Some good news! (SGR)

Date: 3/23/2000
From: Fish_Bone

I just talked with the Bboard Admin, and he deleted his handle....and i just stold his handle!!! Silverguy will never annoy us AGAIN! EVER! Bad news is we can't make fun of him! Still, reply to my above post so the bboard admin knows how much we thank him!!!

A Happy Fish Bone


HALLELUJAH!!!! My work here is done!!!!!

Date: 3/23/2000
From: SiIverguy

Rock on, BBoard Admin.


So Silverguy....

Date: 3/23/2000
From: Fish_Bone

How does it feel to know your handle is gone? And SiIver is spelled Silver. I talked with the Bboard Admin, he will ban you next time.


Date: 3/23/2000
From: Informant

But what keeps him from getting a new handle?

Unless I just gave him the idea. D'OH!

fish don't worry about siiverguy but

Date: 3/23/2000
From: JLBanker

It is one of my old handles that someone else may have just registered... I don't think it is Silverguy so there is nothing to worry about.... now what I would worry about it Slyder since he is silverguy.

But every now and then can't we...

Date: 3/23/2000
From: hakavonn

mention "tinfoil boy"? I think it'll be a euphemism we'll all understand...and can make fun THAT way!

Mark up another one for the good guys!!!

Date: 3/24/2000
From: Sliding_Cpt_Bridger

And let's have a special round of applause for Fish Bone!!!!!

He kicked ass and took at least. LOL

Sliding Captain Bridger


Date: 3/24/2000
From: Afl

...ANNOYING. Thank you Fish_Bone and Glen, the administrator, for getting rid of him. I just hope this is the last we will see of him.

AfL :)

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Nominated by Fish_Bone

