Title Date Description
JFK jr. (NSR) 7/19/99 "A sad post about JFK jr." - Fish_Bone
A Current Affair 7/27/99 Predictions about the quality of "A Current Affair"
Sliders and Quantum Leap 8/3/99 "What Quantum Leap and Sliders have in common." - Fish_Bone
Hate people who hate season 5??? 8/23/99 Another attempt at peace goes down in flames.
SpaceTime 8/24/99 FB becomes the first to ask ST why he turned "mean."
Can the timer kill? 9/3/99 Well? Can it?
Requiem is in ONE HOUR! 9/10/99 "This was made two hours before one of the great episodes of season 5, that everyone wanted to see." - Fish_Bone
A poll on BuffyBoy!!!! 9/22/99 How do others feel about BuffyBoy?
Judgement Day: something to think about 10/10/99

"Me, talking about end of the world. Also shows me and my brother fighting."

(Addendum added 1/17/05)

The Future of California (NSR) 10/16/99 Doom and gloom for the Golden State?
To HunterD and other JOC haters. 10/24/99 JOC vs. ??? in a Celebrity Death Match!
JOC Sensitive about Sliders? 10/24/99 "About Jerry not wanting to talk about Sliders." - Fish_Bone
Sliders on Talk Soup 10/29/99 Well.... not exactly.
Favorite Music? (Poll) 11/14/99 "This is a Music Poll I made. This was a great poll, because around this time, people made all kinds of weird polls. I also made this before all the 'kids' of the Bboard, made Music Polls a everyday thing."
Year: 2015 1/2/2000 Remember 2015 in Back to the Future II?
Listen Up Every One! 1/15/2000 "trying to make fun of MrQball with MrQbell. It got alot of laughs! " Rumor has it, FB was also mrbrown_1602
I need help from the fans! 2/3/2000 Gathering info for his own Sliders game
Sliders: The Computer Game (Demo) 2/5/2000 Want a copy of the demo for Fish_Bone's computer game?
Computer Game Demo here!!!! 2/14/2000 Announcing the demo of Fish_Bone's Sliders Computer game
To: HunterD Raven 3/1/2000 HunterD and JOC 1-on-1?
YES!!! THERE IS A GOD! (NSR) 3/17/2000 "Here I beat a nintendo game, that was hard. I had to tell everyone how happy I was. " - Fish Bone
Some good news! (SGR) 3/23/2000 "Here I make alot of people happy for getting Silverguy in trouble." - Fish_Bone
Damn Hunter!!!! 3/24/2000 "Here, I put a smile on HunterD_Raven." - Fish_Bone
Sliders Prejudice? 3/27/2000 "Here I made a joke...that many people did not think was funny. LOL!" - Fish_Bone
Historical Moments 4/12/2000 "The post that gave me the idea for the Hall of Fame" - Eusti
Quinn and his Bifocals 4/19/2000 "People fess up to being blind. In this post about Quinn's glasses."-Fish_Bone
Are You A Child Of The 2000s??? 4/21/2000 A look at the future?
Sliders (NSR) 4/26/2000 "First Non-related Sliders post that was about Sliders."-Fish_Bone
Happy Birthday Fish_Bone!!! 5/11/2000 It's Fish_Bone's birthday! Too bad no one remembered.
Zelda goes sliding 5/17/2000 Zelda and parallel universes.
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