: 2/16/2000
From: Fish_Bone

Yes, it's a up-dated version of Klick & Play.

Original URL
Nominated by Fish_Bone

