Spaz119 Mychand!!!!!

Date: 2/15/99
From: 1013shan

you are funny funny girls!!!!! Mychand, you pegged her (and me - but you had some clues!) and Spaz119-supressing the idea so that you don't throw yourself in front of a train!!ha!!that was great. And I thought I was a funny girl (I'm really only funny when I'm not trying to be, it's sad really)

anyhow girls rule !!!!!yeah!!! boys just argue..silly silly boys.

And spaz119 - it's OK, COC does have his moments (of course, i missed that show also but oh well - was it good or was COC good?)
How old???hmmm born 101368 (that's where I get my handle) you'll have to do the math....get out the calculator its a BIG number!!

Mychand - where have you been buddy??? Oh and where are ST lastslider and Boof, my other funny funny girls? I miss them....

Ok later potatos. I just wanted to give cresit where credit was due!!



Date: 2/15/99
From: TemporalFlux

I'll have you know something little missy, boys don't always argue! Especially the silly, silly ones...they're just too silly for that. How could you say such a thing to incite an argument with me...wait a minute. Damn...I just proved you right. It's a trap, boys!! Run!!!



well TF!!!

Date: 2/15/99
From: 1013shan

now that I've got your attention (and by the bye thanks for being so fast to prove my girls are better than boys theme) you might also enjoy my thread under the BERETS? post above... I have called for an alliance of the girlie girls..well you'll just have to read it yourself...

By gum they better get some new eps on and fast!!!!

Berets for Everyone!!
And wear it with a smile damn it!!1

I see how it is!

Date: 2/15/99
From: Grim_Reaper

First you try to take David from me, and now TemporalFlux! Must you steal all the unattainable men I long for, Shan?



Date: 2/15/99
From: Mychand

Thanks alot 1013shan. You know what for. But really, thanks alot!!! Yes, I had alot of clues. HEY EVERYONE..SHE REALLY IS MEG RYAN. LOL Hey now, cool it with the age thing. I am suddenly feeling VERY OLD. :o(

Oh, and YES!!! Girls do rule!!! Sorry TF, you are outnumbered and can't touch this one.

Hmmmmm.....Looks like TF has some secret admirers. You go girls!

Mychand :o)

I agree with Temporal flux

Date: 2/16/99
From: Slider365

....It is a trap, Guys, we need to stick together.
Besides guys don't start fights you girls do we just finish them.<HAHAHAHA>

Ok boys, spaz is

Date: 2/16/99
From: spaz119 can all run off terrified( this is my usual
effect on men <honest>). If I have my way you'll all be wearing nothing but towels and be subject to MY
whims so shooooo!

So....'68 huh? I knew I was more mature (ahem), born in "67 but it feels like 1867 this morn. I tried to post last night, and it was as if I was in a "POSTCAGE" and unable to make contact with the outstide (that would be you). AND let me tell you this, there were no sexy Jerry men running around with
sleeveless shirts exposing their kissable shoulder
freckles!! (not even goofy duck-running brothers who I had to gag and retrain before getting any use out of them) Nope, just my webtv, taunting me with the fact I just could not get in here to post!! I even
tried whipping the tv with my beret...nothing.
Ok, I'm up to talking about Charlie...even though he
had that particularly dense look last night, I can
assure you when the man did nothing but kiss for a whole show(that Duncan/Zoe thing), he kinda got to me. Ok, silenced in a towel...I would let him wear my beret(unless of course it's what I used to gag him or had him wearing INSTEAD of a towel).

I hope you BOYS aren't still here....what's that? The snapping of a towel? You better run!!! Actually I think it may be a train whistle in the distance.

PS. I think I don't have to explain why I chose the name "spaz" do I? Didn't think so.

Hey Shan

Date: 2/17/99
From: Boof

Sorry I've been away for a while. Just kinda in and out. Working 2 jobs is killing me right now with my husband out to sea. Not much time to spare these days. I also got sick of all the crap that was going around so I figured I would take a break from the children's sounding board. Anyway, the best year of all is 69. Not just because I was born that year but I'm sure all you ladies can figure out the rest. 121769 So, so far we are 29, 30 and 31. Anyone else out there this brave? Ok so what is this Baret thing everyone is talking about? I'm clueless. Was this Monday a new show or yet another repeat? I had to work and forgot to set the VCR, which is pretty pathetic considering we have 3 in the house to choose from. Anyway, please someone help me.

As ever,

The Boofster

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