I wasn't going to say anything but...

Date: 2/21/99
From: SliderNum5

You all are dragging this beret war thing a little too far. I mean, it was cute at first, then it was kind of annoying, now its gotten to the point when it reminds me with the flaming posts we were complaining about. So I say just make a freaking trues!


I threw in the towel..

Date: 2/21/99
From: spaz119

awhile back myself. I'm still my snotty-Jerry-obsessed self but I am sure a "beret" reference will pop up for awhile til everyone realizes it over. Hang tough buddy....new and old episodes will be here soon!!


you know you probably

Date: 2/21/99
From: 1013shan

shouldn't have said anything then... what right do you have to judge others people's fun? "No people were injured in the filming of the beret wars", so next time keep it to yourself.


I agree with SliderNum5. ===> END

Date: 2/21/99
From: Executive



Date: 2/21/99
From: 1013shan

you would..have you ever thought about taking a less critical attiude of others? or did you get the message directly from God that you should butt in where you don't belong and belittle others? Don't fogret one day it shall be your turn to be judged.

Poor babies...

Date: 2/21/99
From: Grim_Reaper

noone invited them to the party, so now they are pouting! Stop these foolish protests against the beret war. It is all fun and games to bide the time until the new episodes come around. No one has been hurt ...... yet.

God! What cry babies there are on this board! Here is a clue, Exec, if it says "beret" anywhere in the post title, SKIP that post.
One more whining post about ending the beret war and I am going to make a post every single day describing in intimate detail how berets are made, how they are transported to stores, and I will list mindnumbing statistics on who buys berets! Do you feel lucky, punk? C:^)

I have every right 1013shan <end>

Date: 2/21/99
From: SliderNum5


I have this to say...

Date: 2/22/99
From: TemporalFlux

The posts that were about the Beret War were clearly marked. Therefore, they are very easy to skip over if you don't want to read them (just like fan fiction, off topic posts, etc.). So, #1 - anyone complaining about the Beret War is not coming off as very intelligent in my eyes since you obviously have not realized you don't have to read the posts (the flame wars were different...they happened everywhere with no discernable way to tell them apart from regular posts), and #2 - what annoys one person is another person's treasure (to alter an old clich'e). In a nutshell, respsect amoung people is a two way street.

The Beret War members have shown respect by labeling almost all their postings on that subject where people not interested can avoid if they want. In my mind, respect should be returned by taking advantage of their courtesy and just skipping over it if bothers you (they respected the board enough to give a marker...where is your respect?) And I would like to cite that the original Slidernum5 posting here was labeled in a very generic manner...not allowing people to avoid the topic if they wished to.

If one person has a right, then we all do. Otherwise, freedom does not truly exist. By labeling the posts, the Beret War members were not infringing on anyone else's rights (i.e. if an area is labeled for smoking, then the smokers don't infringe on your right to breathe clean air if you walk in that room). However, telling people to stop an action you don't like when they've given you a way to avoid it is an infringement of rights, in my opinion (i.e. do you tell the smokers to stop smoking in the labeled smoking room because it bothers you?). Of course, that is only my view based on the system of freedom I have to come to enjoy in the United States. Your view may differ...but in my opinion, nothing became ugly about "The War" until the complaint post which started this thread.


1013shan and Grim_Reaper

Date: 2/22/99
From: Executive

Just by stating in a single-line statement that I agree with SliderNum5 is no reason to insult me!! Just for the record, I do skip over the "beret war" posts. And 1013shan, I was really surprised at your comments -- after all of the X-Files-related discussions we've had I thought we were friends!

Here, here TemporalFlux,

Date: 2/22/99
From: Boof

couldn't have said it better. By the way are you a lawyer or in law school? Very well said.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4485
Nominated by Blinker

